What happened to camping solution?

I remember hearing on a stream awhile back about camping solutions involving the ability for survivors to unhook themselves if the killer had stayed close for too long. Is that still coming because I haven’t heard a thing about it since and I’m still getting camped every other game.



  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    pshh, ikr! Maybz by end of year?🤷🏼‍♀️ …we hope

    I don’t camp (or tunnel, fwiw😎) so I’m all for this new feature; Interested to see its effectiveness n how matches will play out once it’s released🥳

    Gotta say tho, feels like one of those things that shouldn’t have been teased so soonly. If they weren’t going live w it for such an extended period of time (what, like 3 mths now?), they could’ve saved many of us the buzzkill n not brought it up, at all, ‘til they were ready to drop it in-game.

    ”Got you a super awesome gift! You’re gonna LOVE IT! It’s crazy amazinggg! Can’t wait ‘til you get to have it!!! Not gonna tell you when you’re gonna get it, but you’ll be sooo stoked when ya do!”😩

    btw, If they REALLY wanted to curb the tunneling everyone is assuming (some are threatening) will transpire following anti-camp mode’s establishment (or just to curb tunneling, in general), Devs would add a precautionary feature similar to DS (only activating for possible usage everytime a survivor is immediately tunneled off hook), as well as increasing the basekit BT effect to 30 secs.

    Players probz wouldn’t wanna bother w all that unless they’re hellbent on tunneling. Most Killers would end up choosing to chase someone else😌

  • ElectricSweathog
    ElectricSweathog Applicant Posts: 23

    Yes, definitely teased too early considering I haven’t heard a word about it since. As for the base kit DS, I would love to see something like that added but really can’t see it happening, there would be way too many complaints.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Would be cool if they hurry a bit, by now pretty much 100% of players have figured out that you can get free kills with camping, it's easy/brainless and rewarding. Even mid match you start losing the game> start camping/tunneling hard and comeback... it should be nerfed to make the game more interesting

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    Prob not for another year or 2 right behind the 2+ yr wait on the hatch/mori change.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    They could extend the hook timer to 90sec. The most simple solution. Same to Mori change, could be Yellow Mori basekit and self kill for the 3rd survivor slugged. I dont know why they try to make it complicated.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    I think its more the first part of what i said, that they realized it wouldn't actually solve camping.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    I'm really surprised they didn't just do that. The easiest thing they can do, is just make the yellow mori basekit. Then suddenly mori's become a thing in a lot of games, then they can start selling mori cosmetics while they work on a better mori system. I'm really surprised that isn't what they did TBH.

    I don't think extending the hook timer is the solution, although it is probably the easiest one. I think that tunneling and camping should be tackled as a whole, not individually.

    The easy fix to both of these problems is quite simple:

    • Remove the ability to 4%, its a dumb mechanic
    • Rework luck because of the above, along with slippery meat and the like.
    • Deliverance can stay.
    • Survivors now share the 1st hook state. But only the first hook state.
    • Rework bloodpoint gains for people being camped, so they get some of the gen progress bloodpoints because of "distracting" the killer
    • Rework bloodpoint gains for people being chased, for the similar.
    • Rework bloopoint gains for killers who camp, by PUNISHING them for doing it. (losing bloodpoints)
    • The emblems work this way, why don't bloodpoint gains?

    What this means, is that instead of having 12 hook states, 3 for each survivor. You have 12 hook states, 4 hook states for the whole team, and then 2 for each survivor. This means that to remove anyone from the game, you'll need to hook 6 survivors at minimum before you can do it.

    Also, instead of sharing ALL the hook states, which would cause some problems with people feeling cheated because of a bad person on their team, it is only the 1st hook state.

    This would effectively eliminate camping as a strategy, because you'd have to camp someone for 6 hook states before they die. That is a full 6 minutes, during which time the other 3 survivors have time to finish 3 generators EACH and thats asuming they take 30 seconds to find another one. They could finish 9 gens in the time it takes the survivor to die. Plenty of time to finish 5 gens, 99 some exit gates, and attempt a 3-man save. Which would be less necessary, because when killers KNOW that camping will lose them the game, they won't do it is often except to just be #########.

    This would also eliminate tunneling as a strategy for the same reason, because you would have to down and hook someone 6 times, during which time the rest of the team should have plenty of time to get gens done.

    You also adjust the bloodpoint gains, so the people getting camped or tunneled still earn the same amount as the rest of their team, and the killer loses bloodpoints for camping.

