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Kill switch Skull Merchant until her rework



  • Member Posts: 723

    It’s because a high majority of people with these players just do it to try to spite the rest of the players and be as annoying as possible. I got score board chats where they state it. And I agree, I’d rather take a game against a 1000 win streak Nurse or Blight, be done in 2 minutes and just go next.

  • Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2023

    Two things most players don't know about Skull Merchant that could help with counter play:

    → drones can be held hostage (ie. hack a drone, but don't enter last promt): this disables drone in all aspects, and doesn't count as an arm trap yet. You can hold it until you see skull merchant approach, then enter last prompt, turn it to arm trap and run away. Other surv can work on a gen under a drone held hostage without detection/expose/addon effect.

    → survivers doesn't need to wait until drones go into scan mode to hack them. 10 seconds after skull merchant deploys/activates drone, it become hackable while in expose mode. I see alot of survs wait around for scan mode. When the "woosh effect" aroud a drone dissapears, even if it's active you can run in and hack. The moment you start hacking,, expose meter and killer instincts stop.

    I know it's not much, but in some games it can make a difference.

    ps> I am a Skull Merchant main, but I stopped playing her until her rework. Wins don't feel earned with 3 gen strat, and other ways of playing her isn't viable.

  • Member Posts: 723

    I know these strats, tha’s how I beat her when I play in a 4 man SWF. In solo it’s impossible to pull off, the level of coordination can only be achieved through coms, and even like that it takes up to 50 minutes.

    I also stopped playing her until her rework in a way to protest and leave the stats just to the 3 genning ones so the problem shows itself better in the data.

  • Member Posts: 40

    What's next that people wanna killswitch? Made For This or overpowered perks?

  • Member Posts: 115

    There are plenty of other ways to play her. Look up redsgaminggears or potato legion's gameplay of her.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Team "fix the hell out of skull merchant or do away with her". Everyone hates her. Such misery.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    No Killer should be disabled just because people don't like to play againts them. That would be very stupid.

  • Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2023

    The Pickrate of skullmerchant is around 1,4%

    So the chance of getting her 4 times in 10 games is like 0.00074%. I think you exaggerate it a bit.

    Shes the 4th rarest killer that is getting played. If you really hate her that mutch just AFK or suicide on the next hook. I mean thats what killers have to do against bullysquads too. Welcome on our side.

    Since a rework is comeing (hopefully) soon, i think its only a matter of time until this is fixed

  • Member Posts: 723

    Insane to call somebody’s objective experience an exaggeration. Next time I will open stream just for you so you can check and compile the data of my games! So unserious.

    ”Welcome on our side”. I was so sure you’d try to turn it into an Us vs Them moment.

    bye! 👋

  • Member Posts: 162

    Its called statistics, i know math can be frustrating sometimes :/

    It is a "Us" vs "them" moment. Because some players are benefiting from this system and some players are in a disadvantaged. It has nothing to do with killer or survivors per se, more with the players who play em.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Nobody gives a damn about mathematics if I am telling you I played through that and it happened like that, and it’s my experience. It’s like telling somebody they didn’t get assaulted twice in 4 months because “akshually the statistics says that assaults happen only 1.3 times a semester in your area”. Like be serious for 2 seconds. Also you are late to the party, this was during the peak of the “chess merchant” video brainrot. End of interaction!

  • Member Posts: 162

    What i am telling you that its very unlikely that it will happen again and you can just go on playing :-)

  • Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2023

    The funniest thing to me is that I have yet to actually go against a Skull Merchant who was trying to hold the closest 3 gens the entire game. They have all played pretty much normally. Yet I see people complaining about her even then. Even if people play her like a normal killer they get butt hurt. So maybe just maybe it isn't about 3 gens at all. Maybe just maybe the community is a bunch of whiny little kids lol

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Yeah, playing against SM absolutely sucks and I hope her rework comes soon, but it doesn't change the fact that she's not going to get killswitched even though most of us hate her because it's not what the killswitch is for.

  • Member Posts: 723

    They teased the rework for next midchapter, which ptb might take place next week according to calculations. Hopefully it will be good!

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Yes I"m really looking foward to it! hopefully they made her interesting instead of just nerfing the 3gen strat

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Would be nice if they actually make it well.

    If there is also MFT change, I might even start playing again.

  • Member Posts: 755

    You are wrong, if the killer can hold you hostage for more then a one hour total. He can literally kill you with the unofficial match timer. But, again, the killer power is all about patrolling Genators and putting pressure on every gens, especially the three closest gens. She terrible in chase, unless you have a chase build; she doesn't have any speed and lethality if survivors are not interacting with her traps or simple hold w when leaving the drones range. That is how the killer is meant to be played, it not bugs or anything; so that is why it will never get Killswitch in the first place.

    You want her kill switch so badly; I dare you to find some game breaking bug that only she can do; that makes her unintended gives her something to exploit.

    The devs are going to rework her eventually; so deal with it; or take a break and go play a different game until the rework. If you can't handle playing more then 30 minutes in a game; then maybe gaming is not for you. Is this me, being sick of the "Killswitch Skull Merchant" post everytime they complained simply because of the boring power she only provided; yes I do. Should she be kill switch because she unfun to play, no; she not broken in bug/exploits; she broken because of the devs lack of clear vision for the killer overall design.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Again, you didn’t bother reading anything, so I won’t bother reading this + she is getting reworked on the ptb next week already so discussion over. Best regards!

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