Should exhaustion addons stay like they currently are?

Anyone from 2016 forward also here? Exhaustion addons used to be long as HELL (like huntresses would give 90 seconds of it). It was pretty bad for the longest time and people really wanted exhaustion addons either gone or capped hard. (Which started these short duration or certain conditions exhaustion addons) which im perfectly fine with the short duration/ conditional exhaustion (like pig traps) addons they matter a lot in chase if you act on them right. Im just wondering if people are still satisfied with short duration/conditional amounts on them with how much exhaustion is used for perks that arent just like the usual distance perks. But these are addons not perks. We do have much longer exhaustion-inflicting perks on the killer end. So just thought id ask peoples general feel now. Thanks!
I think the Huntress exhaustion add-on and fearmonger are the only well balanced killler exhaustion tools.
Easy to apply, is enough of challenge for survivors without killing perks, but rewards the killer if they skilled to finish the chase early enough.
Everything else is kinda lackluster
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The pig one kinda works if you chase a survivor who hasnt gotten their trap off yet since it has no limit. As long as they have the trap. But yeah then you have other ones that are weird like artists.
Since if your that close you should be hitting anyway.
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Exhaustion addons now are in a good spot imo.
Fearmonger is the only good killer exhaustion perk though, the rest are either only decent on certain killers (Blood Echo) or are just bad.
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Pig is only good with videotape. You really shouldn't focus too hard on trapped survivors, so the exhaustion doesn't make much sense.
If it was from the ambush attack, and you could actually use the ambush attack to well, ambush people, it would make sense.
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exhaustion also used to recover while people were running. so the longer time made sense.
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Exhaustion Add Ons should not be a thing anymore. Yes, they got nerfed (rightfully so since they were heavily outdated), but they should not exist at all. Yet BHVR gives Killers Exhaustion Add Ons (Singularity has one for example).
The worst offender is the one from Pig. Yes, it is not her best Add On, but it just promotes tunneling. Which should never be the playstyle of her but can help with that.
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Why shouldn't they exist?
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Because it hinders them from getting MFT value at all times.
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Yes, it is the only way how some Killers can somewhat deal with MFT (overpowered perk) and other exhaustion perks. That add-ons are bit risky to run because not every single Survivor has exhaustion perk, making the add-on worthless sometimes.
Exhaustion add-ons are only good / decent / bad depending on the Survivors meta.
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Chasing somebody with a trap on is useless though. You're already slowing them down by making them search boxes. IMO it's a waste of an add-on to run, except maybe if paired with the iri that makes everyone start with traps.
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I don't think it promotes tunneling, but even if it did that's 3 people (presumably at least a couple without traps) that are free to do gens to their heart's content.
Pig has no real chasing potential so it's not crazy to assume that three gens could pop while she's chasing the one person with an RBT.
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Wouldn't mind if Artist's got a tiny bit buffed and more killers had something to cause it but they're overall fine.
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Old exhaustion addons were balanced around exhausting recharging while running which was why they were so extremely long.
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you know what is crazy about MFT? MFT is return of exhausting perks working when running. It is something i never noticed initially. I think one aspect that people do not talk about with MFT. MFT working passively is like old sprint burst that recovered while running. you are trigger multiple SB over long period of time.
the old version of exhaustion perks provided passive reward for being in the chase. it is just that their effects were burst-oriented. they were over-time burst effects that kept re-occurring. It made realize why MFT feels overwhelming to killers. they're not used to exhaustion perks triggering over and over in a chase. they're used to exhaustion perks being used once and never occurring ever again in a chase. I have feeling that if exhaustion recovered while running, Lithe, dramaturlogy and SB would create similar effect to MFT.
DH could also do it but DH has been nerfed to not be spammable. I could only laugh at power-level of DH that works during deep wound and me triggering DH multiple times in a single chase.
Balance landing used to also be a passive perk. it used to trigger on staggers regardless of exhaustion. people used to use balance landing because it provided passive abusable effect towards high-places. this gave you permanent haste effects because of certain windows/map geometry for vertical type maps. it is like vertical version of MFT. MFT being horizontal hold-w version of the perk.
