Jonah’s VA Changed

I’d link the tweet, but y’all probably know how twitter is these days
EDIT: *Hopefully this works*
I know the link looks like a porn site... but you can still link it.
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I liked Jonah's old voice too. Had the least obnoxious injure sounds and the hook screams wasn't pounding the eardrums like most of the roster. Very chill voice.
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You’d think, but i’m getting a pink blib in place of it
The original post didn’t specify, and I‘m not sure we’re allowed to discuss it here, but the original VA; [just gonna redact his name], has been fired following “talks” with underage girls.
Mind, this is based on 10 minutes of research, and I could be entirely wrong.
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on1 -
welp...I read the patch notes and thought they were just getting started on their "equalizing survivor sounds" promise, this sucks to hear (if it's true), but I'm glad BHVR got rid of him.
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As one of the first p100 Jonahs (source: trust me bro) I'm coping hard this is a huge misunderstanding.
But if it isn't, then it has to happen. I've heard his new voice and it's fine, possibly even better since it's a lot quieter. Though I will miss the goofiness of his old voice.
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if theres an addon called VHS porn in the game, im positive you can link a twitter link as the mods know that its changed to X lol
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the problem is not that it looks like porn
it straight up won't appear for some reason
it gets turned into a pink rectangle
at least the op's fixed now
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That's sucks, he my favorite male survivor voice. I guess I main him no more :(
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Due to allegations surrounding the original voice actor for Jonah, we took action to recast the role. It's important for us to be in line with the values we want to live by and promote within our community.
This change was made with the release today and is reflected on the patch notes.
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Serious question, not trying to cause drama.
Should it occur that information comes out that the, keyword, "allegations" are determined to be false. Would you reinstate the original voice?
I say this, as someone who doesn't actually know who this person is, or any of the allegations surrounding them.
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"Due to allegations surrounding the original voice actor for Jonah"
What did I miss?
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The band dropped him back in November 2022 and he has since deleted all socials. Instead of providing proof against the allegations and Screenshots of the Victims' accounts and messages, he has vanished off the face of the earth.
I'm no psychology expert, but in a Court of Law that would be fairly damming evidence to a jury.
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Or he is following his lawyers advice to keep a low profile. I mean, just look at the Flash...
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If you're in a band and they drop you after you've had a chance to explain yourself then yeah that's not a good look 💀 I'd rather err on the side of caution than the side of a predator
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And you'd be correct, but until it can be proven in a Court of Law with testimonies and everything that entails they will remain just those- allegations. I was simply stating that innocent until proven guilty doesn't always apply when you've done everything in your power to make yourself look guilty (it has been almost a year since these allegations and no statement? no defence? no nothing? doesnt scream innocence). And as I mentioned above, if I were BHVR, I'd rather err on the side of caution than that of a potential predator.
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This sucks tbh, should've at least let the community vote between options for his new voice, the new voice doesn't match him in my opinion.
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Don't worry it's fine, I'm one of the most passive aggressive people on these forums <3 no harm no foul
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Not siding with anyone. But innocent until proven guilty should still count. I mean, we had a couple of cases were people got accused. Mob mentality kicked in. Everyone "knew" that person was guilty. Only to turn out, that it was all false.
Not saying this is here the case. But i would be extremely cautious with things like that.
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BHVR couldn't at least attempt to find a sound-alike? The new voice is too gruff and has, like, no personality. He was my favorite survivor to play as before, but this new voice sucks so hard it makes me not want to play as him. The old one sounded like he was actually panicked when he was hit, hooked, or injured. Now he just sounds like a caveman who smokes two packs a day.
I know they aren't going to change it. Felt the need to say something anyway. Sucks that it had to happen to my fav character. I know he's not popular but he does have players who like him and we deserve better than "Jonah hurt. Jonah no like."
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Any good lawyer will tell their client to follow a simple rule. Shutup. Just shutup, and don't say anything. Deleting social media, and just shutting up is probably the best thing they can possibly do in any situation like this.
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This is not the hill you want to die on mate.
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All they said was that they aren't a fan of Jonah's new voice. I wouldn't even call that a hill to be honest.
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I really like the new voice and screams Jonah has. Has a lot more soul, imo. Fits him really well, whomever voiced him did a really good job!
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He probably sexted high school girls which, in the mind of some people, is the same as what Epstein did.
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The original version was better personally.
Jonah's new falling sound sounds like he is dying.
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The worst male voice now.
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it sounds perfectly normal?
and that is hilarious!
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Sounds fine as a voice in general, dislike that everything sounds the same emotion wise.
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agreed. it's missing a bit of "oomph", especially on the ones where you'd think he'd be in immediate mortal danger.
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I doubt they would. Not because they are bad people or anything, but just because it's already been done.