Distortion needs a slight nerf

CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions


I don’t think it should be nerfed to the ground, but I think distortion needs a slight nerf. I run a lot of aura reading perks as a killer and although I think it is fine for them to not work a lot of the time, 100% of the time is a bit overkill.

Here is what I would do to change it:

  1. Tokens don’t build up during chase anymore. Make it like stakeout where you have to be hiding within the killer’s terror radius to build tokens. (Either this or make it so it only builds stacks during chase so survivors can’t hide for the entire game)

Edit: I removed the second change because I decided the first one would suffice.

In its current state, tokens regenerate when you are playing survivor regularly. For a perk which counters all Aura perks, it shouldn’t be up for the entire game without actual effort on the survivor’s part.

Post edited by CarbonaraCharlie on


  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I hadn’t even thought about Aura reading Huntress. That must be pretty miserable in the current Meta with at least 2 distortions per game 😱

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    Exactly, I actually wanted to try this build to (I dont really play huntress but it seemed like a fun one to try)

    You could still do this with current distortion.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I agree. I hardly see any of the survivors running distortion until the end of the game and I try really hard to apply pressure equally. I played one match with a distortion Dwight that I didn’t see until he was in the exit gates 😂

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Same, playing as either killer or survivor, there is always that one survivor who kills their team by deciding to hide all game. I feel like Aura perks really allowed killers to start chases with fresh survivors rather than tunneling so it distortion may even encourage tunneling to an extent.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    distortion works fine. if there were half as many perks for auras and addons, then we could talk about it, but not now.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Honestly Kudos to your for your bravery. If I tried Huntress I would probably never be able to hit my shots lol

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    what is the point of the perk if the perk does not protect you vs 1 aura reading perk? if you run 4 aura perks, the perk does not protect you. it only protects you if you use 1 or 2 of them.

    there are some perks that work based off screams like thwack and face the darkness. those go through distortion unless stealth player also equips calm spirit.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Its not that distortion is "overpowered" , its more so the simple fact that one perk can nullify an entire Aura build for essentially free.

    if the requirement to gain a token got changed to "must be in chase" or "does not recharge while in chase" it would be alot more balanced, right now it consumes a token, but you can quickly regen it back while hiding, or it regens 2 tokens while in chase if you happen to be found either way.

    Its to a point where distortion feels like its always up and ready to trigger the whole match.

    (Not to mention distortion encouraging killers to tunnel the distortionless teammates)

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Protecting someone from an Aura reading perk is fine. It’s just an issue if the perk is strong enough to 100% protect a survivor from Auras for the entire game. I really like running Lethal Pursuer and other Aura perks alongside it and it seems that distortion survivors just never run out of tokens.

    I don’t care if it is the changes I suggested or something else, I just want to be able to find distortion survivors once or twice a game.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Agreed. The Distortion survivors are the real killers in the match 😂

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    that is whole point of the perk.

    (Not to mention distortion encouraging killers to tunnel the distortionless teammates)

    sure that is downside of playing stealthy. I know people meme at blendette build but that is their entire strategy. you chase claudette player, you hook them, you find claudette again, you chase them, you hook them and then claudette player disappears for entire match. so your looking for claudette who is on death hook but you cannot find her. previously clauddete type player used to use Spine chill because it gave notification of terror radius. Now those type of players run distortion. for those type of players, they use distortion. It is their form of anti-tunnel perk. if you don't know pay attention to perks, that kind of stuff can lose you entire game as killer. I don't like chasing distortion players for that reason as killer. i only chase them if i think their loop is really bad. If i do chase them, I usually tunnel them off hook because those type of players tend to hide and make you lose time as killer. so yes distortion is a perk that makes killer tunnel more. that's kinda whole meta of why certain killer uses info perks like BBQ and Nowhere to hide. those perks. those info perks are used for mid-game tunneling. you chase people, hook few people, then use said perks to tunnel remaining hook states. distortion users are using perk to counter a defining meta strategy on killer.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    if distortion does not protect you vs bbq/nowhere to hide tunnelling then the perk is legit useless. it does exactly what it is designed to do.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    How does BBQ, a perk that encourages you to go crossmap to act on info, promote tunneling...?

    How does NWTH promote tunneling when you have to kick a gen to get 24m aura reading around you....?

    This is peak survivor main mental gymnastics.

    Distortion getting a very minor token earning requirement so it isn't up 100% of the game providing free value is something that should be welcomed.

