MFT doesn't really have a downside or risk with 99ing heals being a thing.
All people do is get healed to 99 and carry a medkit around. They gain all the benefit of MFT without any risk, as the moment the killer is in striking range, they just tap heal to be fully healed, get hit, run off at full recovery speed and then continue to get MFT benefits. Then they can just 99 again and rinse and repeat. Some people say it's "fair" because you're in danger when injured, but you can completely work around that. There really is no "risk" factor of utilizing MFT.
sloppy butcher, hemorrhage.
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Do you seriously want every killer and their mother all running sloppy butcher? Because that's how you get everyone running sloppy butcher.
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Your post is complaining about med-kits and 99% healing. Med-kit already received some negative changes. If your not happy with them, than run a perk to counter 99% heals.
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They already do
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That's my point.
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Honestly this has been a problem forever with Resilience. Personally I would have Resilience/MfT give you a percentage of the bonus, equal to how un-healed you are. 0% healed, or 100% unhealed? Full 9% Resil and 3% MfT. 50% healed/unhealed? 4.5% Resil and 1.5% MfT. 99% healed, or 1% unhealed? .09% Resil and .03% MfT. I wouldn't expand this to Iron Will, simply because the perk needs to be reverted to its pre 6.1.0 state or at least have 1 of the limitations removed (the missing 25% or the non-exhausted effect).
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What is the actual benefit of MfT when not in chase? Do those 3% matter? Because you can't pre-run and then once the distance is close enough instantly heal (to get healing prompt, you need to be standing for about 1s) - meaning any benefit you could potentially gain is immediately wiped out by you needing to heal.
The only possible benefit is 3% movement speed when going between gens. That's realistically how much time saved? 1s if you travel a lot?
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That's the point of sloppy butcher and hemorrhage in general. Since MFT is meta, so is that.
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