So is BHVR gonna do anything to address toxicity

Took a small break when TCM came out, came back to try alien and every match was just a tunneling and camping Alien who’d slug for ages, and legion. Like this game would be so fun if every single player didn’t try hard to the max every single match and be as toxic as possible while doing so. It’s one of the only games I know where playing toxic annoying wins you matches and I don’t get it.
Bro have you played other pvp games? They all reward efficient behavior, if there's a best way to win then people are going to do it, there's already instances of this in TCM on both sides. As far toxicity the slurs I've been called as sonny is wild, I mean say what you want about DBD but no one's hurling slurs. That being said why is everyone mentioning TCM as a threat to DBD? Newsflash there different games with different objectives and they can co exist in the same space sue to that.
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Playing efficient (tunneling and camping) is not toxic in the slightest.
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Sorry but intentionally targeting and ruining a persons playing experience Is toxic and it being efficient doesn’t change the fact it’s annoying, unfun, and toxic lol. Other games strive away from unfun and annoying experiences and make playing in a toxic way typically a disadvantage meanwhile dbd strongly encourages being as toxic on both sides as you can be lol. Literally neither side is fun at all because this playerbase is one of the worst I’ve been in and I played overwatch in 2016-2021 💀
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“No one’s saying slurs on dbd” I’ve been called the n word and told that they’d find and SA me until I died because I picked skull merchant
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Tunneling and camping aren't toxic as long as they remain the strongest way for a killer to play the game the same way slamming gens is not toxic.
Annoying sure, unfun sure, should be replaced with a better game design sure, but not toxic.
You're not targeting people because you want to ruin their game, you're just trying to win. As opposed to something like t-bagging which has no purpose but to be a taunt and BM and target the other player maliciously.
Unless you mean "toxic" as in unhealthy for the game design in which case yes, but that's not how most people mean it.
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So you've been playing TCM, a game that is fast gaining a reputation of being exceedingly toxic because the player base for DBD is also the player base for it.
This is the game that can end in 90 seconds because the victims can literally speedrun their objectives before the family even really has a chance to start moving around and setting up.
This is the same game where currently Sissy is machine gunning victims with a poison wombo combo build that applies poison on every single hit.
The game where you can chain stun killers with doors.
Got it.
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Tunnelling and camping after a new killer release is standard. I always see an increase for a couple weeks. It's because most people are still learning the killer and arent very good with them, but they also still want to win so they'll use those tactics as opposed to copping some losses while they learn.
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What if you happen to be the killers obsession? Some challenges require you to kill your obsession by any means.
It's not toxic. And they, probably, aren't intentionally trying to ruin your fun. They are trying to win.
I had a game of apparent beginners earlier. I decided to go for 8 hooks and let them go until one started teabagging whenever he'd stun me with a pallet. He got his whole team killed. Is that toxic? Nah, it's just a game.
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It’s unbalanced not toxic lol and a lot of its players are people also tired of dbd being toxic. So far I’ve only seen toxic people come from the dbd content creators who prioritize being toxic (also dbd players all said Sissy is F tier now she’s OP which is it y’all?)
the topic isn’t even TCM it’s dbd.
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This game is toxic, the forums are toxic and tcm is also toxic. That is the asym horror genre. Either get with it or play something else
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i mean what’s fun about being the first chased and knowing that you’re dead lol. “Loop the killer for 5 gens or sit on hook all match your choice” is pretty much what happens in dbd when you’re the first one found and If you’re not being chased you’re doing nothing but Gens I fail to see how this is fun for either side or healthy.
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I have no clue why someone would pick a new killer and just hook camp at 5 gens. I was genuinely shocked when I saw it. They didn't even want to try out Alien's power lmao
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Sorry that dbd at its core is just unfun? The core of the game =/= the playerbase being toxic.
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It's generally not fun for either side nor healthy for the game. But it's also not fun to lose, have gens race, get pallet bagged, gate stalled ect.
Players would rather not have fun and win than not have fun and lose, and there's plenty of players who have fun because they're winning, regardless of how.
Survivors would rather slam gens and killer would rather tunnel and camp. Because both would rather win than lose.
The only solution without a mass rework of the fundamental game mechanics is for both sides to agree to play for fun. But I don't see survivors agreeing to stop sniffing gens to give the killer leeway to 12 hook nor vice versa. The general online community just can't be trusted to not be sweaty, so your best bet is to be sweaty back.
I say this as someone who rarely tunnels and camps, it's not like I'm getting props after every game or anything for letting people have fun. It's actually the reverse, a lot of survivors will still be toxic and BM in end game chat or at the gate. So a nice first step would be for that not to happen at the least.
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Dunno, but it's just what I've come to expect after every new killer release and so far my expectations have been met. Most of those people will give up on Xeno eventually and go back to playing whoever they normally play with.
