MFT is now the 2nd most picked perk on Nightlight



  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    This is just completely changing the conversation lol. It's not about how bad or good the rest of the game went, it's about completely invalidating end game as a real section of the game. Again sometimes you just wind up 2 hooking everyone, MfT + Hope encourages tunneling because it means getting to endgame is a death sentence and that's not healthy for the game. Getting to endgame doesn't mean the killer played badly you can easily get anywhere from 7-9 hooks and get to end game and then the game is just over because you're never catching anyone after that.

    If this is literally what we're saying is okay then just get rid of opening doors completely and have the game end after 5 gens are done. Because apparently we're saying unlocking doors should be trivial and irrelevant to any tension left in the game by that point.

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    Yet you're taking one simple sentence out of that whole post without really understanding the rest. Noed is just the one example I used since it's the easiest but there are other options for sure. My point is that you can't complain because a side has some counterplay

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Thats not the "gotcha" moment you think it is.

    Theres no credible killer player defending NOED , we all know NOED feels incredibly cheap.

    perks "while injured" shouldn't buff your core game values like movement or Gen speeds , its blatantly obvious that having a personal Prove thyself when you take damage or get off-hook in the form of Resi is infact busted.

    Against insta down killers nobody is going to heal up since you're going down in 1 hit either way, so might aswell do gens 9% faster and move 3% faster.

    Time gating both perks to 30s after getting injured would be a much healthier option. you still get the benefits during your chase, but if you get caught you have to spend time re-healing to get its effects again.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,693

    Aaaaand the kill rates?

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    This is not a bad solution and while it could come with some hiccups I think it's a step in the right direction. Personally I think they need to work on rebuilding the game a little bit since what we started with is VERY different from what we have now. Also when updates get released it seems like they only focus on one side which creates incredible imbalance

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    I wouldn't say it invalidates end game as a phase. What I'm saying is they still have to physically open the gates, and that is on a 20s timer. If I killed 0 people reaching endgame, I lost. Even if I catch the first Survivor I find, by the time I plop them on hook, the other 3 can easily have left through the gates, or if I slugged, someone could slip by while I'm chasing the 2nd person and I'd be back at square one. Instead, Survivors throw matches to get extra hook saves and greed the 4 man escape. I would argue that artificially inflates kill stats. In all likelihood, if Killer reaches endgame without a kill by then, they lost the match. Losing by a secured 4 man escape because of Hope is hardly different from a secured 3 man escape because the normal gameplay feature that you can't be everywhere at once.

    Personally I encourage 2 hooking everyone (and that's why I don't tunnel) because it ensures that as Killer you are closer to the skill level of your MMR. If a Killer artificially inflates their kill rates, they will go against people who are more skilled than them, forcing them to crutch on the things that caused them to be in that scenario to begin with. That is where I believe many of the Killer's complaints stem from. They won with the free win version Eruption, but never developed the skill to survive without it. Then with the crutch removed, they started losing and crutching on camping/tunneling. Then hook grabs were removed making it even harder to crutch with facecamping. Now Killers who crutched are dealing with Survivors of their MMR (but not of their skill level), and thus are popping all the gens before 4 hooks.

    I entirely disagree that either MfT or Hope encourage tunneling. It literally makes it easier to spread hooks and force pressure on Survivors when they are playing without a perk slot. I'd say Adrenaline is worse for the game than Hope, because Adrenaline players play to win, Hope players play to delay their death. Adrenaline encourages skipping the heal post-hook for pumping the final gen. The game roughly functions with Surv A on hook, B in chase, C going for the rescue and subsequent heal, and D to pump gens. When you are chasing someone on death hook, no one is prepping to rescue them, so you effectively have 3 Survs on gens. That makes it better to force the equilibrium with 1 gen being progressed at all times. It isn't impossible to down people with Hope+MfT, just harder. If they have no teammates to open the gates for them, they also can't exactly make use of the speed boost.

