Some changes to reduce the aliens power

Turrets also feel quite week, a good killer can tail hit turrets well before they knock them out of their power. Increase the speed or distance for turrets. Turrets are currently a glorified baby monitor.
Missed tail hits don't seem to be effecting the killer at all. They are able to hold people in one area and guarantee a hit. Increase the cool down or slowdown of her tail attack. Possibly bugged?
The red stain feels awkward in crawling stance. Idk what to suggest, it just doesn't feel right.
Make the burrows/turrets visible at all times.
Her tail hit seems extremely generous for an ability that can be spammed.
Even when the alien is knocked out of her power, she has the ability to immediately burrow and get it back. This shouldn't be the case.
Burrows near hooked survivors should be blocked from being able to exit from.
For how quickly she exits the burrows they are awfully close to gens.
Out of interest, statistics from over how many games?
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It's been 1 day
It was 3 weeks of killers demanding that Rapid Brutality didn't remove Bloodlust. That wasn't even after 1 day, it was before the chapter was even released.
People have played against Xeno now and have feedback. If survivors hate something and killers love it, that in itself tells you it is not balanced, which is what the devs want, balance.
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Xeno is actually balanced. I've played as and against Xeno a lot, and from my experience he's perfect. A tier in terms of power for sure, which means he's balanced. He needs 0 changes, no buffs and no nerfs, simple as that.
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dude every streamer is super tilted over how broken op the alien is, make your rounds on twitch.
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What number of games would satisfy? I will just keep playing until I reach that number.
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I mean, we're talking hundreds, if not a over a thousand games, before your 90% kill rate statement has any weight to it. Anything less isn't going to produce remotely reliable results.
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Except I'm not. Xeno is balanced 100%. Play better.
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All of your comments on other threads are toxic insults towards survivors, so I imagine you are a killer who loves Xeno because it is a powerful killer, and you are pretending to be a player of both roles to make it look like your opinion is objective.
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This forum is for feedback. If I wanted to argue I would have posted it in general.
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And if you didn't want to risk me giving you an answer you didn't like, you shouldn't have asked me a question.
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All you did was come in here and go, "No matter what numbers you get, they will never satisfy me". I knew from the first comment you were here to argue.
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Lol, I literally just made a thread about how Blight needs to be nerfed. Also you yourself say you play almost exclusively Survivor so.
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No. Simply put, a handful of games will not give a reliable indicator of what Xeno's kill rate is. That's not me, that's literally how statistics work - you take the largest sample possible. The fact you didn't even answer a reasonable question tells me you've got results from 5-6 games tops.
The 90% kill rate was your leading point, I just wanted to know how many games you played to get that. I don't want to argue, you don't want to argue - then drop it and stop replying.
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I don't have to justify my feedback, I offered it up incase others are experiencing the same. I don't need a leading point. This isn't a debate, I am providing feedback.
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- BHVR has capitulated to the whining of survivors for months.
- As a result they made the game easier by adding easy perks like MFT
- Your skills have atrophied badly because its been so easy
- Many killers took a break because of the easy mode and now have a competitive killer even for mediocre players
- You want them to nerf it
Dead By Daylight - Always a Pallet or a Window When You Need One!™
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Wait there are still people who think the game is survivor sided.
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Just survivor are not hard to win as
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Only survivors think it's not, which is why they continue to ask for nerfs.
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Killer sided in low MMR lobbies, survivor sided in high MMR lobbies , that’s why survivors have so many restrictions in comp and killers just can’t use broken addons or the no way out, NOED combo. The game is still killer sided if its blight/ nurse but that’s it
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I think someone need to learn what "statistic" really means.
By that logic, that means they should already nerf MFT, WoO and any Endurance granting perk? Just for balance.
Also, I only recall seeing 1 single post about Rapid Brutality, and everybody said that the perk is fine and was useful for the killers that doesn't really make an use of Bloodlust. So, I don't know where you get that.
Post edited by Batusalen on1 -
It may come as a shock, but counter-play takes more time to develop than sparse play over the course of 72 hours.
This is why TikTok sucks.
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Just leaving this here, as it is the most constructive thing I have seen in this forum since always and it is obvious that many of those who have posted here really need it.
