Turrets are so clunky and unfun to use

Debates about how strong or weak turrets currently are aside, they're an absolute pain to use.

It feels like you can't put them down unless you're in a fully empty area where it'll be useless because you're kinda supposed to avoid dead zones during chases.

To put them somewhere useful most of the time you have to shuffle around until you find the sweet spot and on top of that it takes ages to do because you're so slow. Like I understand slowing down the survivor but this feels excessive to say the least.

So far I've only played on outdoor maps against Xeno, and placing turrets is painful enough that I wouldn't be surprised if you literally can't put them down on indoor maps.

Also, having to tap M1 and then hold down M1 to take a turret is very annoying.


  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    I enjoy using them and strategyze my chase-route a lot.

    The only issue I have is RPD, where you cant place them in the floors.

  • Merciless_Killer
    Merciless_Killer Member Posts: 115

    Yeah they really need to rethink the placement radius. It is so restrictive that maps like rpd feel awful to play on against Xeno

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Also Xeno should not be able to come out from a tunnel a survivor picked up a turret from. It takes so long to place the turret down or drop it, and Xeno comes out so fast. Don’t have time to run either with it because survivors can’t run while a turret is being held. 3-5 seconds of the tunnel exit being blocked for Xeno when a survivor picks up a turret there should be enough imo.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2023

    Well, to be fair, where the turrets are more effective is precisely in those empty areas, as it makes another slow down between loops and is where they can flambé the Alien, as if you put it just behind a wall or some other object it would take less than a second for him to destroy it and it won't take his power away (which I think is what everybody is doing, "hiding them", and that's why they say the turret does nothing).

    But I agree with the double M1, it's a little counter intuitive to have to push the button two times.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    They basically need 2 fixes.

    First, you can place the turret even if the zone is red, but it takes twice or three times as long. That fixes indoor maps.

    Second, the hindered is removed, and if you start to run, it drops the turret on the spot (or destroys it with a shortened 15s CD) without an animation. This slows turret movement down from 2.6 (35% hindered run speed) to 2.26 (normal walk speed), but if Xeno instantly pops up out of the tunnel you can run and don't give a free hit. Pickup and drop item button drop speeds are not adjusted, just running hard drops the turret.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2023

    I also really enjoy the strategy aspect in theory, but half the time I simply can't place the turrets where I want, and the movement speed is so slow it's not rare that I give up and just place them wherever when it finally turns blue.

    I meant empty areas as in corner of the map where there's no obstacles, I try to place turrets in between loops or further behind tiles' long walls but most of the time I just can't and have to (very slowly) walk away where it's not so useful anymore to place it, and in turn to get value have to take weird pathing. I haven't gotten a lot of different maps though, so maybe I just got unlucky and it's not this bad, but placing turrets shouldn't be this difficult regardless of the map tbh.

    Yes I forgot to mention dropping turrets, it's also frustrating. Allowing to place turrets absolutely everywhere would probably lead to some issues though, but the placement requirements should definitely be extended.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    Yes the movement-speed while carrying a Turret feels a bit slow, but also realistic cause these things have some weight on it. The radius where to put them down could be decreased to make it easier to place them at more places tho.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    This I can agree with.

    Xeno is slowed when emerging from a tunnel by a hooked survivor. Same could be applied for a few seconds after a turret is picked up.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Like I see it happening too often. I don't know if it's from her base kit or some add-on that makes it easier to happen (have not played her yet because I can not be bothered with the queue times, so I am not sure if it's the footsteps or what.) It honestly feels horrible as a survivor because there is nothing that you can do to prevent the hit and you can just walk.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    It's most likely either luck, or they somehow knew you were heading to that station through aura reading or something.

    If xeno happens to be in the tunnels under you then yes they see your footsteps.

    There's nothing in the kit, base or add on, that notifies when a turret is picked up, but if xeno and a survivor converge on a station, it's likely the survivor is picking up a turret and likely the xeno will notice the footsteps.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    The thing is it takes ~3s to grab the turret, ~3s to place the turret and ~5-8s to find a good place to set it. If a Xeno on spawn rolls the dice and enters the tunnel and crossmaps to the furthest gen, they will find someone during this timeframe in 75% or more of matches. It doesn't help that there is Killer Instinct for no discernible reason on tunnel exit. The footsteps are good enough, they don't need KI on tunnel exit also.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    I agree, turrets are such a pain to use. I walk around until the floor is lit in blue, but then immediately turns to red, because the space where you can place the turrent is almost pixel perfect. And then if Xeno appears suddenly, you either have to rush and hope you get that pixel, or you have to use R to drop the turret (instead of activating it), and run away.

    Yesterday, I took the turret on top of the Dead Dawg Salloon, and there was nowhere I could place it nearby. That's ridiculous. Why does it have to be "pixel perfect"?

    And yeah also, why do I hae to hold M1 to place them? I have toggle on for actions, why does the toggle function not work for these?

    TL;DR Turrets are very clunky and annoying to set up. Too many restrictions on their placement.