Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

How is the Tail Attack, in this state, a 'balanced' ability?

Member Posts: 1,669
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've seen lots of commotion about Xeno being a fair killer so this should be a easy question to answer.

Pyramid Head has a similar ability but he has a sound cue AND a whole animation before he's able to release his ability. Nemesis can't injure people with his tentacle unless they're infected beforehand and this also has a animation and a sound cue. Huntress also has a sound cue and animation when she brings her hatchets out. Deathslinger also has a sound cue and animation. Remote Flame Turrets can be scattered around the entire map but Xenos will always be in Crawling Mode 24/7 due to how weak the turrets are. The ability has no cooldown. The ability can guarantee a hit for any animation-locking action. The Crawling Mode allows easy mind-games and when a survivor loses one, it's a guaranteed hit with the ability (lose/lose). The Crawling Mode recovers way too fast for how much turrets it is worth. The ability can go over smaller loops rendering them useless. The ability makes destroying pallets unnecessary. The ability can hit over pallets. The ability can hit over vaults. A person did the math calculations that proved you literally need to predict the attack because you won't be able to react in time.

A common argument I can predict is about hitbox. That's irrelevant. Realistically, no one will get 50ms ping or less every game thanks to the terrible servers. Absurd hits are bound to hit no matter the hitbox.

Give Xeno mains more time to practice their tail attacks and your opinions will change, especially once they stop falling for vault/pallet baits. The argument that Xeno has only been out a couple of days doesn't diminish their potential for a high skill ceiling. For the meantime, please show me your perspective on this situation. I'm not implying that the ability needs to be nerfed to the ground before anyone calls me a survivor main, but the least BHVR could do is add a cooldown.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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Best Answers

  • Member Posts: 970
    Answer ✓

    Wow, where will I find the nearest flame turrets placed by my team? In the corner of the map?

  • Member Posts: 1,251
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    you mean they should buff soloQ?


    "hold W" ... that means there is nothing else a survivor can do.

  • Member Posts: 1,251
    Answer ✓

    i hear that argument a lot and its simply worng. there is no counter to the tail attack since there is no reaction time to the tail attack. there is only some predictions a suvivivor can make but that is more or less just gamble and has no skill level.

  • Member Posts: 52
    Answer ✓

    I play killer 25% of the time and I have ran Xeno and it is really overpowered - I'm just Tail Whipping over loop terrain and if it's in pallet drop distance, regardless if they fake it or not, it's a instant tail whip shot because the distance between the gap to get stunned by it and faking it cannot stop the length of it's current projectile.

    If you argue "well then duck" - the graphic delay to duck and stand up and run against is lost travel time between the survivor and the xeno. Currently, there is minimal to no tail whip delay, so survivor cannot create distance on killer mistakes. If anything you lose distance to crouch and stand back up and initiate run again - requires more time distance loss for a missed tail whip because the killer is still holding W.

    If you argue "well Turrets help" but the time return for setting up and then the movement impairment for carrying one and placement restrictions cause so much wasted time. Ontop of that, they are limited and they have to burn the alien long enough to remove the tail ability which is like 3 seconds of constant burn.

    If you want first-hand experience, run survivor and I'll be happy to 1:1 you in a private lobby and track the actual survival time you can actual stay up. I assure you - it won't be 90 seconds net total from 3 hook chases.

  • Member Posts: 448
    Answer ✓

    lol the amount of times I get caught out of position because I have this stupid turret in my hand and between activating the turret station, actually grabbing it, then walking a few steps to place it meanwhile this xeno is halfway out of the tunnel and there's just not enough time to drop it and run somewhere safe and tada free hit

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    If you want, there are no turrets that can't be M2'd before they get you out of power. Just focus M2 instead of M1 for turrets and tell me if you ever lost your power. So far I lost it once to double-turret where I forgot that cooling off takes some time.

    I agree that you need strong ability to warrant counterplay. But counterplay that does nothing means it's not counterplay. It's waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    Answer ✓

    you know what is the biggest difference? If I am playing Xeno, I think about if it's worth to break that strong pallet (shocking - but even if it's shack). If I am playing ANY OTHER of those killers, I DO break them (talking about strong pallets only). Because Xeno can hit over most loops and thru every pallet.

  • Member Posts: 769
    Answer ✓

    Its not balanced at all. Ducked behind the side of the hood of a car on Haddonfield. Killer on opposite side of the car. Tail still hit by flicking it to the side after fully extended. Killer powers should all have an easily executable counter. Not necessarily that itll work every time, but not something that requires thousands of hours in the game and reflexes faster than most humans are capable of to execute. Most of the playerbase is not the top 1% of elite survivors and as an 85%ish percent of the time solo queue player this is honestly making the game boring and unplayable as my teammates drop so quickly that its impossible to win. Ive even resorted to Overcome/Lucky Break to ensure I never get caught. And tbh thats an unfair survivor perk combo.

  • Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Small changes I think Xenomorph needs:

    • Better Visual and Sound for Tail Attacks on Survivor Side.

    • More punishment for missing M2s (a good example is Demogorgon).

    • Let Survivor run with and place the Turrent wherever they want. But makes it take a little longer than currently and punish them for it, a downside effect while carrying it, can be Hindered basekit like Wesker's Infection (similar Pinhead mechanic). Addons can apply Exhaust, Blindness, etc.

    • Make Crawling Mode a power you should earn for playing well (like it is for Oni), teleport will increase it by a small % to get it while getting M1s will increase a really good amount (basekit). Add-ons make it faster to get the power.

    Those are changes I think that would make it even more enjoyable to play as and against perhaps. That's my opinion and my suggestions, you are all free to disagree.

  • Member Posts: 1,411
    Answer ✓

    Just give it a few weeks. They all come out the gate too powerful, BS hitboxes, and so on and so forth, and after the hype has died down a bit they get nerfed into the ground or to a normal degree. Same as they did with Wesker. But first, they need to make enough money on their license :)



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