    I do find it funny though that when I echo your sentiment for the other side (with video and picture proof of my claim, when you provided none for yours) that you claim I am 'changing the conversation'. Endgame isn't invalidated as long as Killers can still play the game. Huntress can still throw hatchets, Trapper can still trap gates, and the baby Legion can still hold W and build Bloodlust.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    If you’ve got 4 survivors consistently making it to endgame those perks may well be meta for you. Now laugh at that. 🤷‍♀️

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    So wait, Sprint Burst gets ~24s of chase time, but MfT gets ~19s. Where is the complaint? The time gets 'reset' but all it is resetting is whether or not you make the window/pallet in time. If you would make it without MfT you would make it with. Even then, how is Bloodlust not accumulating to T2 and T3 if MfT is extending the chase time by so long? Unless it is a god pallet, the Killer is in control of Bloodlust. A stun drops 1 tier, and a pallet break drops all. The Killer can simply respect/ignore the pallet and keep building Bloodlust to force the down. Why is MfT resetting distance while also resetting Bloodlust to nothing? If the Killer is getting a hit against an SB user in Bloodlust 1, that just means the same Killer needs only wait 10s for Bloodlust 2 and have an easier time than the BL1 SB chase. (.88m/s difference instead of .8, or ~21% faster BL T2 vs MfT compared to 20% faster BL T1 non MfT)

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,099
    edited August 2023

    In order for it to be popular it would need to be useful. If every survivor ran it today, no killer will complain but be thankful for one less bs perk being used. If the effect were changed to +3% speed while holding a pebble, yeah, killers are going to complain about it.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842
    edited August 2023

    I love the thinking of me believing MfT and Hope being unfair means I most get 0ks all the time. I very rarely do, it's possible to see something isn't balanced while being able to play around it, it's just that playing around means making the game unfun for the other side which I know isn't something a lot of people on here think about but I do and would rather not make the game annoying for the other side.

    But I guess we can continue to pretend everything is fine and suggest terrible perks as counters to real problems.

  • Tjeh
    Tjeh Member Posts: 2

    I LOVE MFT 😁

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Stop making sense. If Hangman's Trick (excuse me. SCOURGE HOOK: Hangman's Trick) was 99% use rate on killers, survivors would ask for it to be nerfed!!! Ergo, nothing survivor mains say is ever meaningful. Revert the nerf on Eruption.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,188

    A lot of these perks would be fine if they didn't all stack. But it's a matter of time before they nerf MFT into the ground as well.

    Like our old friend Dead Hard.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,354
    edited August 2023

    Not just MFT but resilience and hope are also all in top 10 🤣

    "It's just a fun build bro. Let survivors have fun."

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,287

    Who has said any of those things are fine? Skull Merchant is almost universally hated. People always complain about 'pokos' hits that don't seem deserved. Many people, inluding many killer mains have asked for 5 second DS stun back and acknowledge 3 seconds is pretty useless. People constantly bring up Blight addons and ask for them to be nerfed.

    Please don't just outright lie and say that all those things are considered 'fine' when they're not.

    Also, bad things existing in the game doesn't mean you can't ask for other bad things to be fixed.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    That was the thing I was talking about. AFTER you make a safe vault, the SB/MfT difference is based only upon the safe/unsafe quality of the loop. God pallets or forced kicks? Get them outta the way early. Now they can't use them for the rest of the match. It sounds like the way you describe Killer, that you should never play a pallet. If a Survivor drops a pallet, the Killer is legally obligated to kick it. That sounds more Survivor rulebooky than what most Surv mains claim. You can kick the 3 pallets in a line the dingus dropped after you down them. No need to play into their favor.

    3 gens being worked: This is where you appear to be mistaken. (Circumstances dependent) I recommend injuring all Survs and maybe burning a pallet out of them making them think they 'won' chase. They won the battle, but you will win the war. Then you can go back to the gen without the safe pallet they are trying to pump, and chase them into the corner with the simple pallet. That is likely the pallet you are saying is MfT-able (at Bloodlust 1) but not SB-able. You already spent 5-15 seconds reaching that pallet in chase in the first place, so BL1 now sets you back to even footing where a successful mindgame gets the hit, or you can wait out the 10s for BL2 while attempting the mindgames regardless, win win. Just never attempt the mindgame on the side that would open them up to the map. Once all are injured, and you have this one down and soon to be on hook, they are forced into a lose-lose. This Surv A is on hook, but they need to heal to rescue them. So now Survs B and C have to find each other and heal (or give themselves 15% gen slowdown earlier and duo a gen, a win either way for Killer, and if a duo gen was the initial gen you found, then all the better), Surv D gets chased, downed, and now best case scenario for the Survs, you have 2 on hook and 2 healthy Survs (remember, 16s per heal with 2 heals being 32s, and halfway into Bloodlust 2 is 30s, slightly in the Killers favor). Intercept B attempting to rescue A (while C goes for D), and they have to hook trade, and remember, you hooked Surv A in a deadzone, so there is no more pallets for them to use. Again, best case scenario for them is Surv B is now on hook, C finished healing D, and A is injured trying to run away from you. Everyone is so blinded by the micro of a singular chase, they fail to understand the macro detriment to staying injured, and losing in a steady snowball in the best of cases for Survivors.

