Fall in Attitude of DBD Player Base



  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited August 2023

    Yeah I hate to say it, but I am getting really close to being done with the game. I just cant stand the meta anymore, and the constant sweaty matches. I dont remember the last time I had FUN in this game, I have been playing it out of habit.

    My 2 week average on steam has droppped to 10 hours now, it used to be over 100. Other games have finally been coming out, so I am getting close to being able to just stop. My 2 week average in a game less than 7 days old is nearly 40 hours, so its not like I am bored of gaming.

    The only thing keeping me going is I currently have 100% achievements and challenges done, so I try to keep that up. Its some weird thing in my completionist head.

    The only good thing is yes, I have bought all the DLC but I havent bought a single auric cell in over a year. I used to buy the 12500 pack multiple times a year, that makes me feel better.

    Im actually getting to the point where I hate the game. I hate the community, I hate the toxicity, I hate the meta.

    Survivors will bring a full swf, map offering, bullying tactics but winge about the killer being toxic.

    I dont know if the game can be saved for me, youd almost need to start completely fresh with a dbd 2

    Post edited by bornagain234 on
  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    It started with the meta shake-up. With the DS nerf there's no DS threat so there's no reason not to tunnel because turning a 4v1 in a 3v1 is the best strategy. On the other hand, killers basekit buff and survivor perks being nerfed meant chases were shorter so survivor need to do the gens quicker, so killers need to kill them quicker possible and in circles we go.

    Every update since then has worsen the issues on both sides. Kinda stupid how the survivor meta rn is based around staying injured the entire game because even healing has become too much of a waste of time, while on the killer side taking one person out quickly has pratically become the norm.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited August 2023

    The issue with this is that DBD games snowball hard. If someone rage quits after going down 45 seconds into the match then the killer was likely going to win regardless. If a guy goes down that fast then how likely is it that he can last for 4-5 gens if the killer decides to tunnel? In my experience the first chase is always the biggest indicator of how a match is going to go. Short first chase = killer wins. Long first chase = survivors win unless they do something dumb like three gen themselves.

    A lot of why people suicide on the hook probably has to do with them having a feeling of hopelessness. People probably assume that the game is over for them when they get downed early. Especially considering how common tunneling is nowadays. Solo players do not care about their teammates so they aren't going to stick around because it's the moral thing to do.

  • ThatRedPyramidThing
    ThatRedPyramidThing Member Posts: 91

    Chasing is the worst it's ever been for killer. Even with the buffs for chasing. A single chase can and typically will cost you either 2 or 3 gens. The maps are filled to the brim with pallets and windows. And thanks to WoO survivors know that exactly where the safe ones are and where resource are still up. This means most chases are extended.

    Then on top of WoO there is MfT and Resilience which further extends chase. Then God forbid the survivors are even half ass coordinated then you gotta deal with body blocks, flashlights, sabos, and cruelest of all the Buckle Up FtP combo.

    The devs nerfed every single regression perk which was what gave the killer time to do chases. Then to make it worse after nerfing the regression they released several perks that speed up gens for survivor. So gens go even faster than they did before despite the 10 second time increase. BHVR completely erased the one real buff killers got in years.

    And if you pay attention survivors KNOW chases are how Killers lose the game. And I can PROVE that survivors know this, because the 4 killers they hate the most are the 4 killers who can get around the chase.

    Nurse and Blight are hated because they are actually good in chase and can win them.

    Sadako is hated because she can ignore the chase.

    And the most despised is Skull Merchant who also not only ignores the chase but forces survivors to come to them.

    You will also notice they hate basement builds because those builds also ignore the chase.

    This is all proof that chasing is a bad idea for killer and everyone knows it.

    Camping and tunneling are good counters to chases and guaranteed kills.

    Things will only get worse until BHVR balances around gens done rather than kills|escapes. Because kill rates are vastly inflated thanks to survivors throwing in the end game. 99% of kills happen AFTER all 5 gens are done. If survivors actually left after the final gen almost all games would be 0k or 1k and 2k at max.

    BHVR needs to release the data on how many gens get done on average per match and how many survivors are still alive on average when 5th gen is done.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    How do people know they aren't having fun? I already covered that with laggy Killers, hated Killer choice, and/or bug abuse by the Killer being probably the largest reasons.

    I would say it (rage DC/kobe first hook) only affects less than 5% of my matches, so its likely negativity bias making it appear more common. That is unless you are using the 'two nickels odd it happens that much' logic.

