Bots - Keep them or Not in live games?

I personally would rather get my abandonment points and move on. The bots are more of a problem than they are worth. Keep them or go back to just accepting a player disconnected?
Bots - Keep them or Not in live games? 34 votes
Keep them of course. Game is so much better now.
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keep them it helps peeple not need to play 75964643729021 games of infinite tombstone shape
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Hey... Kate Denson 00 saved me from a hook and healed me when she ran by me injured.
Sometimes Bots are great.
Also they do Gens and leave after opening the exit gates. Better than some angry players standing with crows at the hook.
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Ok, I'm just seeing if anyone else is having a bad experience. I'm glad you like them. Mine have been awful. Furthermore, I notice the killer ignores them. My guess is they don't view them as a threat and it's just not the same playing against a Bot. As a killer, if you have a big ego, I would imagine they don't want the real people to escape as a priority.
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What do you mean?
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My big gripe about bots is their refusal to give up on the hook when there are only 2 remaining survivors. In solo queue, it's common courtesy for the 3rd survivor to give up on the hook to let the 4th survivor have a chance to find the hatch. Luckily, the bots are more likely to miss stuggle skillchecks than humans, so that at least speeds up the process.
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you still get the achievement if you kill the bots with a tombstone mori but if the player stops existing then you dont
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Bots are annoying to me. They always miss skill checks, won't let anyone heal them, waste time spam crouching by you to heal you, and/or just play outright dumb. I'd rather play 3v1 than play 3v1 plus a bot.
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I think that they're an improvement overall but they need some fixes. Bots are too scared of the killer to stay on gens and they run straight for really good loops. I've had at least 3 bots that could infinitely vault the same window without it getting blocked.
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the presence of bots must be hidden from the maniac completely, thereby the question disappears on its own