    The design of the perk is clearly intended to be limited uses just by the mere fact its token based, the easiness of token gain is whats problematic.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    To be fair, I've also had many games where I've been unhooked while others have traded hook states and each got to death hook through their own recklessness. I've then made the rescue play with my zero hook states, gone down, and then all three leave me to die on first hook and run out the exit.

    I think regardless of how you get there, if you end up as the last survivor, with however many hook states you may or may not have, you're entirely justified to make the selfish play, or not, because you don't know how your solo team mates are going to reward your sacrifice anyway.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    This is peak survivor main mental gymnastics.

    there is no mental gymnastics. tunneling is focusing one person down. there is many forms of tunneling. it isn't just hook people, watch them get unhooked and chase people. the game is not that simple. distortion is indirect anti-tunnel perk towards aura reading perks. it does that job very well.

    The design of the perk is clearly intended to be limited uses just by the mere fact its token based, the easiness of token gain is whats problematic.

    the token aspect of the perk is to prevent it from countering constant aura reading such as scratch mirror myer's. amanda letter pig, etc.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006
    edited August 2023

    Tokens don't build during chase. It's already like Stakeout. Did you have a look at the perk before you came to ask for nerfs for it?

    It already takes 30 seconds whilst not in chase to gain a token back. So with another 20 seconds that's 50 seconds to get one token back. With the right aura loadout you can chomp through 3 tokens in about 30 seconds or so. Does that seems balanced?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2023

    there is no mental gymnastics. tunneling is focusing one person down. there is many forms of tunneling. it isn't just hook people, watch them get unhooked and chase people. the game is not that simple. distortion is indirect anti-tunnel perk towards aura reading perks. it does that job very well.

    This is peak mental gymnastics, there' is absolutely no way you can twist the definition of tunnelling to make BBQ a tunnel perk, it is by design and execution in every sense an anti-tunnel perk.

    If order to derive value out of the perk, you have to leave the hook and find someone else, thus allowing room for a save to take place, and pursuing a different survivor in the mean time. If you then decided to immediately return to the hook and tunnel, that's is you NOT using BBQ. You might have the perk equipped, but you're not using it, you're tunnelling instead.

    This is right up there with "you tunnelled all of us at the same time", a genuine complaint I've received.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Ah yes, my favorite kind of tunneling, hooking you, finding someone else, hooking them, and then going crossmap to stop you from popping the gen....

    Tunneling is exclusively focusing 1 survivor down at all costs, if the killer chases and hooks someone else then comes back to check the gen near the place you got hooked initially, you're not being tunneled, thats just natural game progression.


    Sole survivor and shadowstep are examples of perks that are for the most part properly balanced.

    Sole survivor prevents aura reads only when the killer is within a certain range of you, AND IF you have dead teammates already. it doesn't hard counter entire aura builds from the start of the game and troughout the game with just 1 perk slot like distortion does.

    Making distortion not regen tokens while in chase or just *while in chase* would be a perfectly fine nerf that doesn't break the perk in the slighest while preventing it from being a permanent aura build counter.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2023

    I agree with you that distortion should protect survivors against auras, that is what the perk is for and that’s what it should do.

    It is just an issue when it is really easy for survivors to build tokens and distortion 100% blocks all Aura perks. The token number could even stay the same, it really just needs to only build tokens when in chase or when hiding. With both, I still haven’t been able to use an Aura perk versus a distortion user yet.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I had a look at the perk beforehand and it seemed like it still gained tokens during chase. If you want an example, watch this video and go to the 2 minute mark.

    I’m not trying to be one of those killer mains that needs everything nerfed to the ground. Distortion in its current state just counters Auras a bit too much so I want the token build to be slightly harder.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Aura perks do not compensate for skill.

    Aura perks are in the game to allow killers to find the survivor faster based on a certain criteria. Using Aura perks just saves the killer time which is really important for preventing all the gens from popping. Spending 20 seconds sniffing out a hiding survivor vs 2 seconds running over to a survivor you already found is a big difference.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006
    edited August 2023

    The perk is just like stakeout. You have to be in the killer's terror radius and not be in chase to gain a token, which takes 30 seconds. I think the only reason it is coming back is because the killer is (according to the game) losing chase during chase. The tokens will regenerate briefly in those moments, but will stop again when the game detects you are back in chase.

    It's a good perk, but I don't think it's good enough to make an entire aura reading loadout useless. I'm sure there are times when the perk does more heavy lifting than other times, but sometimes you can eat two tokens in about 10 seconds. If a killer can burn through all tokens very fast, it feels too punishing to make the survivor spend 2:30 hiding in their terror radius, just to get them back.

