Corrupt Needs A Change Now That Plot Twist Exists

For those of you who haven't seen this yet, if a survivor brings No Mither + Plot Twist, they can down themselves instantly at the start of the trial to get rid of corrupt and then pick themselves up.

With the new corrupt, you could go around and choose whether or not to end your corrupt early by downing someone, or continuing to go for other full health survivors, yet with plot twist it seems it create an unfair situation that cancels out one of the killers entire perk slot.

Perhaps it's time to just bring back old corrupt and make it the default 2 minutes. I wouldn't have a problem with this from either side. I think the change was back when the whole Killer buffs happened in general, but I don't see an issue with this revision.


  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    You don't really need no mither.

    Lot of killers who use corrupt wants to use full duration and only injure survivors during that time.

    Oni, Nemesis, Plague are good examples for this.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605
    edited July 2023

    I disagree, it provides far too much agency to survivor, denying ESSENTIAL pressure from the killer.

    team that up with a BNP team and Made for this and suddenly you have a survivor that can tank 3 hits from the start of the trial thanks to endurance while the rest of the team just SMASH gens like there is no tomorrow with Prove thyself.

    1 survivor with no mither means NOTHING considering all the free built-in everything survivors keeps getting to safeguard "their fun"

    meanwhile, everything that can possibly be done to undermine the killer's fun as been enacted for 2 years straight

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I mean, how're you gonna do it without running directly to the killer? Even if you do run directly to the killer, the purpose of Corrupt Intervention is to push survivors to find other generators at the start of the match, and your teammates will all have started doing that even if you somehow make a beeline directly to the killer.

    That also uses up your charge of Plot Twist, which doesn't seem like a great trade to me.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    A survivor willing putting themselves into the dying state and using up their free instant heal at the start of the game is still good for the killer.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited July 2023

    Right. 1 survivor being a liability is no issue at all. That's why nobody in this game tunnels and there are exactly 0 threads about need to solve the issue /s

    Sure corrupt is absolutely more essential then early 3v1. And cowshed is fair, clown is the strongest killer in game and SWF desperately need buffs

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    not really if it disable 1/4 of the killers kit forever.

    its 1/4 of the killer's kit vs 1-2/16 of the survivor's kit.

    its basic math at this point, not hard to understand.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    Instead of changing Corrupt Intervention why don’t we just change No Mither so it doesn’t start you out injured and you become broken upon taking damage instead? It’s something that perk desperately needs and it won’t make it as strong against Corrupt.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    You're running a perk that disables itself naturally. You either have a survivor running No Mither or a survivor willingly running at you. Having Corrupt end sooner is not something you should really be concerned with at that point.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 279

    The main issue is the fact that you are able to run perks to cancel out the other sides perks (COMPLETELY mind you since corrupt is a one time thing) regardless of the condition. If you look at most comp matches the killer almost always has corrupt, and I am almost certain that this perk will be used to counter corrupt as a new meta. 1/16 survivor perks canceling out 1/4 of the killer perks is huge, and it doesn't at all need to be paired with no mither for this effect to work, especially if the killer is trying to spread pressure to get value from the perk with injures.

    If the killer could run a perk to remove a survivors one unbreakable charge it wouldn't be very fun either.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Don't take me wrong, I don't think this interaction is an issue. It's quite funny imo.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    Well, by comp are you talking about regulated competitive matches in customs, or the random chance a comp SWF faces a killer using Corrupt?

    First scenario, whoever is organizing the event can just simply ban Plot Twist and No Mither from being used in the same load-out. Anything not related to custom matches, you're still dealing with the chance the Killer is a Lethal Blight/Nurse who will run down the No Mither user as their first target.

    There's no chance that it'll become meta, when we're talking about No Mither of all perks. Especially if there are other options for Killers to get the ball rolling in their favor.