Post edited by Batusalen on2 -
I think the problem here is it takes Xeno roughly 10 seconds to kill a turret, burrow and get her power back. So even when you do counter her. You bought 5-10 seconds. The decent Xenos just stop chase if they lose their power and go get it back. That being said, I am the only person since patch who has escaped through gates. The only other escapes have been hatch. I have been in multiple games now where everyone in the match was using flamethrowers. I played in a lobby with a 3 man SWF using the "OP" For the people, Buckle up build. We still lost. This killer is not even close to being balanced.
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I am learning quickly that the turrets are actually a huge waste of time. I am running a full tool box build and just trying to rush gens and ignoring the turrets. Got my first 4 man escape against her today.
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That only proves that:
- You don't know how to use the turrets in an effective way.
- Genrushing is still a problem.
I had games where survivors dodged the tail without problem and they used the turrets in a way that I have to chose to give the survivor I'm chasing an advantage or I'll lose my power. So, it's on you.
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The turrets are a bait in the current form, not only do they not work 80% of the time. They only buy you 5 seconds.
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The tail isn't as easy to hit as people complaining about it make it out to be and if it was more punishing for a miss then it would need to be easier to hit with it which you would certainly hate more.
Yeah alien can go into a burrow to recharge the tail whip faster, but it has to go to a burrow to do that and actually move inside the tunnels to recharge. There aren't burrows everywhere. It would have to leave chase to go and do that.
Turrets are actually very effective if you use them effectively. i.e not just right next to a gen where the alien will surely expect it to be. Place them where you plan to run to if the alien comes.
The time it takes to exit a burrow is insanely slow near a hooked survivor.
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It's easier to hit than most of the aimed M2s in the game, and it has little to no CD, and no reload. It is forgiving compared to the other forms of M2s in the game. The most forgiving.
If the Alien is broken out of her power using a turret, I think her burrow should also get a decent cool down. If turrets aren't going to be buffed. If they buff turrets to actually work then you can keep the current form.
The problem is you need to put the turret in a spot with plenty of open space, which usually means walking a good distance away from where you picked it up. A lot of maps don't even have enough room to make the turrets work. So you end up spending more time setting the turrets up, than you get from actually using the turrets.
I have already played against some Xenos that just sit in the burrow near the hook and they have plenty of time to come out and get a free trade.
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Again, because you don't know how to use them. And before was that they didn't work, now that it is obvious it is you who don't know how to place them, the problem is they "only" buy you 5 seconds...
It seems that unless they nerf them to the point of being another EMP that allows you to totally nullify the killer with the press of a button you won't be happy about them.
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As a Nemesis main I can say: You are so wrong. It is not easier to aim for the sole reason that you can't hold it to mindgame a dodge and wait what side the survivor is going to move like Nemesis's whip. And yes, it has a lot of cooldown, as you can see there.
It is pretty clear to me that you don't even try to play as the Alien before talking, and that what you want is not having to put any thought in how you play and be able to counter the killer with ease. There is not other explanation for the things you are saying.
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I have explained above, there are two ways they could go. But having the turrets be both weak and not really affect the killer when they do work. Is not it. The killer is clearly overtuned, would you rather they nerf the tail attack or make the turrets useful?
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Streamers were super tilted about Nemesis saying he was strictly superior to Pyramid Head. What's your point?
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People learn more about how to counter the KIller over time so you need multiple slices of time and to compare the winrate between them. It could take weeks.
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I didn't say it was the easiest to aim/hit, I said it was the most forgiving when it comes to how easy it is to land a hit. It's cooldown/slowdown does not warrant how easy it is to use.
I am a big fan of nemesis, he is probably my favorite killer. But, idk why you would want to play him over Xeno right now. He is just a far weaker version of her. I am not playing her because I am not a huge fan of doing things that are broken. I avoided using Dead hard when it was strong. I don't even currently use MFT.
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You are still saying it is easy to hit with and that just isn't the case. The hitbox on it isn't that big and it has probably the shortest range of any ranged attack in the game. I do not get the issue.
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I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to read on these forums. It's CD and slowdown do not match its difficulty to use.
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As you can see in the video I posted, you are wrong. They take your power away an put the Alien in a situation where he has to chose between destroying the turret and giving you time to get distance, or continue the chase but lose his power. When survivors use them correctly, that is.