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Because, as I said, they are outdated. They were introduced in a time where Exhaustion recovered while running. But even with their times shortened, it does not really matter. 5 seconds of Exhaustion still means that the Exhaustion will not really recover in chase. So it does not matter if it is 5 seconds, 30 seconds, 90 seconds or whatever. Let alone that Fearmonger exists as a decent Perk, which also provides 5 seconds of Exhaustion. And there are Add Ons, which are a smaller investment (an Add On-Slot weighs less than a Perk-Slot IMO) which do the same.
I mean, just imagine old Ruin was still around (red Skill Checks, Regression for Good Skill Checks) and the Instruction Add On (no Skill Checks on Gens) would have been a thing back then. Killers would have rioted because an Add On would have countered a Perk. And this is what should not be the case.
Oh, it surely does. Because the Survivor who has the RBT on their head will be an easier target than other Survivors since they are injured (which can even be ensured when using the Mangled-Add On as well) and they wont have any Exhaustion-Perk while other Survivors would have them. Again, not saying that this is her strongest Add On, because it is not. But it promotes a playstyle which is the complete opposite of how Pig is played.
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5 second of exhaustion is possible walk away in a chase. 5 second is too little for experienced players to shut off exhaustion. your equipping perk to counter another perk and the perk does not... counter the perk. sounds like an ineffective perk.
you can tunnel people with pig with reverse bear traps. you get a free hook state with no chase time if you succeed. it is particularly effective if you catch them on 3rd or 4th box because you reap all 4vs1 slowdown benefits of trap and you get free hook rewards. reverse traps are as much of tunnel tool as they are as 4vs1 tool. sometimes you don't even need to chase them. they just die randomly.
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Gonna make an assumption and say the Artist add on was made that way specifically to counter the old Dead Hard.
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Only 8 killers in this game currently have an exhaustion addon. The ones that do exist are fine. It's more that 75% of killers have none.
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I disagree that Exhaustion add-ons shouldn't exist, but I do agree that Pig's just incentivizes tunneling. I am not opposed to more M1 Killers having a Blindness and Exhaustion add-on to help stifle complaints of Windows and [insert Flavor of the Month Exhaustion perk here], while not helping Killers who don't need it like Blight/Nurse/Spirit. I'd argue Huntress' is probably the best designed of the current lot. Ghosties are a bit odd, but decently designed (If you get the drop on them, you get 5s and Exposed, if they get the drop on you, you get 10s instead).
Some exhaustion effects that could be fairly easily implemented are probably Legion, (5-10s on 2nd and further chain hits, like the item drop add-on) Myers, (when fully stalked, is permanently exhausted) Freddy, (5s on power affecting a sleeping Surv) Clown, (2-5s on Purple Gas) and Doctor (while at T3, like I believe the old Iri King did).
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Survivor Mains when they defend MFT : " MFT isnt a Problem just Play Exhaustion Addons and Perks to counter it or just get good in the Game "
Also Survivor Mains : " Exhaustion Addons need to be looked at they shouldnt be a thing anymore i cant loop a M1 Killer all the time whit MFT "
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The problem with your suggestion is that BHVR would constantly need to change killer add-ons to counter whatever the survivor META is at the time, while not doing anything at all to help survivors. Not exactly balanced, impartial, or fair.
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idk how exhaustion add ons are outdated though when exhaustion still exists as a mechanic and there are perks around it, like mft :) and no i don't think any killer player would complain about no skillcheck add on either, especially since toolboxes don't have an entire gen worth of charges anymore.
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Blindness and Exhaustion are universal conditions that can each help against plenty of perks and items (blindness against maps/keys moreso), and I would argue more Killers should also have Oblivious add-ons as well. They don't need micro-management for the bizzaro world when Poised becomes META, just tools in their kit for the most common conditions/'offenders'. Killers with skill already don't care about blinding/exhausting Survivors, so this is just a backup for weaker players.
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This is nonsense.