    No need to worry about how you are coming across. This seems like a perfectly acceptable discussion to me. There's nothing inherently wrong in asking for nerfs.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    there' is absolutely no way you can twist the definition of tunnelling to make BBQ a tunnel perk, it is by design and execution in every sense an anti-tunnel perk.

    i think your confusing difference between tunneling and camping. i would say bbq is maybe anti-camping but it is very much tunnel heavy perk. you can use the information to not tunnel but that is just make game a lot harder for you as killer. Just like you stated, it is not even good anti-camp perk because... you can return the hook using info.

    i think your crutching too hard on aura perks and your not adapting to your opponents perks. perk is fine where it is at. sometimes i use distortion as survivor if i don't want to get chased but most of the time, i don't feel like i need the perk in many situations because most killer are highly loopable.

    Sole survivor and shadowstep are examples of perks that are for the most part properly balanced.

    you have to be joking. that is some crazy killer bias to tell survivor mains that these are good perks.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    No, the Billy was obviously in chase with the survivor and the token was still building. The perk also doesn’t have anything in its description about being out of chase like stakeout. It just says within the killer’s terror radius for 30 seconds. Read the description in the link if you don’t believe me. (https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Distortion#:~:text=with%203%20Tokens.-,Whenever%20the%20Killer%20attempts%20to%20read%20your%20Aura%2C%20Distortion%20activates,6%2F8%2F10%20seconds.)

    As a killer who uses Aura perks, it really can make an Aura perk loadout useless against the survivors who use distortion. Honestly, I don’t care if it makes my Aura perks hard to use, so be it. I just want to be able to see distortion users with my Aura perks once or twice a game. That’s it.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I respect your opinion in thinking that I rely on these perks too much but that is not the issue. Aura perks are not inherently a crutch, they are a way to find survivors faster.

    Aura perks are pretty fair and balanced so having a perk which nukes them for the duration of the game because of easily acquired tokens sucks.

    The nerfs I’m asking for are not going to kill the perk, they would just make it slightly harder to regain tokens. (Meaning that Aura perks may work once or twice a game)

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Let me give you an example. Say you are in an indoor map and you run nowhere to hide. You kick a gen and boom, you see the Aura of someone in another room who is hidden really well. You instantly start chase with them rather than searching for other survivors. I don’t know what you call that, but I call it saving time.

    In the other case where you don’t have Aura perks, you have to spend a lot more time searching for survivors. It only takes 1 to 2 minutes without pressure for a killer to lose in this meta so the instant tracking from Aura is priceless.

    Now, try explaining why Aura perks make a killer lack skill. If they do, does that mean that all of the survivors running windows of opportunity suck?

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006
    edited August 2023

    You might be right. I thought it only worked when outside of chase, but the description doesn't mention not being in chase. That being the case, it could be an okay nerf. I don't think it would affect it's functionality too much.

    Edit: I wouldn't support increasing token recharge to 50 seconds in conjunction with the in-chase nerf. I'm referring to the in-chase nerf specifically.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Thank you for being so understanding! It’s really hard to find people who actually listen on this forum XD.

    It’s kinda broken that tokens just build no matter what is happening.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    It's fine. I sometimes forget the conditions of the perk. I keep forgetting it hides scratch marks too. It will go off and I will walk to not leave scratch marks, forgetting that I can run freely for 10 seconds lmao

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    One. Come up with a reasonable argument as to how BBQ n chili is a "tunneling perk".

    Two. Theres no "adapting" if a singular perk counters an entire build, survivors complain that killers bring too much regression, so killers bring aura builds... then they get hit with distortion making the killer pretty much perkless and all it takes is 1 perk slot on the survivor.

    Three. No it shows survivor bias on survivor mains when in order for yall to classify a perk as "good" it has to be so busted you're essentially playing on auto pilot much to the likes of WOO , Resi, MFT, Adren, etc etc. and anything else that requires minimal brain input is instantly classified as "trash".

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Yeah, I didn’t even know that was a part of the perk until a few days ago but it is pretty dang good XD

    In it’s current state, it’s good enough to warrant 50% of survivors bringing it to their matches so it’s all kinda crazy these days.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,209

    I agree. Its current token system is not restrictive enough. Unless you are against a killer with a small terror radius (or a stealth killer), you can often maintain enough tokens to never have your aura revealed the entire game. It's overkill and it's never a dead perk either since even if the killer doesn't bring aura reading, you can determine what perks/addons they DON'T have and play accordingly.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    how is there no adaptation? you can still find survivors without perks and some killer have access to killer instinct such as dredge nightfall or like wesker infection sprays. your complaining about survivors using chase perks. for once they use a stealth perk and now your complaining that a stealth perk is overpowered...