    Then, they simply balance the game around the idea that, 4 survivors will be in the game for much longer than they are now and balance the game around hooks instead of kills. I.E. wins/losses are based on hooks, not kills:

    <5 hooks is a loss

    5-7 hooks is a draw

    8+ hooks is a win

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412
    • "Remove the ability to 4%, its a dumb mechanic"

    So many games were saved because a single survivor managed to free themselves from hook

    you guys really are anti-fun with DBD

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    That's what i'm saying though, that shouldn't be the case. If they balanced the game around hooks instead of kills, and considered an 8 hook 0 kill game a win for a killer, everyone would have a lot more fun, and tunneling and camping would be a thing of the past.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918
    edited August 2023

    You missed a key word in my sentence there that i'm not sure if you just missed, or completely ignored deliberately. I said BALANCE the game around hooks instead of kills. This would obviously include other changes to killers as a whole that would preferably bring up the lower tier killers and reworking (not nerfing) nurse, nerfing blight's addons, etc.

    Also, i'm a nurse main, and think this game at the highest level heavily favors survivors. So if you think for a second i want the game to be survivor-sided, you are sorely mistaken.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    I saw the word, I didn't ignore it. It's just hard to address something when there's nothing to address. "Just do something to make it better" isn't something I can really respond to. Trying to balance the game around hooks and not kills, to the point where 0 kills are expected to be the average, isn't something that lends itself to non-constrictive gameplay conditions.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918
    edited August 2023

    Sure it does, i'm saying you balance the game around that. Balance gen times around that, balance structures around that, loops, pallets. The like. Think about how the killer needs to go for hooks instead of tunneling someone out in 2 minutes what that does to the game. You now need to consider that instead of the game being about eliminating 1 survivor before you are down to the last 2 gens where now you basically just win, it is now about having to chase different survivors. Meanwhile you need to balance the game and gen times with the fact that you can't quickly eliminate someone anymore.

    This game is basically balanced around being a 3.5 players vs 1 player not 4v1 or 3v1. Thus, survivors are too strong when there are 4, and too weak when there are 3. Better to balance the game in a way where survivors can't be eliminated from a match in 2 minutes with no chance to do anything and the killer hoping that the team is too altruistic instead of just doing gens.

    I'm suggesting a world where you balance the game such that, a survivor probably isn't being eliminated until the very end of the game, but that doing so results in the killer "winning" and we balance around hooks and chases.

    Do you prefer a world where tunneling and camping are the optimal strategy the vast majority of the time? Or would you prefer a game where individual skills, mindgames, and diverse play are the optimal strategy?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    It's being held hostage in a corner.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    Way off topic but as a fellow nurse main, how would you rework nurse.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    that just feels it'd require dbd to be redone completely

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 522

    I mean, the camping solution as shown was a start, but you're still gonna get permatunneled the second you're off the hook, just like how it is today.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514
    edited August 2023


  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 645

    Crossing my finger that this feature apears on either August or September Dev Update. :D

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,959

    It’s probably coming this midchapter

  • Lemonwolf
    Lemonwolf Member Posts: 113

    I hope you guys thought this through a lot because that little feature might harm the game quite a bit. Personally, i think camping is a symptom of the ever-increasing survivor power creep. Adding this feature will only make things worse. You need people who want to play both sides of the game or there is no game. For a very, very long time now, i have seen 100% BP incentives for playing killer. I wonder why........

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    They’ll just pull another 6.1.0, survivors will complain, give more buffs to Survivors, people stop playing Killer, cue another 6.1.0.

    It worked in 2022, it will probably work again.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Yes because the side losing can also win by RNG, and vice versa

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    Not really, most of it is numbers tweaks, and then tweaking of the map gen to not spawn broken loops, nerf a few of the ridiculous structures (fun bus, garden of joy window, etc.) and you'll have a much more balanced game.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918
    edited August 2023

    There's basically 2 ways you can go about it, in a way that keeps her identity as the killer that "teleports"

    • Option 1: You keep her power really strong, but limit it, similar to oni.
      • Her movement speed is increased to 4.6
      • Her power is locked behind a power gauge that slowly fills up passively.
        • Once her power fills up, she gets her power for some number of seconds (maybe 60).
        • Survivors are given some kind of thing scattered around the map that they can interact with that will reduce her power gauge by some percentage (but not take her out of it if it is full).
        • Survivors are able to see the aura of these interactable objects.
        • When the nurses power gauge is filled up, the survivors and the nurse start coughing, giving away their location to the nurse.
        • The coughing also causes the nurses location to be revealed periodically to survivors.
        • The coughing works similar to screams/clowns gas in terms of revealing locations.
      • Survivors are given some kind of mechanic to know how close she is to getting her power, maybe a gauge around their portraits?
      • Rework her addons to work with these mechanics.