    Also this is irrelevant to your point, but all Killers carry people at the same speed. Nurse carries at the same speed as Huntress and the same speed as Trapper, and Agitation gives a percent (Haste I think) boost to the static carry speed. You said Huntress was a slow Killer, which true, she is no slower than any other Killer with Agi when carrying people. Irrelevant tangent over.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 261

    You can chase but you need to down survivors very fast, ideally around 30 seconds, 45 or so max, you just dont have the time for much longer chases. Thats also why alot of killers camp and tunnel at the start of the game cause they just dont have the time to chase properly, even more so to play for 12 hooks cause the game isnt balanced around that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You could get downed in the first chase and still make it out. The match isn´t over untill all survivors are either dead or out.

    I find it worrysome how people don´t even attempt to improve. You can only improve if you play against better players. Learn from the mistakes. DCing/suiciding on the first inconvenience will only lead to one thing: p100 players that last 20 seconds in a chase but think they are gaming gods.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe its a region thing. But i can´t remember when i had the last laggy killer. Teammates with red bars next to their name are more common though.

    You can identify a bug abusing killer in the first 30 seconds?

    Hated killer choice? So you only want to play against killers you like?

    If you only encounter 5% of your matches a suicide or dc, then you are extremely lucky or only play in full SWF teams.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    Region: Maybe, I play West Coast NA, and you can tell when someone 8 timezones over is VPNing over. It is both insane lag and playstyle being very different.

    Bug abuse: Are you telling me you can't recognize bug tech? That isn't the only bug, but the most common one.

    Hated Killer: Some people aren't here to sweat (Nurse/Blight/Spirit), some don't want the match to last 30mins minimum (SM), some have emetophobia (Plague/fear of vomiting), some have Nausea issues (Clown gas disorientation), some have seizure sensitivity to lights (Doctor), and more. Each of those cases leaves ~30 Killers still, or more than 95% of the game. I've been playing Decieve quite a bit and they only have 4 maps, and if I'm tired and get a bad map too many times in a row (looking at you Diamond Spire) I call it for the night (although you can tell map from the lobby to be fair). No point in playing out something you aren't going to enjoy.

    DC 5%: To be clear I said it affected less than 5% of matches. Its happened when the Kindred teammate sees me going for the rescue, but the other 2 teammates are pressing 2 in the corner with each other having never touched gens for the 2 minutes the hooked Survivor was in chase, meaning that was a lost match and the kobe didn't change the outcome. Same when I've had 6 hooks at 5 gens as Killer, and a Survivor entering chase on death hook DCs instead, didn't change anything. But when there is 1 gen left and all other instances where it is anyone's game to win, less than 5%. The vast majority of DCs/Kobes (I've seen) are when the match is at a foregone conclusion and they 'shortcut' to the end. A small percentage is completely out of the blue.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    EU here. I seeing quite some people from asia. They still have decent ping though. With a few exceptions.

    Bug abuse. I still don´t know what you are refering too.

    Hated killer: had a daily to get tier 3 evil within 4 times as Myers. Got to tier 3, downed a Meg that was feeding me and she instantly suicided while i was at the other end of the map, chasing Ace. Who also suicided instantly, while i was busy chasing Mikaela. I have literally no idea why they would suicide. I didn´t tunnel, i didn´t camp, i didn´t do anythig scummy. Makes no sense to me.

    Again, lucky you. I see this far to often. Earlier a saw a clip from Otz, where 3 survivors disconnected at 5 gens before he even found the first survivor.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Was about to post a similar article actually. The attitude of survivors has changed a lot for me. I'm getting way more hate mail now than I ever did over the years of playing and I've not changed my playstyle at all. I get stick when I win and lose as Knight, I got salt last night for camping a hook 10 yards away from the exit gates during EGC, I was Oni in power and I was not supposed to make it impossible for him to escape lol 🤦‍♂️

    Just seems like survivors are pretty angry right now and don't take a lot to get ratty after the game.

    I play more survivor than I do killer and I've never messaged a killer giving them grief or hassle irrespective of how they played.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,439

    The point of those perks is to be "anti-tunnel" perks. They protect you from tunneling, by punishing the killer from doing it. They don't make it completely impossible.

