zero communication on ptb changes, thanks bhvr

so, people who said devs will just post the monthly devblog on monday one day before release when it's already not so relevant, where is it?
good job with communication, bhvr, nicely done!
I mean, we're gonna know tomorrow with the patch notes, so it's hardly a failure of communication.
It is weird though. Would've been nice to see a dev update, but it's hardly something to get worked up over.
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It's kinda weird but I'd hardly call it a failure, the changes being announced a few days before a chapter doesn't change anything, it's not like we can test them or they'd be changed again before the chapter drops. For all we know maybe there's 0 change and that's why we're not getting a dev update.
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They just want to buy an extra 24 hours of quiet before they announce MFT/Buckle Up/vault nerfs and 90% of the killer roster is playable again.
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thats what iv been saying. there has been no devlog and im not sure why. I personally think there just is no big changes (or changes at all other than what was in ptb) worth a devlog
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Out of all of those only the vault 'bugfix' being actually bugfixed is truly an issue. Everything else is a self-report. Most MfT users are supplementing their lack of skill, so applying any mindgame utterly destroys them faster than if they had Lithe or Sprint Burst instead. Buckle-Up complaints are essentially if you have to play with TV speakers. I have hearing damage and I have no problem tagging people with an injury before they try to FtP+Buckle-Up a slugged teammate, and don't slug them long enough to give Buckle-Up value alone.
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Yeah, I mean... They should tell at least if they change something or just leave as it is... Thats all.
I find it weird, not to communicate such things.
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While I'd personally prefer to see a dev update because I find them fun to read, they are going to tell us. That information is going to be in the patch notes, we won't be left in the dark as to what changed.
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People was saying 90% of the roster was unplayable way before that tho.
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Glad that you open three threads about the same topic:
I dont even see much need for a Devblog with changes since the Xenomorph looked more than decent without any glaring issues on the PTB.
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I just think we didnt get a dev log bc there just isnt any major changes being made from PTB to Live this time around. It like the last patch with Nick Cage. We didnt get a dev blog for that till the day before the patch came out and even then the changes they made from ptb to live in that patch were very minor.
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MFT is straight up overpowered. It's not a crutch. A bad player using it holding W will be hard to catch. A good player using it will be impossible to catch.
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The big glaring issue from the PTB that I wanted an update on was Xeno's tail attack being properly treated as a special attack. No Play With Your Food tokens were lost from succesful tail attacks in the PTB.
It's still Monday. I'll wait and see.
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Michael Jackson - They Don’t Care About Us
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that was a bug which would be fixed 100%.
no way this way a balance decision
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If it is a bug, then you're right; they'll fix it.
I just wanted to know if it will be fixed before tomorrow's release. If not, then I don't plan on playing survivor if Xeno players will be exploiting the bug.
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Dev blog for what exactly? Xeno doesn't really need that many changes, bug fixes will be written in the patch notes, and you're in full-on copium if you think they'll add some unannounced balance changes, especially because it's not a mid chapter patch
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Ppl just like reading about changes that are being made based on feedback from the PTB even if it's as small as a bug fix. I know I do and I would been happy just a tweet saying "We decided we not making any major changes from the PTB and release it live as is on the release date." Hearing nothing from the devs makes ppl think all the feedback they gave during the PTB wasn't heard. Xeno may not need many changes but there were a few QoL stuff ppl asked for and wanted to see.
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I wouldn't be surprised if there's barely any changes and certainly not enough to warrant a blog post from the ptb, Xeno seemed mostly fine tbh.
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I mean it's not like you can even play with whatever changes the patch note will contain untill tomorrow, so i don't see what the difference would even make if it was revealed now.
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not like there weren't perks or addons that really needed changes for the better
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It's not a day in the DBD community if some players aren't trying to raise a stink about literally nothing.
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it wouldn't make any difference.
but it's nice knowing what changed ahead of time.
which doesn't apply to me since I'll be at work anyway and can just read the changes after they are live
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It's a case of "I didn't get what I think I deserve and now I'm gonna cry about it on the forums and tell people how horrible bhvr is".
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And yet, people with MFT die all the time.
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Xeno YEAH, needs changes same was Singu, sadako, wesker... BHVR did developer update with the changes post ptb a few weeks before the official release. They have been doing this with several chapters and mid chapters. With alien it should not be the exception.
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Just before Made for This released I could swear these same killer mains were complaining about Sprintburst and Lithe being OP. Lol.
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I can't speak for all Killer Main but I know I never complain about SB or Lithe. In fact, to this day I still prefer to go against a lobby of SBs and Lithes rather than DHs or MfTs. SB and Lithe I can play around and make choices. What choice do I have when chasing an Mft survivor? Shoot I don't even know if someone has MfT till at the end of the match so I cant even play around that info since I dont have it to begin with.
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Yeah, exactly. The Devs never promised that they will do Dev-Updates before every Release. They did so in the past, but it was never promised. And IMO there are not really big issues with the content, people were overall really positive about the Chapter, so I dont really see it as urgent that they do a Dev-Update and explain changes they are doing to the Xenomorph or other newly released content.
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I do empathize with not knowing who has it. It can be very difficult to tell.
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No one complained about those perks as much as MfT. The only people I ever saw say any of those perks were OP were Scott Jund, very bad killers who complain about everything, and survivors who were just using it as an excuse to keep Dead Hard meta.
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And killers using Blight/Nurse with strongest addons/perks lose all the time. You can use the most busted stuff in the game but you can't fix skill issue. I'm not here making a case for Alch Ring/Crow being balanced because I once juiced a Blight for 5 gens and 4-outed at 0 hooks. We're discussing cases where people are moderately decent at the game. On anyone halfway ok, MFT makes up for so many mistakes and allows for ridiculous extensions to chases. There is absolutely no excuse for this perk to continue to exist.
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Hmmmm, I disagree.
I think the Endurance should be removed and then we should see what happens. Killing the perk would be a mistake.
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Frankly, the Endurance is the least offensive part of the perk. Most maps are safe enough without having an extra 20% distance made on every meter you have on the killer. Not to account for all the extra loops you can make around pallets, forcing lose-lose for killers.
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The answer is "all of them".
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Or none of them.
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Not quite true, elsewise we'd see far more escapes than we do currently
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Always at least one. I don't remember the last game I played, on either side, that didn't have a survivor running MFT.
MFT, Windows, Adrenaline, Resilience. It's all I ever see these days, everyone is running at least two of those.
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To be more on topic, I do want an update post. I think it's frustrating to wait until the day of the patch to find out what changes, if any, are being made. For me, it could make or break buying the DLC, because the state of the game right now feels pretty bad and I don't see much point in buying DLC if there's no sign of improvement.
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it's also really weird from them to promise better communication and keep radio silence despite new characters / their perks having issues that need addressing.