Note to the new xeno players

Quit tunneling on a brand new killer when it's 5 gens. This is supposed to be one of the only times we actually play chill to learn the new mechanics. I literally can't even play the game half the time anymore and I just wanna see the bleeping killer FOR BLEEPS SAKE
Everybody tunnels on new killers because they aren’t confident with the power. Then people continue to tunnel because it the META.
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The thing is I don't play this game that seriously so my MMR is not up there so idk why a killer needs to act like this when it's not a 4 man swf sweat squad. Not everyone is grouped up and coming after the killer. Play the game and get the kills organically for now and then tunnel when survivors show that it needs to be done
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It doesn’t matter. If a killer doesn’t feel confident on their abilities with a new killer, or any killer they aren’t too good on, they will fall back on strategies that work regardless of killer.
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^ what they said. It's common whenever a new killer releases. People don't know how to use the power yet but they still want to win. Plenty of us - myself included - aren't tunnelling while we learn but I'm just saying it's not unexpected and it should calm down within a few weeks. Whether that's because people familiarise themselves with the killer or because they drop it and go back to the killer/s they normally play is anyone's guess.
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This is honestly a new experience for me as I can't recall any killer release with this much of an issue with immediate tunneling. Skull merchant tunneled her 3 gen maybe (and still does) but I can't recall a killer having a release this bad. I'm not really sure why as the killer seems decent once learned and wouldnt extending chases make more sense from a learning standpoint so you can know how to approach any survivor counter play? Maybe I'm just more of a technical learner
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I don't know why either, but I don't personally see alot of tunnelling in my games so that might be why I take more notice of it when I see an increase. And for me there's always a noticeable increase when a new killer is released. I agree it seems detrimental to learning, and I don't think this killer is hard to learn, but I think winning ultimately is what matters most to a lot of people so they'll do whatever they can to get that result.
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Legion, Twins, Ghostface, Old and New Freddy, Sadako(but she was so weak it didn't matter), Blight(massive tunnel fest early in his lifespan), Skull Merchant(Until folks settled on 3 gen defense)
It basically happens with every release to a degree, but some are more memorable than others depending on the hype of the chapter and the learning curve of the killer. Xenomorph has a decent skill floor and fairly high skill ceiling without having extremely burdensome mechanics. Tunneling is going to be particularly effective way of playing until people build up their confidence and overcome the largest barrier the killer has which is managing flamethrowers. Once people get the hang of that and are able to consistently track and juggle survivors with Xenomorph's kit the tunneling will taper off and that usually takes around two weeks in my experience.
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I still think in hindsight it's better to just focus on chase when the killer is new and not so much winning yk. The knowledge you gain from chasing different survivors with different builds, skill levels or experience is what makes you turn the learning curve and you can't really gain all you can from that if you sit on top of someone because you aren't patient enough to learn because your ego cant handle it
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Focusing (aka "tunneling") will be part of the game forever or until there's some BIG changes to the core game. The sooner survivor players understand this the better.. considering that dev's removed and are removing and will continue removing tools from the killer.. until only one strat prevails and is viable..
It's not killer related at all..
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Considering most chases are the same regardless of who you're actually chasing and the focus isn't chase, but mechanical competency it doesn't matter as long as you get the playtime in against an actual player rather than a bot. Now chasing one person only can negatively impact the level of confidence built if that particular player outclasses you in terms of how to handle chases. That isn't something you can control or immediately tell when playing a new killer unless your own general skill level is really high.
Would I recommend tunneling as the first thing one should do when learning a new killer? No, but I also don't think it is extremely detrimental to either side especially when we're only a couple days into the chapter drop. I'm also more forgiving when it comes to killers with innate counter mechanics rather than more skill based counter play.
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It's proven the game is winnable with an immediate kill.
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Are survivors going to not focus on getting gens done as fast as possible so people can practice Xenomorph? Seems weird to solely ask the killer player to not play to win.
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I’m sure most killers would gladly stop tunneling once the devs do something about this very fun and balanced MFT + resilience gen rush no healing meta
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It's not just asking the killer but from what I've been seeing alot of survivors want the chase too so they can also learn how to dodge aggro from the xeno. It's not unreasonable to not sweat constantly for the sake of play testing since not all of us can get on the PTB
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In all fairness the xeno can't really be considered "top tier" as everyone is still feeling it out to see how it plays.
