killer perk idea: lets play

When hooking a survivor, aura of survivor that is furthest from sacrifice is revealed for 2/4/6 (or 1/2/3) seconds. This effect cannot be countered by aura hiding abilities. Effect cannot be extended.
For every non-consecutive hook, this perk gain 1 token.
At the end of the match, if "lets play" has at least 4 tokens, killer get additional 10% bloodpoints from sacrifice category for each token.
If "lets play" accumulated 12 tokens, the bloodpoints bonus is applied to all categories.
Good perk if you are not care if you gonna "lose" or be destroyed, he compensate you in blood points, but this perks screams GEN RUSH ME!!!
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Yes. This is a perk for grinding bloodpoints. Yes, its for people who dont care about "win" or "loose". And yes im one of those.
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The devs have actively removed perks that give bonuse blood points. I can't see them adding a new one.
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You want to say here, that you dont like healthy perk with bloodpoint bonus, or that you have nothing constructive to say?
Being oppose just because someone else is, is not valid criticism.
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What @FFirebrandd points out here is perfectly valid criticism, what they are asking you is:
If bHVR removed bloodpoints bonus from BBQ and WGLF because people were using the perk even if it was detrimental to themselves. And not because of the Perk's utility in a match, What makes you think they will add that bonus in again for your perk idea?
Indeed if we believe bHVR's previous justification, I dont think another perk like that is at all likely.
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Note that not caring about winning or losing is already pretty well rewarded. Someone who aims to get 8 hooks before kills will get very good BP-score and Grade progression even when multiple survivors escape. An efficient tunneler & proxy-camper will have a hard time to get higher grade pips and exceptional BP even with 3-4k. Also keep in mind that because of the nature of matchmaking, the first kind of killer will get considerably less efficient teams on average, so he'll have an easier time getting those good BP-scores.
I think this is a very good thing - it incentivizes playing in a manner that's more enjoyable for everyone instead of what our gamer instinct suggests us.
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They left some bp perks, and all "meme" addons, so its not about removing bp bonusses.
Also. I also think its at unlikely at best, for devs to introduce duch perks. And yet, it does not stopped me to post suche idea. You know why? Because it does nor matter. BHVR willingness either straight said or showed on previous actions is nowhwre near to real argument about validity of suggestion. If You have some criticism about idea on its own then be my guest. But if your argument is "BHVR will not add bp perk", then: 1. You put words to someone elses mouths. 2. You have basically nothing to say.
Its actually the opposite, in terms of progress. The raster You kill survivors, the more pipes You get.
As for bp You are right im some aspects. More hooks - more bp from sacrifice category. But 8 hooks and no kills gratis You less bp than 4 hooks that killed all survs.
But it also does not matter. Even if You would be right. I still think that having perk that gives You bonusses for healthier gameplay is advantageous, especially that if one dont want to use it, noone is forcing it.
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Everything look fine except this :
"This effect cannot be countered by aura hiding abilities."
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They left some bp perks, and all "meme" addons, so its not about removing bp bonusses.
I never said it was about just removing bps bonuses.
Its pretty clear, they DONT want perks like this anymore. Also there is no need they over-halfed the progression already.
This makes a lot of sense, since the reason people pick those perks should be for the perk value. not the bonus.
Your idea here isn't new and is just a step backwards. I don't think greed is a good as a motivating factor on a perk.
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Besides the fact that BHVR doesn't want to do perks with BP bonus anymore, in my opinion "This effect cannot be countered by aura hiding abilities." is bad. What's the point of making aura hiding perks if aura reading perks can be immune to them ? It's like making an exhaustion perk that's immune to exhaustion add-ons and perks, it makes no sense. Perks should be counterable.
Other than that I personnally really like token perks, those that reward not tunneling even more, but the reward should be an game advantage instead of BP (or on top of them).
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I personally think they should add the "farthest survivor" effect to BBQ. Maybe then it would stop being meta.