    So, with that in mind. If you are able to touch a gen, or a totem, or heal a teammate, then by definition you are not being tunneled. What you should be doing with those perks is one of 2 things:

    A) Intentionally use them and try to get the killer to tunnel you, thereby using their power to punish the killer and help your whole team.

    B) Using the extra time and safety they give you, to run away to a safe area, regroup, and heal.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    Bug Abuse: Blight mains call the bug exploit of facesliding to intentionally not bump when they are supposed to bump, "Hugtech". I call it the simple rhyming play on words "Bugtech", to make it clear that they are abusing a bug. That, to my knowledge, is the most common bug that can be visible in 30s of a match.

    Daily Myers match: It sounds like to me, the Meg saw her team not gearing up for the rescue like my comical assertion that "the other 2 teammates are pressing 2 in the corner with each other having never touched gens", and saw only Ace actually playing the game. Ace's Kobes make sense given it is essentially a 3v1 at 5 gens. Again, not changing the outcome of the match, just fasttracking to the conclusion.

    Otz clip: How many matches of that stream didn't have a DC/Kobe when it didn't affect the outcome? That's what I mean by negativity bias, and how we all need to be aware of it to ensure we don't see 1 thing and conclude that for all matches.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Not sure if thats intended. I´m not a blight main, but whenever i played blight, i accidentally drifted, when i wanted to bump. No tech involved.

    Thats no reason to suicide on the first hook at 5 gens. She had full 2 minutes on that hook. More than enough time to come even from the furthest spot on the map.

    Cant say, as i just saw the compilation. But i see quite the amount of survivors dc/suicide in my matches. Doesn´t matter what role i play. Can´t say stats, but its way higher than 5%

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    Not knowing what you can bounce off of and can't is normal gameplay of learning Blight. Knowing you are supposed to bounce and intentionally sliding instead is the bug they are abusing. It was a bug that was introduced when they changed Blight's camera from crotch height to normal height (there are multiple checks, 1 is tied to the Killer POV camera). Technically they could fix the bug overnight by putting his camera back to crotch height, but I can understand not doing that.

    Myers: No offense, but last time you said you were crossmap chasing someone else, which would take ~20s to reach, not including kicking pallets/gens near the hook. She couldn't have 60s on the timer AND you be crossmap. Again, that also doesn't change the potential for the other 2 Survs to be worse than a bot and refuse to unhook. For all you know they were tbagging at her hook and that's why she did it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    She immediatly started to suicide. Right after i put her on the hook. While i went somewhere else. I hooked, then moved in the hope to get another down on the same evil within 3.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    Ngl it started with the Ruin/Undying nerf and Legion being a chronic mending simulator. Every patch since has caused the game to go downhill.

    Wesker did some damage control but then they went on a 3-gening killer trip added Knight, Hostage merchant trash, and so on. They've nerfed some of the most basic survivors actions into the ground, and let's not forget how utterly bugged this game has become.

    Apparently, it's normal now for deadlocked gens to get hit by both pain res and jolt over and over again. And you'll still have killers tunneling in those matches lol.

  • PAntWill
    PAntWill Member Posts: 19

    I’m confused by this opinion. You said thanks to WOO which is a perk that has been out for about 4 years.

    you then said thanks to resilience which has been out for 7 years.

    you also said survivors KNOW that chases equals win - this is nothing new.

    MFT, FTP and buckle up are very new and the camping, tunnelling, suicide on hook - all at 5 gens started before that.

    infact tunnelling SHOT Up in my games after the DS nerf (which was stupid)

    they nerfed gen perks because of the Knight holding 49-60 minute games.

    they nerfed gen times as the same time they nerfed DS so tunnelling shot Up so survivors had nothing to do but do gens as fast as possible as a result of BHVR and K play styles.

    I agree with you that it’s all from BHVRS poor choices in design when it comes to buffs and Nerfs. But the majority of this is in the hands of the K. They genuinely decide how the games go

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Im on the competitive spectrum and I dont mind if surv wanna hang out with weird combinations but I came here to kill.

    The issue is...

    Competitive vs Competitive ( if both are enought good actitude) is okay

    Casual vs competitive the casual get stomped even before he uses the perk he wanna use to chill and then we have the cries.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    If a suicide because 5 wesker in a row... is it attitude?

    I understand what you say, but we must face a fact, the game is not fun at this point, mostly at least.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, this is attitude.

    Or do you expect killers to dc, when they encounter the same 3 perks every match? Of course not. That would be ridiculous.