No One Talking About How "Good" is Ultimate Weapon?

Open a locker, and you can scan all survivors in your terror radius for 30 seconds.
It's a locker perk, so it's always going to be okay at best. Largely because some maps (like swamp) have terrible locker spawns so it can be very hard to keep checking a locker to use the perk.
Plus the perk is only really useful of mobility killers, so you can actually move quickly around the map to locate survivors.
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It's in the complain queue we have to get through complaining about Xeno themselves first.
Wait until people find out how disgusting this perk is on Nurse, Blight, Wesker and even Doctor. Forums gonna go crazy.
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Oh yeah, the perk is nuts. Massive potential on high mobility Killers and it's still good on lower mobility Killers as well.
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30sec is more than enough for you to find a survivor with this perk, and locker location isn't even a problem.
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great perk to counter distortion users. might be bad perk if survivor start using calm spirit.
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doctor it basically acts like a second static blast, you basically get the perfect static blast everytime. Really good with both his addons to raise hit tr. Or iri queen to mark seperated survivors.
Doctor high mobility and surprisingly low tr killers can make very good use out of it. Its probably the best perk of the update.
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already found how nuts it is on doctor lol.
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You can already run Whispers on Doctor for that.
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eh whispers has its weaknesses compared to this. This you know their exact position allowing you to line yourself between all 4 of them to get the perfect multi-hit. Whispers will light up when you get within close range to 1 survivor. You might hit multiple but its not a guarantee. Also this interrupts and blinds them. And can save ya a blast for tracking.
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ITS very good, defiantly the best blindness perk rn, plus added tracking
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It begins. 👀
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This perk is busted on nurse, she can find every survivor location in those 30 seconds
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Everything is busted on Nurse because she's Nurse. That's not remotely noteworthy because that killer is literally playing a different game than every other killer and the survivors.
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that's the problem, when a perk is buested on nurse, it's kinda bad that they need to nerf a perk because the just can't rework her, wich is the right choice
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it's deceptively amazing.
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Or we could evaluate the perk on the basis of long term usage and outcome statistics rather than nerfing things because the anomalous outlier of the killer cast has access to it even if the perk is strong. Weak perks are busted on Nurse, strong perks are busted on Nurse, the absence of perks is busted on Nurse.
That's a Nurse issue, not an individual perk issue because for the majority of the cast this perk is either strong, but fair or somewhat useless because they're a killer who drops or isn't reliant on their TR. The only other massive outlier for this perk is Doctor, but even then it just gives him a better idea of where to drop static blast for maximum effectiveness and increased interaction interrupts.
Even with that we don't have anywhere near enough playtime with the perk to make any concrete decisions one way or the other yet. Just like folks worrying about whether or not Alien should get nerfs, like we aren't even a week in. Relax.
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Legit has became one of my favorite info perks lol
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I don't think this perk only strong on Nurse. Its literally the strongest information perk for killer right now. Even when you in a locker, still screaming and reveal location.
The real "Nowhere To Hide"
only Calm Spirit can counter this perk.
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Good gives more reason to use calm spirit over just being used to hard counter doctor
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A bit uncreative, you can easily use with most Killers with basic TR and it has nasty combinations such as DMS, Thrill of the Hunt or hemorrhage status effect.
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Does Calm Spirit negate the location aspect too or just the scream?
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"Survivor in your terror radius scream then reveal their location"
So if survivor not screaming, their location not reveal.
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I want to try it on pig....
Interrupting boxes on command seems "fun".
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Looking at awakened awareness.
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With Ultimate weapon and No where to hide that are powerful on high mobility killers. I think the aura time should show minimum of 2sec and maximum of 5sec, and the aura stop if killer is below 12m from survivors.
So if Blight close to survivors in 3sec, the aura will stop. And Trapper would get extra aura time because he takes more time to approache
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Quick PSA to everyone as well: currently, this perk will force survivors to scream, even if they are hiding in a locker for some reason??
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Yep its halarious as doctor. They hide in locker. They scream and i find them. They stay in the open well then they scream. Then get blasted. Win.
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They will nerf when they realize the ramifications with other killers and perks, 30 seconds without cooldown is also insane, you could reduce it to 15 seconds and it's still a very strong perk
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and calm spirit should be buffed now that we have a reason to run it, delete that -30% penalty...
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I've been asking for this since the day they nerfed the perk
totally unnecessary
Its funny how they presented us Hex Face the Darkness right after the 30% penalty to Calm Spirit
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Good, now i see more and more discussion about this perk.
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I ran into a Trickster on The Game running Ultimate Weapon, Iron Maiden, Starstruck, and Agitation. Crazy build for that map it was a slaughterhouse lol, I give him credit for running something unique.
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Shame Freddy can't use it. Would've been kinda fun on him.
Oblivious screwing him over once again :(
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This is a great perk, however I really don't like that it makes survivor inside lockers scream.
What's the purpose of having a mechanic that hides auras & screams if you're going to make exceptions to it? Not to mention how confusing that will be to new players. The perk would still be very good if it was consistent with literally everything else and didn't reveal survivors hiding in lockers.
Also, this means the only counter to UW is calm spirit, which is absolutely trash and I will be quite unhappy if BHVR decides it's fine when people start wasting a perk slot on it because they don't like UW.