    This would give her some map pressure in that survivors will have a secondary objective to keep her out of her power. But, if she gets her power, she will be EXTREMELY strong for a few seconds, still moving very fast (she stays 4.6), she has her blinks and all that it entails. But the survivors are periodically shown her location, but she also sees their location. Survivors can interact with this map objective that will keep her out of her power, or drastically shorten the duration if she gets into it. So basically, she's a plain m1 killer, but if you don't stop her from getting her power, she is an unstoppable juggernaut.

    • Option 2: You weaken her power significantly, but let her use it more often.
      • Increase her movement speed to 4.0 m/s (same as survivor)
      • Terror radius is reduced to 4 meters (or maybe even 0) (was 32 meters)
      • The nurse now has a 24 meter lullaby (did not exist).
      • Give her back basic attack on her blink attacks (the lullaby solves the exposed/starstruck problem)
      • Blink stays exactly as it is now except for the following changes:
        • Maximum Blink range: 10 meters (was 20 meters)
        • Maximum chain blink range: 8 meters (was 12 meters) chain blink duration stays the same, this means you can let it go earlier, but if you can still wait a bit longer to guarantee max range for lower skill players.
        • Base Fatigue duration: 3 seconds (was 2 seconds)
        • Chain blink penalty 0 seconds (was 0.5 seconds)
        • Blink attack penalty 0 seconds (was 1 second)
        • Hitting a survivor during a blink attack skips the fatigue phase (you still have to go through the 2.7 second wipe animation like normal)
        • Hitting a survivor with a blink attack fills her power gauge by some percentage [33%?] (see below)
        • Blink no longer has charges (old nurse)
        • Blink speed normalized to 10 m/s (used to be based on charge duration from 6-13.3 m/s)
      • Nurse gains a secondary ability "Spirit Walk" (or whatever name)
        • This ability is activated using the secondary action button.
        • Spirit walk slowly charges up over 45 seconds.
        • Once fully charged, the nurse can activate it, when activated:
        • The nurse charges a special blink that shows an icon similar to "Plaid Flannel" addon currently works.
        • The range of this blink is global, meaning she can teleport anywhere on the map.
        • The nurse is unable to do a chain blink from this special blink.
        • The nurse is unable to do an attack out of this special blink, and will be forced to go into fatigue 1.5 seconds after she arrives at her destination.
        • If the nurse collides (or gets within a couple meters) of a survivor during this blink, they scream, and their aura will be revealed for a few seconds [5?].
        • The nurse can cancel charging this blink.
        • The nurse can cancel the blink while she is teleporting at any time, but still will take the fatigue.
      • Rework the 3 blink addon to:
        • She now has 0 blinks
        • She keeps the special blink
        • Hitting with a basic attack now charges her special blink
        • Her movement speed is increased to 4.6,
        • She permanently sees the aura of all survivors outside of her terror radius.
      • Rework other addons as needed to work with new mechnaics.

    This list is much longer, but basically. She keeps her blink, but its range is shortened to a maximum of 18 meters for both blinks. Instead of a terror radius, she has a shorter, 24 meter lullaby. This makes it so she is able to blink on you very suddenly and quickly, which is necessary because her movement speed is 4.0 m/s, same speed as a survivor.

    If she misses with a blink, the survivor will get a full 12 meters of distance on her, and she won't be able to do a fully charged a blink for 1.5 seconds (current charge) during which the survivor will now be nearly at max range. Making it BARELY possible for the nurse to max range a blink and still be close enough to hit a survivor.

    To counteract the fact that she loses mobility and map pressure from the shorter blink distance, she gets a new global blink on a cooldown that she can earn more of by hitting survivors. If her path, or end duration is close to a survivor, she can cancel it early, and see the survivor's aura just long enough to probably hit them with a blink attack after her fatigue.

