Why are survivors still punished with a DC ban?

i thought the point of DC ban was because “it ruins the experience for others”, but now we have bots that continue the game if someone DCs and killers still get points for chasing/injuring/killing bots also, so why is there still a punishment for leaving a match?
The bots are there to compensate for someone leaving the game, not to facilitate it.
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100% that isn’t an answer to my question. If the bots* are “compensating” whatever would be “lost” by someone DCing, then why are people punished for DCing when there is no loss to everyone else anymore?
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It is an answer, just not the one you wanted. A bot will never make up for the loss of a human player, but will go some small way to making sure the game isn't completely ruined for everyone else. They weren't added so people could leave, they were added because people do leave.
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Not really, you’re not answering WHY players are punished, just stating that they ARE punished despite bots existing (clearly I know this). Players CAN leave and do, but WHY are they punished when it no longer gives a disadvantage to survivors or takes away potential BP from killers? Evidently you don’t have an answer for WHY. Bots do replace human players, that’s the point of them.
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There are no killer bots and probably would be a hell to program them for every single character in the game, so since they can't dc for free with a replacement, it's fair that survivors also can't do it. Solely for that, it's more than understandable why DC penalty needs to stay.
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Sure, but killer DC ends the whole game/ everyone alive escapes and survivors still get their BP, they don’t necessarily need a bot. Entire BP loss is already a punishment for both killers and survivors. Killer DC actually ends a game, survivor DC doesn’t. Maybe take away the increasing penalty ban for killers.
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I have answered your question twice. If you choose not to accept it as an answer, that's on you. Bots are fundamentally very stupid - they can't loop as well as a person, they get stuck on scenery, they stand in corners and have existential crises. A human player leaving and being replaced by a very dumb AI is a disadvantage. Bots are simply there to make sure the game isn't a complete snowball in the Killer's favour.
Disconnecting is objectively harmful to the team and everyone's overall enjoyment of the game. That is why they're punished.
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DCing is no longer harmful to the team and “everyone’s overall enjoyment” when there’s a bot who does gens, opens exits, takes chase, unhooks, gives killer BP for chases,unhooking, etc. that’s the point. I’ve played with bots that loop as decently as most decent players, do gens, unhook, etc. not all human players are god tier loopers or even helpful. Bots weren’t made to be guaranteed cracked
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Because as you might have guessed, in a multiplayer game, we want to play with other players, nobody queued up to play Killer v Bots.
Suggest a forfeit vote option after the first DC and that would be a healthier way to cancel a dead match.
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You're clearly looking for someone to agree with you and validate your selfishness. That's not me.
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That's even proving my point and reforcing it, because if killers get no penalty for dcing, they will dc every game against the bare minimum even more commonly. 1 gen pops too fast for their liking? DC. Notice perks they don't like? DC. And so on. Most of the games would not past the 2 minutes mark. Terrible idea to try to remove the DC penalty currently.
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Without a DC penalty, players can do whatever they feel like.
"Damn, why i'm the first one getting hooked?" = DC
"I Don't like playing against this killer" = DC
"My teammate plays like sh*t." = DC
"My build not working against this killer" = DC
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The bots are there to help players in the game not you. The penalty is there to give you time to cool off.If you dced in a game you probably aren't in a good state of mind an won't be very helpful to other players.
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Because being a big blubbering baby should not be rewarded.
If you have an emergency, your DC timer is like a minute at best.
And no one is facing cheaters often enough to have an extensive DC timer, so the only plausible explanation is that you are bad at the game and punish your teammates by leaving them with a brain dead bot because you couldn't stomach the idea of finishing the game you bothered to queued up for.
Frankly I hope one day they also remove trying to unhook yourself if all teammates are still alive, just so you have to stay in the game longer and actually play.
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Bots are not supposed to be full replacement, so you can leave whenever you get downed...
First of all, if you remove DC penalty for survivors, you will have to do it for killers too.
It would get out of hand really fast.
It's also really boring to play against them.
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The bots exist to not force the game into a 3v1 if someone d/cs. Not to make it okay to d/c. It's still more preferable to have a human player compared to a bot.
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There is a loss. Bots are nowhere near as efficient or competent as humans.