And I'm telling you that it's not one of the easiest powers to aim of their kind as you have a short window before the attack goes out automatically, followed by a 3 second cooldown. So again, you are wrong and I presented video evidence of it.
Also, I don't agree, Nemesis and Xenomorph have a similar power and that's about it. Nemesis being able to break pallets with his whip makes him better in loops than Xenomorph. The thing is, in the current survivor meta you need a killer with chase power, that's why Xenomorph is "better" right now, and not even thanks to his tail attack either.
So in any case, Nemesis need a buff (maybe the Infection doing something apart of giving yet another free hit to survivors and occasionally hearing a cough) and not the reverse.
True, what its slowdown match is the easy counter that allow survivor to take away that power for a long time. Like I said in another post, if you make his power a burden to use while making more easy for survivors to take it away, what we would have is another Singularity case. So, 3 second CD and 50% slowdown on miss is more than enough.
In short: You are wrong. Learn to use the turrets as survivor and play a couple of days like him and you would see it by yourself.
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It's like you guys both read and don't read at the same time. You are still arguing something I didn't say.
Swap from playing the killer to playing against the killer and come back with some better opinions.
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Sorry to inform you that I already did. In fact, I played against him before even playing as him, and I stand by everything I said.
And what you said: "It's easier to hit than most of the aimed M2s in the game, and it has little to no CD, and no reload. It is forgiving compared to the other forms of M2s in the game. The most forgiving."
What I said: It's not either one of the most easiest to aim (ergo, the easiest to land a hit as it's the same thing), not the most forgiving as it has a 3 second cooldown, so the "no CD and no reload" part is not even true. In fact, I'm pretty sure that his cooldown is even more if you hit anything that isn't a survivor.
I don't see where the contradiction is.
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The Xeno is perfectly counterable even without perks and minimal turret help if one is good enough.
Go watch Naymeti's "looping Xenomorph with no perks" it's a funny watch!
For the vast majority of those chases, the tail was available to use and the turrets were few and far between and were more of a mid-chase assistance than anything else.
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Half of the video is a Xeno chasing with no power. Looks a lot like a brand new account to me.
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I keep statistics too. His kill rate is 0% on my end. Buff Xeno pls
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Does it not get boring winning every game? Surely it would be more fun if the game was a little bit more even?
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Yeah and I said that it isn't as easy to use as you are making it out to be. It is a shorter ranged attack than most other ranged attacks, it has a pretty small hitbox(I have seen it touch a survivor's model without hitting them), it can't be faked like a lot of other m2s(once you push the button you commit to the attack), etc.
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You don't actually want all of these nerfs at once right? Because that would be way too much.
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No I think if a few things are changed she could be balanced pretty easily. Biggest issue imo is the turrets being nearly useless and her not getting a cool down even if she is knocked out.
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Slowing down Xeno more during a cooldown would automatically buff turrets, because then, by destroying a turret with the tail attack, survivors would gain a bit more distance.
I think the charge time of Xeno's tail should be increased to 0,35 seconds, same as Nemesis, and Xeno's movement speed during his cooldown should be decreased from 2 M/S to 1.5 M/S. That should get Xeno into a more balanced state.
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I just want more fun and diverse add-ons for the Xenomorph. A Xenomorph version of Scratched Mirror would be my dream. Don't care if I don't win matches I just wanna have fun.
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BHVR wants balance but I don't think they really pay attention to complaints like that, especially for a Killer that is both unorthodox for the game and brand new. If they did, Blight add-ons would be heavily nerfed but instead Demo's best add-ons and Billy's best add-ons get nerfed while Alchemist Ring remains insane.
BHVR mostly listens to the stats they themselves collect, and it is through those stats primarily that they balance. This is how we get repeated Pig nerfs, Dead Hard buffs, etc.
Survivors loved Dead Hard and Killers hated it for a very very long time. By your own logic, that's feedback BHVR should balance around, but it took several years for them to adjust it.
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I actually really didn't like dead hard. I am a head on or balanced landing enjoyer. And it felt like if I wasn't running dead hard I was trolling.
For me dead hard felt like it was preventing me from being able to pick the perks I wanted.