  • CammyChameleon
    CammyChameleon Member Posts: 279

    The issue doesn't rely on No Mither, with Corrupt the killer wants to chase down survivors to injure them and not down right away to make the most value out of corrupt. Plot Twist just takes away the choice of trying to get value out of it

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 556

    Bringing the old corrupt is not a good idea, unfortunately there are strong killers who would take advantage of this, what you can do is disable the corrut only if the survivor falls due to blows caused by the killer

    However, if a survivor is using two perks just to disable the corrupt, he is giving up two perk slots and still running the risk of the killer not even having corrupt in the build, that is, even why No Mither and Plot Twist are perks not worth using

    It's the same thing as a survivor complaining why the Killer took the Whisper and No Way out perk to prevent the last living surv from fleeing the match, it even works, but the killer is giving up better resources

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The cons of a survivor using Plot Twist and No mither

    • Disable Corrupted

    The pros of a survivor using Plot Twist and No mither

    • The 1st survivor lay down on the ground for half a min, 2 survivors on Gen when you chase the 4th one.
    • The 1st survivor's chase time cut in half because of 1 health state. Drop 13% of total chase time.

    The pros of a survivor not using Plot Twist and No mither

    • Have Corrupted

    The cons of a survivor not using Plot Twist and No mither

    • 4 survivors are full health.
    • 3 survivors on Gen, one of them use Prove thyself and Hyper focus instead of Plot Twist and No mither, while you chase the 4th one.
  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    I think you'd have to take into consideration which killers want to use Corrupt in the first place though. Trapper and Hag needing time to set up their powers are prime examples, so they can make a whole area unsafe before interacting with Survivors in order to get the best value out of it. Plague needs time to vomit on everything she can to get her power rolling. The set-up Killers who need it the most should have little to no issue in the early game against Plot Twist.

    Wraith is probably the only killer I can honestly think of if you wanted to go for a hit n run strat to delay downs, as you have the stealth and mobility to find Survivors a lot easier. And doing that is honestly a coinflip itself, where Survivors will just focus gens if they know you're not gonna commit. If they're smart, they'll know to spread pressure instead of stacking all in the same place, so at least one gen will pop. You might as well just go for the early down and pressure, just to move onto the next target.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    not necessarily. in practice corrupt intervention has had no counter until now. if you stealth, you provide the killer slowdown. if you do not stealth then corrupt improves killers early game. plot twist opens up the door for survivor to counter the perk making the perk more risky to run. corrupt will no longer guaranteed value if a counter is introduced. The problem is that no mither is too bad of drawback for players to run the perk. This means that BVHR might invent perks in future that cost 1 health-state to activate but provide some bonus which could be paired with plot twist to counter corrupt intervention in the future.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2023

    You can just eliminate the survivor who downs themselves with No Mither early on and make it a 3v1. They brought No Mither, they're not going to survive.

    Corrupt is already countered by hiding. If the killer can't find anyone for 180 seconds, it's a wasted perk slot. This is why I never use it. But then I never play Hag or Trapper either, and they don't use Corrupt time to pressure survivors anyway, they use it for set up.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    In this future scenario if you are indeed right, then I would agree there's a need to fix corrupt.

    Right now? I don't think so. I am pretty certain people will pick plot twist to meme around more then to actually help them (because other options to self-heal are just stronger at this time). I would not be surprised to actually see no-mither+plot twist in games just for this gimmick - to annoy killer. But it absolutely won't be net negative for killer. I don't see this as an issue right now. But you are right - new perks should be monitored for this possible interaction.

  • strikeronima
    strikeronima Member Posts: 1

    Thanks I was missing a good perk in my no mither build and this shipped it I shut down three corrupt today with it.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298
    edited August 2023

    Wildly overrated combo. You literally have to grief yourself in order to get a 15% chance of running into a killer who run it, then only like trapper and hag actually need corrupt while the others honestly get net neuter (do you think oni is mad about having a no mither survivor in his lobby lmao) at worse with having a survivor start the match stunned for 20 seconds, injured, broken, and with basically only having 2 perks.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    I'm convinced this entire thread is a devious killer mastermind's plot to make survivors run No Mither. I approve!

    'Oh noez, my Corrupt gets disabled all the time in this unbearable No Mither meta! Every team is running it in high mmr, please nerf!'