Can you killswitch MTF?

Every lobby with at least 2+ MFTs and hope on top.
Is MFT bugged?
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It's currently causing meltdowns, and that's not listed on the perk description, so... yes?
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People on forums and such are complaining about it, but that doesn't make the perk bugged in the game.
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Something being overpowered isn't a good reason to killswitch it if it's not bugged.
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That isn't what the killswitch is for, and I think it'd be a really bad precedent to set to expand the killswitch to this too.
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It is not, but i can't play majority of my killers because of that.
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It's not going to get killswitch as the point of the killswitch is to disable things that are broken that would negatively impact games. Like Wesker getting disabled for a bug that turned him invisible.
You'll just have to wait for the devs to address MFT.
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Unless it's game-breaking it won't get killswitched.
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Do you remember the time when the kill switch got kill switched?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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Can we kill switch pop and pain res? i see it every game
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It's not bugged, its currently in this week's shrine. So usage rate has gone up I guess.
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After 5 years they will nerf MFT, but DBD will probably die before
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Can't wait until the MFT nerf comes and people realize they're still losing games, lmao.
Wonder what they'll blame then...
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Will 100% cry for the next current thing, lithe, sprint burst, windows of opportunity, adrenaline, resilience... it never ends. Need something to blame for my skill issue
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TBF, MFT is a special kind of annoying because it's so subtle. It's really hard to tell when it's in effect, and yet it's effect ripples into every single interaction... and the only way the Killer can account for it is to delete all existing timings and assume everyone has MFT.
Every loop around a pallet, every mind game, every break off to a new loop, MFT affects everything... Every single other perk you've mentioned there either gives a benefit that the killer can see and react to, or doesn't alter the Killer's gameplan/timings significantly... but MFT is a general paranoia that messes with your timings and makes you question everything that you do, so it's unbelievably hard to learn how to deal with it, because you simply can't tell if it's just someone juicing you with pure skill, or if it's MFT, or both.
The fact is, Killers play Killers that are fun to play, and MFT is a generally annoying perk that killers don't wanna deal with by unlearning their timings to account for it... this paranoia around MFT is a pain in the ass that nobody wants.
So the reason MFT gets the hate it does, is it's a far bigger slap in the face for the Killers that are already not good in chase. A lot people don't bother playing killers weak in chase like Pig, Trapper, Nightmare, etc, because chase and map presense is King in DbD, and instead they just go for your Blights, Spirits, Nurses and Weskers. the fact MFT exists furhter encourages these killers because, unlike their weak chase counterparts, they don't have to care about MFT.
So if you're someone who already doesn't play the big 4, because you like playing other killers, MFT is basically a constant reminder that you should be playing the Killers that don't care about it.... which I don't need to tell you is very frustrating to accept.
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I agree MFT needs some changes, or haste effects in general (my idea is to make them to not stack, game should use the strongest effect without stacking, also values between MFT and "Boon: Dark Theory" should be swapped).
But its is nowhere near any valid reason to killswitch anything.
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I don't disagree but both sides of the coin have to be considered, are you ok with save the best for last or coup de grace, or next alien perk rapid brutality ?
These perks massively mess with distances and timings, if I want MFT deleted and I'm logic with myself then I want these perks deleted too
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EDIT: Ofc I realise I've taken the bait and started debating MFT again... and lord knows we have plenty of these threads already... To keep on track to the OP... no MFT shouldn't be Killswitched. It's not what the Kilswitch is for. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
In all 3 cases, I agree this same problem exists, though I have stronger opinions on some rather than others.
- Save the Best For Last is very strong, but at the very least it must be built up, it's not an out of the gate power up. Before it starts to get strong the survivor will be getting the 165% speed boost for 3 seconds after being hit to make it to another loop, which they will usually still do prior to the 4 stack tipping point.
- Coup De Grace is really strong now... like nastily strong, and like MFT, comes passively as a result of the Killer not doing anything to earn it (in fact the opposite, failing to achieve their objective). I'd be more in favour of this perk buiding up 2 tokens per gen to a maximum of 2 (multiple gen pops means no extra tokens for you), and you lose a token on ANY successful attack. Basically, you use them or lose them. At least then the Killer is forced to show his hand, and the survivors can see it in effect early and account for it, instead of being completely in the dark until it really matters.
- Rapid brutality, I haven't seen in game yet... I'm not a fan of the idea of subtle haste buffs, but it does come at the loss of Bloodlust... which is not insignficant... I imagine some killers will greatly benefit from RB, whereas others will find it trash.... so I'd have to see it in practise to see it's overall value.
The reason I push so much harder vs. MFT compared to these perks, is the Killers are all unique characters, and none of these perks are a universal best choice for all Killers. A lot of the time the Killers that really get high value out of them are Killers that are usually in need of help.
MFT helps all survivors the same, and as pointed out, it hurts the Killers that shouldn't be being pushed behind.