Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.


please don't hide it. I don't want to play against 4 p100


  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    I don't want to play with them because I don't have a single killer higher than p7. Why do I need matchmaking of such opponents? I don't care that they don't have enough p100 killers

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited August 2023

    While I don't generally put much weight in Prestige (it can be an indicator of skill, but it's not 100% reliable). This argument doesn't work for me.

    Hiding Prestige isn't going to fix matchmaking or prevent lobby dodges and backfilling. If anything, hiding Prestiges will only result in more mismatched lobbies going through to play. As low-MMR killers end up with high-MMR, likely high-Prestige survivors, and won't have any indication as such until they begin a game.

    As it stands, I don't dodge many lobbies, but when I do it's predominantly lobbies I've obviously been backfilled into (immediately on loading in there's already 4 survivors with some or all of them Readied already) and often then it tends to be when I've been backfilled into a lobby with high Prestige, as well as things like multiple flashlights or multiple TTV usernames, because this means I'M the poor low-skilled killer about to face a comp team.

    Occasionally I might get backfilled into an obviously low-MMR survivor team, with nothing but console Dwights and Claudettes with 0-5 Prestige levels. I'll usually dodge those too, and if I don't dodge I take it as a chill game and play around with snoot booping and let multiple escape. But with Prestiges hidden, I'm equally likely not to recognise that team for what it is and end up obliterating them.

    I'm not saying unequivocally that hiding Prestige would be bad, but it wouldn't solve any problems in and of itself. It wouldn't prevent the core issues and it would bring up a few of its own. I think there needs to be something to indicate if you're facing potentially low or high skill team. Prestiges aren't a great indicator of that, but they're what we have right now, and unless a more accurate system comes in later along with more robust matchmaking, then I'm not seeing it as a pure benefit.

    The people mainly advocating for hiding Prestige are those who made the poor decision to speed-grind one character to P100 for the clout, and now can't deal with the downside of having that clout.

    I play fairly regularly. 5-6 days a week, 2-3 hours per session, and I still only have 31 as my highest Prestige.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    I don't want to play against people like you. God, 18,000 forum posts. you probably live in the game?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    Nope, I've just been here a while.

    You don't even know how I play, you just decide to be selfish and screw everyone else over by dodging anyone you think you might lose to.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    You know they can just swap last few seconds if they want, right? It doesn't really matter.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    I don't care about winning or losing. if the survs play too weak, i will let them go. but I don't want esports every match against a full squad. I want to play at a slow pace while having fun and doing silly archive tasks. so i dodge p100 cause i know what's going to happen next - 5 gens in 4 minutes and t-bagging at the gate

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    player p1 can also have 30 hours. so maybe you need to fix the matchmaking first before asking to hide everything that is possible at survivors? for example, take into account such parameters as the time played for the killer, prestige, rank. everything together matters

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 267

    A few things

    1. Back-filling is a terrible policy. If someone dodges, the system should find another person who fits the lobby, even if it takes a little extra time. Or the lobby should be dissolved so they can start fresh. (Or maybe we shouldn't have to wait SIXTY DAMN SECONDS to start each match so people have time to get impatient, but that's a separate issue.)

    Regardless, lobby-dodging shouldn't be touted as a "solution" to back-filling. (Because, you know... it's the cause.) I appreciate you not wanting to face a sweat-squad as killer, but SOMEONE is going to have to. You dodging is fixing the issue FOR YOU. I mean, is there anyone who's like, "Yeah, four P100s! This will be fun!"?? Even if the perfect killer for that lobby came along, they could dodge, too, so why is their reason for dodging worse than yours? In fact, the "best" killer already dodged because they got to see the prestiges and didn't like it. I mean, that's the reason you're in the back-fill position that you're complaining about!

    If your goal is to have fewer MMR mismatches, then letting people see prestiges so they can dodge isn't fixing that at all. Everything after the original lobby is effectively RNG, so unless you think the killer who finally caves and says, "Screw it, let's just play. I don't care if it's a back-fill." is magically going to match the MMR for some reason, your argument doesn't make sense.

