Installing Blast Mine too quickly causes an animation desync

As said in the title, if you stop repairing a generator, install Blast Mine, then go back on the generator, you can desync your Survivor from your camera. Your Survivor is stuck repairing the generator, but you can teleport your Survivor by pointing or waving which moves your hurtbox. Luckily, you can't repair generators while in this state, but the animation always shows you as repairing. You can be hooked, but if you are unhooked, your survivor teleports back to the gen. I have attached two videos below to show the bug in effect. - Part 1 - Part 2

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  • cooldog_420
    cooldog_420 Member Posts: 3

    Want to add I had the same thing happen with Wiretap

  • wildunicycle206
    wildunicycle206 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I've had this happen in two games two different days. Have it on twitch if other need proof.

  • Emikol
    Emikol Member Posts: 41

    I have also had this happen to me a bit ago. I was unable to be seen and unable to be injured but I seemed to leave scratch marks and was able to unhook someone without being damaged. I found that interacting with another generator removed the bugged camera effect and gave me back my 'body'. I can supply a video showing this if needed as I'm sure the players in the game thought I was cheating. (I mean I would)