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Rancid Abattoir Needs Another Rework

This might honestly be the worst map in the game for survivors after the rework. It's the size of Dead Dawg, but 5 gens tend to spawn on one side with only 3-4 weak pallets. The main building is weak so you can't depend on it to save the other scare resources. My last survivor match on this map had 1 garbage filler pallet, one of the 2 lane cart pallets, a harvester, and a LT wall on this side of the map. Here is a screenshot of my last killer match on this map, showing a similar layout.

Why was this map touched in the rework in the first place? The only ones that needed changes were Rotten Fields and Cowshed.


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    I think the worse offender (on all farm maps) is the filler pallet with the tent and 2 crates. That doesn't protect against ANY killer, and a powerless 4.4 Killer could even get a hit at those without Bloodlust. But that contributes to the pallet count of the map, so it prevents a real pallet from spawning. I'd say it would even be too generous to say they are good as zombie killers against Nemesis.

    If they are going to have this few pallets, they need multiple different medium strength windows to compensate. Weaker than Shack and Garden of Joy's main building, but much stronger than the Z and U walls found on the edge of maps.

    Alternatively, I believe it has 3 fixed tiles (randomized by map gen), 1 is cowtree, 2 are harvesters. If they changed it to make the weak side a cowtree, and the strong side with a harvester and cowtree, (RNG determines which of the 2 spots are the harvester) then that could also help fix the map.

    The easiest solution would be reverting the changes to this map specifically, but I do like the meat locker being opened up on both ends.

    Cowshed also feels like it needs to be fixed, but I'm fine with it being an overtly Killer sided map after years of it being the opposite, kind of a karmic retribution. Rancid doesn't deserve this back-alley treatment though.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Survivors need to get out of the mindset that pallet that I can't loop=useless pallet. Unsafe pallets are the pallets that killers will want to respect the MOST (because the only value you can get out of them is to stun with them), meaning you can afford to greed them over and over again and just loop tightly. I've lost count of how many 1+ min chases I've had in RPD on the West wing stair pallet because a killer kept respecting it over and over again.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    I mean I understand needing mechanics for new players, but the tent pallet is barely a tier above the Temple of Purgation pallets, or the RPD 1st floor west side save room pallet (which I think is the pallet you are talking about). The difference is that RPD pallet is worthless against a Killer of any skill level, and only useful against Killers without skill/act like a bot. A pallet that unsafe is on the Killer to screw up, not the Survivor to outplay. I can understand if theoretically you want a counter to the God pallets, like this to be a "Science" pallet, which requires 10000 IQ to utilize as Survivor, but I think there is more than enough varied skill expression in actual normal pallets. Also the location of these worthless pallets are also key. The Temple and RPD pallet are in fixed locations. The tent pallet can REPLACE a real filler pallet. If the tent pallet were the equivalent of the rock loops at the edge map of Autohaven, I wouldn't have an issue with them. The problem is they can be in the middle of the map.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited August 2023

    Reminder that devs decided to waste company time and resources reworking this map when mother's dwelling, borgo and joy exist, and eyrie of crow too btw

    Or, since we're talking about farm maps, rotten fields.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410
    edited October 2023

    Is this the worst 3 gen spawn of all time? The screenshot might not show the gen at cowtree but there was absolutely one there.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2023

    Fractured Cowshed too; gen spawn is too close.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    They have, as we call it in German: Verschlimmbessert. (lit. made it worse-better)

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    Another gem courtesy of the Rancid rework. The map is too damn small to fit 7 gens without this happening almost every time. There was also a hill among all 3 gens with a clear view of them. Needless to say, this is not good map design.