Hatch Idea

Hey guys just a hatch Idea because it honestly sucks to be on both sides of this.
Hatch only opens for 3 minutes in the end game (or any other amount of time decided by the devs). After this time the hatch has to be opened with a key or after a gen is done.
Killers have a smaller window to grab survivors out of the hatch.
Please don't come in complain about why I am dumb because I haven't considered XYZ. Please lets put our minds together on this.
How does hatch suck on both sides?
Hatch stand off yes, but try to bait the killer away from hatch and you can escape, or try to mess with the killer and make them think you ran away from the hatch
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Well you often get in these stand offs and it can be a drag. It would be much better to force the game to not be standing around for 20 minutes with most killers.
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That can take ages and sometimes for me as killer it ends up just me and them standing there waiting for me to hit them. That's why I think the hatch should close so survivors can't abuse the hatch for an escape.
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And what can you do as killer? WAit for the survivor to do a mistake?
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the hatch timer wouldn’t work because killers in a hatch standoff would gladly sit there for three minutes waiting to grab the last survivor
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It’s not abusing the hatch for an escape when you do the only 2 gens and your teammates a e terrible
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I agree that a timer would fix the hatch 'standoff'
A standoff is a test of who can outlast who.
Fair scenario . .
3rd survivor escapes/dies . . hatch opens and a 60 second timer starts
killer finds hatch first or killer meets survivor at hatch . . no one makes a move within 60 seconds the game ends. Survivor doesn't escape and killer doesn't get the kill.
It's really a simple fix to the problem, which isn't the hatch, but the hatch 'standoff'
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For your fist comment the idea of the game is 'Hope' it says it all through the lore. The hatch is so you can still escape or have a chance to escape so the hatch. I don't think abusing is the right word; I would use 'boring'.
In your second comment I read this as "The killer who has killed all of your friends and deserves the 4 man will gladly wait 3 minutes for what they deserve." In my model I cover that you can either wait the time and go for the hatch, or do another gen. The survivor has the chance to get the hatch but if the killer gets it first they win unless the survivor gets another gen and forces the killer off the hatch and slips in. My design changes the dynamic of the game from standing around to actually playing it.
Thanks for your support.