    I'd rather those MMR mismatches be evenly spread across the userbase than to let people like you defer the pain to other players.

    2. "[Hiding prestiges] would bring up a few of its own [problems]."

    None of the issues you mentioned would be new. They exist already. I mean, I appreciate that YOU'RE using lobby-dodging to keep things fair, but the only reason you need to do that in the first place is because other people are using it to make things UNFAIR. If it was random, it would be fair already without the need to second-guess it.

    Plus, I'm pretty sure you're in the minority on using it for good, not evil. I could be wrong, but if everyone was accepting back-fills that were fair, or playing nice when they got low-MMR survivors, you wouldn't be complaining about said back-fills, you know?

    3. "The people mainly advocating for hiding Prestige are those who made the poor decision to speed-grind one character to P100 for the clout, and now can't deal with the downside of having that clout."

    The survivors are skins of each other. Why should I spread my purchases across multiple if they're all the same anyway? (If there was a shared pool of items/addons/offerings, that would be different.) I don't put all BP into one survivor for "clout"... it's just the most efficient way to do it if you don't care about cosmetics and just want to play the game.

    But even if they did it for clout, why should that be punished? Why is that a "poor decision"? I mean, if we hid prestiges, it would take away that clout, so wouldn't that solve the "issue" of people daring to get a high prestige for a reason you don't approve of?

    I guess you spread your BP evenly across all survivors, so you don't have any higher than 31. So, your solution to all of this is to... hide your prestige?

    You want to keep that number low so you don't get lobby-dodged... while simultaneously claiming that killers NEED this info in order to keep things fair... while admitting this "vital" number is artificial.


  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    damn, most killers have already disappeared from matchmaking. you want no one to play as a killer

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    Not really, it just means they put points into a character.

    Like, I've P100'd Steve, but I don't play Survivor often nor am I good

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,187

    I've watched Pulsar play as a surv as well as a killer.

    Has no special skill as a surv, just good game sense, and their heart is not in that role nor do they seem to find it very fun. However, as a killer quite skilled and very happy to murder them all with glee.

    This is the P100 Steve Harrington that I've watched get dodged repeatedly for striking so much fear into those hardened killers out there. Feel free to view some vods yourself.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    As a killer main, I would kind of actually prefer if they hid prestige. This would reduce the amount of lobby doding by a large amount.

    I do not care if I am playing against a 4-Man P1 SWF or a 4-Man P100 SWF. It doesn't really effect anything. Prestige mostly means hours, I have played against many P100s that die faster than your average solo q teamate.

    Hiding prestige could actually help your problem, as MMR will 'probavly' work better.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,995

    I'd have no problem with high-Prestige players if it wasn't for SWFs. Multiple high-Prestige players in a lobby usually means a SWF of at least 2 or 3. Multiple P100s is a guarantee. I don't want to play against that, and I have every right to not want to play against that so long as this game enables people to act toxic and horrible without repercussions.

    The matchmaking is going to be terrible whether people dodge lobbies or not.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241
    edited August 2023

    don't mind my p6-7 killers. I don't even have a main favorite among everyone, because I play with everyone, and when matchmaking becomes unbearable, I just stop playing. I no longer play Freddy, Billy, Trapper, Huntress, Doctor, Plague...

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Worgen
    Worgen Member Posts: 67

    Nah prestige should remain as it is. Valuable information for killer. Plus they should add swf icons who play with someone.visible devotion rank,and killer should see Item rarity too. And with those no killer would run into a team with full meta perks and items with hes zero slowdown poop builds. And survs should see each others builds too.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241
    edited August 2023

    for the game against swf it is high time to give bonus bp and exp +25% for each member in the squad. for a killer, this is no longer a fair confrontation + perhaps a stressful situation when you can’t oppose anything. I would make killer prestige visible to survivors rather than hiding it.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I don't want to play with them because I don't have a single killer higher than p7. Why do I need matchmaking of such opponents? I don't care that they don't have enough p100 killers

    You're not getting matched against P100 survivors because there's "not enough P100 Killers". Prestige has absolutely nothing to do with matchmaking because it's meaningless. You're getting matched against P100 survivors because you have the same MMR, and by lobby dodging you're making said MMR worse for everyone (you included).