Exhaustion add-ons add variety to builds. There's nothing about them that is outdated. But Pig's power certainly is. So instead of asking for a situationally useful and fair mechanic to be removed from her add-ons, how about you offer some suggestions to make Pig's power more interesting?
Because right now you're not making a good case for yourself.
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You kind of have to tunnel as Pig with the exhaustion addon to get any value out of it because if you let them take the RBT off you weren't chasing them to begin with. It's a cool concept but I feel it could be reworked in some capacity to allow Pig to get value out of it and be able to break chase more.
Granted I'd say exhaustion addons shouldn't really exist and are more of a relic of old DBD. Also no - I don't care to use MFT because it's a boring perk. I know you didn't mention it but I've seen comments on the thread about it. Plenty of killers could use an addon pass to give them more unique addons and a lot of the time exhaustion addons feel like they could be better but ultimately it doesn't matter too much because exhaustion isn't the worst set of addons.
I think Pig is a good example of a killer who could just use better addons overall even outside of the exhaustion one.
To those arguing exhaustion addons are still relevant - My take is I'd rather have them removed and give the killers a stronger basekit and better more interesting addons overall. To me it's stupid that the high tier killers don't even need to consider them to perform well but the majority of the roster that has them has to use half their addon slots just to counteract a perk that enables survives to potentially abuse strong maps or prolong a chase. Ideally every killers basekit can handle exhaustion in some way instead of just holding W or running an addon. Just think - We have two addon slots and we have to potentially run an exhaustion addon that may or may not get value depending on what map we're taken to. It's the same issue like old Fearmonger. It only affected Exhaustion but outside of some perks it only gets value on certain maps and if a survivor is running an exhaustion perk fit for the situation they're in.
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I was mainly talking about Exhaustion-Add Ons. Why do you make a Pig-Discussion out of it? I was only talking about her one Add On.
But if you want to hear some Off-Topic - I think many Add Ons regarding her Traps should be removed or reworked. Exhaustion and Mangled should not be a thing. Tampered Timer should be gone as well. And I would love some Add Ons which focus more on her Stealth and Ambush, because those two things are lackluster and are also part of her Power (not only the RBTs).
I think with the changes that a certain number of searches is hit when you use all of your RBTs her Slowdown is decent enough without that much focus on her Traps when it comes to Add Ons. But her Crouch and especially the Dash could use some Add On-Support.
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This is what I've been saying for a while. They need to remove her insanely RNG-based add-ons (Tampered Timer + Crate of Gears) and buff her to, imo, give her more consistent chasing power. If she got just a slight tweak to make her a little bit better in chase I think she'd be in a pretty good spot.
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Bar like Fearmonger, all other killer exhaustion addons and perks are basically trash. Most of them are way too situational or the duration is way too short.
So yes, they all need to be improved.
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Yeah, exactly. I think that they changed her Traps in a way to be more consistent was good. Now if one Survivor gets the Trap off in their first try you know that the others will have to search at least 3 Boxes (with two of them having to search 4 Boxes). But Tampered Timer and other Add Ons keep the RNG. Tampered Timer on Coal Tower can be non-existent, Tampered Timer on Mothers Dwelling can mean death if you need to do 4 Boxes.
So I would really love if they improve her stealth and chase, because Pig has basically 3 powers - RBTs, Stealth and the Dash. And making her chase better by improving Stealth and Dash would make her overall better (even if they nerf Add Ons for the RBTs) and also more consistent and IMO also more fun. Because I personally like to use the Dash, but it can be highly frustrating.
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Septic Touch and Genetic Limits definitely need their durations buffed.
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What exhaustion add-ons?
This is sarcasm because people don't run them.
Fearmonger is the only real exhaustion on the killer side.
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You get me fr
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Most people in my games are running MfT. It's gotten to the point where it's 2-4 survivors, every single match, and most of the killers I play don't have Exhaustion add-ons, so I just have to power through.
I don't hate MfT as much as old Dead Hard or For the People/Buckle Up, but it sucks. Just had a match in The Game where every single pallet in the entire map was smashed. I got the 4K, but that's what can happen with four competent loopers running MfT with a Game offering against in M1 killer.