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This is a simple case of playing a new killer not a take on the game as a whole as that's a much bigger can of worms
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Dear Killers,
here is a free advice for you: DONT CARE ABOUT THE SURVIVOR-RULEBOOK.
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Can I tunnel at 4 gens done and 2 Hooks because I hit different people and got punished by resilience?
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That's also funny.
I the last post I heard Xeno is a busted killer.
I find them pretty balanced to be honest.
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Did I say don't tunnel at all or don't tunnel at 5 gens?
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This isn't some rulebook post dude. It's a statement of learn how to play the killer that just released
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This is mainly due to lack of knowledge on counter play which alot of killers actually stop being in rotation as much after release like singularity
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Tunneling gamers will tunnel regardless of how old or new/good or bad a killer is. It's a moot point.
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So you learn while losing? Make sense.
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You can't learn if they sit on top of you is my point. It's not about winning or losing it's about playing the game
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So I'm allowed to tunnel?
Nice, I thought I wasn't allowed to.
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Events and new chapter releases are kinda the worst times to play in my experience.Tends to bring out the worst of the community. The sweatiest tunnelling / camping killers destroying SoloQ teams at 5 gens like they're playing comp.
Cuts both ways too. Had some tea bagging survivors who BM'd me for no reason (didn't tunnel or camp). I was running zero perks or add-ons and it was my first Xeno match ever.
So I guess I'll look forward to escaping 1 in 10 games and never winning a single killer match for the next two weeks...
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Things like this prevent the march or progress
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Personally for me I don't always get that as an experience upon the release of a killer. I'll see killer players play different killers aside from the new release and that remains the same as usual but never the new killer themselves acting in such a way
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Sorry, Xeno is just really good at tunneling, really the only killer good at it
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i dont and i have all the killers
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This has to be a joke right
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By dbd standards you are a rarity
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Pretty sure it's a joke about xeno having actual tunnels and being the only killer with them.
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Weird you have nothing to contribute other than a false statement
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After three games in a row with Make Your Choice where the survivor who screamed vanishes from the game entirely and the injured survivor who was just unhooked runs right into me, I'm convinced ya'll want to be tunnelled.
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Just because you play a certain way doesn’t mean the killer should. That is pure narcissism.
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How does any of that contribute to playing the new killer in a really tacky and unnecessary way exactly?
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No it's constructive criticism which seems to be very difficult to get across on the forums.
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By the fact that I've had to tunnel inadvertently because the unhooked survivor keeps running into me?
Maybe you're getting tunnelled due to you and your team mate poor decisions.
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Plus initially a lot of people are going for the adept and don't want to take any chances. I won't do that, but I've thought about it.
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It’s not constructive to expect people to “play chill.” It’s expecting people to play by your made up rules.
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When the game just starts and the killer tunnel/camps you just because there isn't really much to be done around it. 5 gens means that nothing has been accomplished. Sitting on top of someone is a different story altogether
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How can you be adept at something you haven't used? And how does that type of mentality make you better with said tools?
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It is because the killer is new, nobody knows how to play as or against it and the games are not anywhere near "tunnel forgiveness" so yes it is constructive to tell you to learn how to play as something before you resort to the tackiest playstyle in dbd existence. We all paid for and wanna play the game and asking to do that is not a crime. Also let me reiterate again. 5 GEN TUNNELING. meaning no gens done, nothing to show that you can't actually engage in gameplay other than shear ego. Someone with a nurse icon I don't expect to understand that tho
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Going for the adept trophy/achievement will never be easier than right when the killer drops, at least if you have a lot of time in game, because your MMR for that killer is likely as low as it's ever going to be.
So logically, if you just want to get it out of the way, playing mercilessly right from the start is the way to go.
I'm not saying it'll make you better (clearly not), just that if you're trying the get the adept asap, that's your best bet.
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I play more survivor than killer these days, but no, I don’t understand the level of entitlement spewing from the forum. You didn’t pay the killer player for the chapter. Get your money’s worth by playing, learning, and keeping your mouth shut until you learn.
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I didn't ask what you played more of. You're mistaking "entitlement" for concern of the games health. It's not just the forums that have these things to say. I know plenty of IRL examples that also agree with the sentiment that it's simply not worth being that toxic and dumb over something that has no traction yet.
P.S you can't tell someone to "keep their mouth shut" when you don't like what they have to say and then call entitlement
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More "whataboutism".
Give it a rest.
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It’s not about whether I agree with what you say or not, it’s about the fact that your first instinct is to complain rather than play and learn.