    Also "don't mind my p6-7 killers. I don't even have a main favorite among everyone, because I play with everyone", so you're aware you have a bunch of killers P6-7 because you play all of them but you can't fathom players spending all their BPs on the only survivor they play? If you have about 15 killers P6-7 you've spent as much BP on them as someone with a single P100 survivor did, it literally means nothing.

    Genuinely can't tell if you're being ironic or not. Why don't we go back to when you could switch killers in the lobby too ? And we might as well show the survivor perks to the killer while we're at it, or make a feature where they can handpick every survivor in the lobby.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 844
    edited August 2023

    I dont want to know there are p100 people if im killer. why i have to be stressed because of this number?

    As surv, i dont want killer tunnel the one p100 git just because he is p100. Its stupid.

    As a player i dont want people to skip match just because they saw p100...

    Especially that this means nothing... It does not correlate with mmr nor time spent playing. One could play a lot as killer, got lot of bp from free sourcess, and prestiged one survivor to 100 just because.

    Yes, p100 means lot of bp, around 150,000,000 bloodpoints, so this person should at least know how to play, but it does not means they have motor skills to play as they should. Especially if they are still in low mmr.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,273

    So do I get the same right to ban a few killers, because "I don't want to play against that and I have every right to not want to play against that"

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 720

    You are going to get destroyed by 4 p1's that have another character P100ed, it's fine mate don't worry.

    There needs to be the option to hide it in order to not condition players before the matches (killers seeing the survivors, and solo's seeing their team mates prestiges.)

  • Worgen
    Worgen Member Posts: 67

    I meant it seriously, these are positive chnages to the game, these are unavoidable i think, at some point they will implement them, these are basic charachteristics of a pvp game. + 1 or 2 are already in mobile dbd. on the otherhand i see complains about dodges and bad matchmaking, to them i dont have a solution in mind, but there where a time when they did matchmaking properly but the god like players waited around 5 hours for each lobby so they modified it. and to the complains those are fearing and dodgeing lobbies beacuse they see a high number i can only say that some day they will learn to lose. and after that people will improve, and then they will not crying on things like that. this game requires a mentality to play,and thousands of hours. i dont mind playing against more experienced gamers, i see them as an opourtunity, to learn something from them. most of the time they will destroy me yes but thats not gonna matter i gained experience.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Allowing killers to handpick their lobby is not a good change, unless you also allow survivors to have more info about the killer, but then matchmaking would turn to hell if dodging isn't punished. On top of that giving them info that doesn't actually affect MMR (prestige, ranks) just makes people dodge for no reason because they misunderstand how MMR works, which makes matchmaking and lobby finding time worse because of misconceptions.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    Someday you will all understand that there is no mmr, and the selection is based on the waiting time. I'm just thrown into a match with the guys who "wait for a killer for a long time", because they sit in discord when the bonus is not on the side of the survivors, and they are waiting for someone to be destroyed by successfully holding the LMB for 90 seconds (what skills, my God)

  • Worgen
    Worgen Member Posts: 67

    Oh sorry i forgot to mention one important thing, "unless you also allow survivors to have more info about the killer," i think survs should be able to see the killers devotion lvl and prestige, but they dont know what exactly the killer. and if they see some big numbers they can also bring some spicer stuff. yeah the dodges are a problem so many ppl are doing that for whaterever reasons.Maybe if they remove dodge?

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    I have all killers p6-7. that doesn't make me an expert at 4 p100 every match because all these players have to do win is hold the damn LMB

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    Yep. If P100 players don't want to get lobby dodged they should have spent less time playing DbD and more time getting outside to touch grass.