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Solution: learn how to loop better.
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Even that extreme what he says killer typically does not tunnel or camp immediatelly after first hook usually they go after someone else and usually tunnel when it becomes neccessary. Hard tunneling usually happens if survivor wastes too much killer time after there is no more options to killer win.
Some do it ofcourse immediatelly at 5 gens but that rather rare. Most play to have some fun but still enough efficiently that they win most of their games. Otz had video where he didn't tunnel and still had 80% winrate so certainly possible to win other ways. Now employing tunneling when neccessary I figure even average killer can have good winrate playing fairly.
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yeah ahahah survivors talking about toxicity, who even cares what survivors consider toxic, especially if it's in post game chat that is 4v1 where no one can back you up.
dude who posted this just wants every killer to play by survivors rulebook.
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How novel. Another Us vs them post.
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Playing efficiently isn't toxic, just the same way bringing 4 BNPs and a map offering isn't toxic. It's just playing hyper efficiently.
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Fact: It can be proven to be true or false through objective evidence.
Opinion: Is a statement that expresses a feeling, an attitude, a value judgement or belief.
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Well, I wouldn't use Otz as a measuring stick for the general player base considering his job is to live and breathe the game.
But yeah my experience has been about the same where most killers won't tunnel immediately unless pushed. Camping from the start I've had more frequently but it hasn't been crazy thankfully.
Additionally when 2-3 gens can pretty easily pop in the first chase it's also not uncommon to have 1 hook, 2 gens left, and that's already in tunnel/camp territory for most players.
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He also said it's not fun? But you called "tunneling" toxic which is not true at all. You should play something else if you can't handle being killed in a game where your opponent is supposed to kill you.
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What's your point? The OP asked a question and I gave an answer. Of course it's my opinion.
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That's not toxicity bro. He doesn't have to chase others.
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Otz definetely is good killer but I think it shows average killer can win good amount of games without tunneling too. Or at least experienced killer can. It is harder now that gen rushing is more common as well.
Yeah but sometimes survivors can make 2 gens quickly but after that they do nothing but it's hard to tell as killer when that happens. So I don't always go immediatelly to tunneling. But 3 gen in first chase is very rough so after that I barely leave hook it's debressing. But then survivor has wasted too much your time and only option left is to tunnel like I said earlier.
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Which one are you saying applies to me?
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So its toxic for the other team to try and win in an efficient matter? If all 4 survivors split on gens and all of them get completed in 5 minutes while every survivor pre drops while I play pig or myers do I get the right to call them toxic? Or is it a "just get good ######### killer" moment despite the killer not having the tools to apply map pressure?
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Yeah I agree for the most part. If you're experienced/above average you can get away with it more. Things like killer choice, build, and map factor in of course but overall yeah.
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Tunneling and camping is toxic because you can win without doing them and all it does is destroy the fun of the other party. There’s a difference between “If YoU cAnT hAnDlE bEiNg kIlLeD!1!1!1” like no use some critical thinking skills and realize the loss isn’t the problem it’s the gameplay itself.
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I could call you toxic for saying such things to people playing the game and following the rules. People can play as they want and guess what it's easier to win games if you tunnel or rush gens. If you are bad at catching players looping then camping can help you also. If you think people rather lose the game to play by your own rulebook then I don't know what to say. Grow up perhaps.
I play 90% survivor I think it's super boring to be tunneled but I would never even think about calling someone toxic for doing it. That is overreacting. Blame the game not the players.
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Majority of killers are not intentionally targeting you just to ruin your fun. They are playing a game where they win by killing the other 4 players and an effective way to do that is to focus out a target at a time.
You guys really need to chill out with the victim complex. If dying in a video game is such a negative experience for you, I don't know why you continue to queue up as survivor where you have the option to be killed off.
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MOST pvp games have some way to communicate to your team though. the counter to slugging and tunneling is to burn up gens and your solo queue teammates dont always do that. need a way to tell them to quit crouching behind that rock and go do a gen.
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only bad killers tunnel, it certainly is toxic at 5 gens. Tunneling needs to be addressed sooner than camping. I get that people like to win games but the killer community is pretty gross about it in this regard.
I understand tunneling when you get down to 1 or two gens left, but at 5? That is certainly toxic, you're not even trying to have fun at that point.
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If the devs wanted to do something about toxicity, they could. Since they don't, we can only assume they condone it.
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Using words like Toxicity is a distraction and off topic. The game is horribly balanced to where it's not fun to play atm. Nurse, blight, gen merchant and xeno are so grossly imbalanced that it makes the game a chore for survivors/soloq. It's just bad game design. Top that with the broken Vaults to where you always get hit no matter what, and you have a really bad time right now.