    If she hits a survivor with a blink strike, she doesn't get fatigue, again giving her barely enough time to do a max range blink and hit the survivor a second time (if they let her)

    There are many other ways to rework her, but one of these 2 roughly is how i would do it. Basically, she keeps her really strong power, but it is time limited/the survivors can take it away, and outside of that power she is just a standard m1 killer. Or, her power is significantly weakened, but now she can use it much more often and it is a little less punishing to miss with it for newer players. She is given a global blink to allow her some map pressure, and basically she becomes a hit and run killer.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    "Do you prefer a world where tunneling and camping are the optimal strategy the vast majority of the time? Or would you prefer a game where individual skills, mindgames, and diverse play are the optimal strategy?"

    Out of that choice, I would prefer the world where tunnelling and camping are the optimal strategies because the second world can't exist as you've tried to sell it to me. A more balanced, fun and fair world can exist, I don't doubt that, but I don't see yours as being it.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    That would kill a non camping killer's pressure by quite a bit since survivors can just literally let the guy sit there.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited August 2023
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    What happened to free to play the game as you want?

    It's going to be as "fixing" things in sports with new rules and stuff instead ending up hurting the game more than it helps. It's sad that people can't see that until it's too late. There will be no turning back later.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean it only solves facecamping, which is pretty damn rare. It does nothing to solve 'proxy camping' into tunneling which is far more common and far more effective.

  • skylustv
    skylustv Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2023

    They already fixed the camping removing the grabbing animation from killers. About bubba/billy facecampers if they want to solve is just to add a minimum of range so they can use the m2 power facecamping on hook. That's it.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    The meter will go up if the Killer is consistently near you, and most proxy-campers I've seen tend to stick somewhat nearby.

    Still probably won't do jackshit, but hey, at leeast I can pull myself off hook a couple of times before I die.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Survivor A on hook. Assume Killer doesnt camp and find survivor B to chase. If survivors C and D decide to do Gen

    Unless you fail to down B for too long. But any moment B down and A still on hook, the favor is on killer. Gens stop right there because its 1 survivor saves another one.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    The balance you want to achieve is done by slowing the game to a crawl, to the point of stagnation even. If you wanted to balance generator speeds around Killers being required to get 8 hooks and 0 kills to win, then those generator speeds would have to be as slow as molasses to account for all four Survivors being alive the entire game. To prevent a Killer from scoring a kill and disturbing that balance, what would you do? They can't stand too long in a certain place or you'll have to punish them, they can't tunnel someone or you'll have to punish them, they won't be able to slug or you'll have to punish them.

    To balance the game to your satisfaction would be to bore Survivors rigid and remove any autonomy the Killer has outside of chase. What would Survivor do? Generators now take too long and chases would only make them take even longer. They're going to avoid chases at all costs and spend even longer holding M1. At that point, Survivors won't want to play the game and Killers may as well be replaced by bots because their level of interaction will have become infinitely more linear and just as engaging as holding M1 on a generator for several minutes at a time.

    What's ultimately better: a flawed game where there is choice and variety or a game so balanced that neither choice nor variety can exist for fear of disturbing that balance?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    That's where you are wrong, it isn't about generator speeds in a vacuum. It is about the generator speed to chase time ratio. If survivors can do gens in 30 seconds, but a chase and a hook takes you 5 seconds, then it doesn't matter how fast the gens go.

    I actually want to live in a world where survivors spend LESS time on gens, and more time moving around the map and interacting with the killer.

    You can achieve this by nerfing certain setups and tiles to be more manageable, and by giving survivors a secondary objective, such as (find a generator part before repairing a generator) and now you can make gen times actually shorter. Rather than sit and hold m1 for 90 seconds, you spend the same 90 seconds to repair a gen, but you do so by moving around the map, finding a generator part, taking it to the generator, THEN spending some much shorter amount of time "holding m1" on the gen, but you still spent the same amount of time on the gen. And in moving around the map, you increase the odds of you running into, and thus interacting with, the killer.

    This is just one idea of many, but there are plenty of ways you can handle this. The problem is you are looking at gen times in a vacuum, when again, it is about the ratio between how long the survivor objective takes to complete, to how long the killer one takes to complete.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    I'm sorry, but your entire argument just seems so nebulous to me. "My idea would work because we could just [do a nondescript thing] to balance [non-specific area of a non-specific map for every Killer]." I'm trying to focus on actual details, but your responses are, "It doesn't matter about X if Y." All I can do is focus on a few specific things, like generator speeds, because that's all you've given me. The rest of your ideas and suggestions remain firmly in your head where I can't see them. I'm just responding to what I can see, friend.

  • Luckyfer
    Luckyfer Member Posts: 80

    They realised this would make survivors players enjoy their game.

    That's a big no,NO!