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Despite it being good I almost never see it. I don't think it is slept on, I think it just doesn't fit into the kind of aggressive builds survivors tend to prefer. I run it on a build with Botany, Calm Spirit and We'll Make It. It means I can safety unhook and quickly heal teammates without being detected. Effective, but not exactly swaggy.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Then maybe they shouldnt run all aura reading builds then. Besides distortion is uncommon. Even if one person has it, you'll still benefit by finding others who dont have it.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited August 2023

    Like why killers are so bent over survivors using stealth perks. But oh its ok when ur using undetectable perks, oblivious perks, stealth killers where we cant see you and get free hits. Oh ok. Yea yea.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Nerf Lethal and I promise you'll see less people using Distortion. People run Distortion because they don't want to be found within 5 seconds of starting a match.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    Diagree. It's very much a non-issue.

    There are some things in this game that are essentially a coinflip: with Distortion you bet on the killer using aura reading - and some killers even have a joker up their sleeve because they spam aura reading and/or you can't regain tokens. A killer bets on a survivor not having Distortion (the odds are very much in the killer's favour).

    Seeing that even though aura reading among killers has somewhat increased (esp. Lethal & NTH) Distortion use has hardly increase also tells us, that most survivors think the odds are stacked against them and bringing Distortion isn't worth it.

    Depending on how aura reading may change in the future (if more aura reading perks that are viable on a wider variety of killers with different playstyles are introduced) that may change. If Distortion became so prevalent (for whatever reason) that the question would become "is it worth it running an aura reading perk bc there is so much Distortion?" then Distortion would need some looking at.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,157
    edited August 2023

    So many perks to complain like MFT and you choose distortion...

    Distortion is only good in swf tho, since you can communicate with your team, distortion is in a good spot rn and don't need any changes

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Dude just thinks the token recharge is overtuned and should be toned down a little and everyone acts like he's trying to murder the perk forever.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    This perk is actually not supposed to be activated during a chase

    It bugs didn't fix for some reason

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    The point of this nerf isn’t to make it non-viable. It is to make it so it isn’t up for the whole game.

    Tokens just need to regenerate slower. The functionality of the perk is completely fine otherwise.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    So killers were mad at shattered hope, because it takes up perk slot and it might do absolutely nothing + it's not even guaranteed perfect counter to boons and yet they do complain when the cards are perfectly reversed too? How interesting.

    So the perk that does nothing if the other side does not bring specific build - check. Does not do the job perfectly (token drain on some spam aura killers, see other survivors, etc) - check.

    If the history should repeat itself, survivors would ask for aura perks/addons to be nerfed. But no. Instead "it's time to nerf distortion"

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,157

    You're wrong, stake out and diversion specifies that you can't stay in a chase, distortion doens't

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Just to give a concrete example of what distortion feels like right now. Imagine that a killer has Hex 3rd seal but the Devs buffed it so it’s no longer a Hex perk. Now survivors cannot see Auras for the entire game with no way to really counter it. That would suck right?

    Distortion is kind of like that right now on an individual basis. Since it has tokens, it is obviously not supposed to work for the entire game. The fact that it is so easy to get tokens back means it is up 100% of the time which is bad. It would be better if it were only up 80% of the time or survivors had to work harder to make sure it is up 100% of the time.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Lethal is perfectly fine as a perk, distortion is perfectly fine as a counter. Distortion just needs to build tokens more slowly so it isn’t up for the whole game.

    The reason I say Lethal is fine is because it really only allows killers to initiate one chase in the beginning of the match, saving probably between 10 and 30 seconds of searching. It doesn’t really do much other than that and buffing the duration of other Aura perks within a killer’s build.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,157

    Sorry but killers have too many aura reading perks right now

    Lethal, nowhere to hide and floods of rage being the most common ones, if someone uses on good killers like nurse it's basically impossible to play :(

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I understand where you are coming from but respectfully disagree. Distortion is pretty close to being in a good state but just needs to build its tokens slower. The fact that survivors running it are immune from aura perks for the entire game makes it an issue.

    It would be healthier if it was up 80% of the time or needed extra effort to be up 100% of the time.