    Gens are a resource to manage as Killer, just like HP in strategy and roleplaying games. You can fight just as effectively (in most systems) at max health, just the same as 1 hp. As long as you drain your opponents health faster than they can drain yours, you win. That is what is being tested. Your ability to get 12 hooks/4 kills before they get 5 gens + the gates opened. If they use a chase delay perk (MfT), you can use a gen delay perk (Pop/PR). Both are serving the same goal, to lessen your side's 'HP' loss.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 422

    It will never will be because its not a broken perk. Lets not be silly that most of the meta in DBD in made by strong perks, and in some cases, broken ones.

    About the argument of MFT being "fun" and other discussion on the topic:

    People are not using MFT because its fun (how this perk can be fun if it does not enable nothing new for surv, only increasing the surv mov speed? LOOPING is FUN, and that is what this perk improves), but because you can feel the difference it makes in a match, if you have a little bit of game knowledge.

    Plot Twist, Dramaturgy, Head On, even DH can be fun, but MFT its one of the most stale and boring perks in the game and wouldn't be used if wasn't one the strongest perks released in the years.

    Want a fair comparision for what an MFT for killers would be? A perk that gives you permanent Bloodlust level 1 as long one generator have been completed, or a 4.8m/s killer basekit.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,047

    That's not quite an equivalent, though, because it only has the one condition.

    I see what you're going for - a generator being completed is a point of disadvantage in the same way that being injured is, neither being a failure but both being something you want to avoid - but considering your example doesn't disable at any point (EG, being healed or downed) and doesn't have the secondary condition (not being Exhausted), it's strictly stronger than MFT despite lacking a secondary effect like MFT has.

    That's not even factoring in that a straight equivalent of MFT for the killer side would be far stronger just by default, because killers already move faster and almost universally have tools for aiding in getting hits easier on top of that. It's a comparison that just won't work, you can't draw a one to one comparison between perks in the two different roles some of the time.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 514

    Eat to much: When a killer try to vault a windows, he fall, making all generator in the terror radius explode (cooldown of 40 secondes)

    Screw it: When a Killer try to kick a gen, he break is toe's and scream, making all survivor in a radius of 20 meters screaming of fear and giving the exposed effect during 10 secondes, the gen doesn't regress at the end and the perk are on cooldown

    I quit: If a killer go near a empty locker, he can enter in there and just waiting there, he got in a indetectable mode as long he stay inside

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    I'm using it because I know it's going to be nerfed, so might as well enjoy it's existence while it lasts.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 452

    False it’s not on the stat page

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited August 2023

    If that was true killers wouldn't complain about "bully squads" who run full meme builds and always lose because they're allergic to gens.

    Killers would absolutely complain about survivors being toxic if throwing pebbles was popular and I've seen enough people calling literally anything that somewhat inconveniences them 'bullying' to not change my mind.

    And in case you misunderstood, I wasn't comparing pebble to MFT at all, or adding anything of value to OP's thread (and im gonna leave it for that very reason)

    Post edited by Annso_x on
  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,570

    I'm not so much against everyone running mft, if they are at least creative with it. But they aren't, they use this exact build with only miniscule variations, and thus cementing a survivor meta equally if not even more boring/uninspired than the whole second chance meta before the perk overhaul.

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    Maybe i wasn't clear. I'm agreeing with you but in the opposite way. I don't think either should exist. I'm not complaining about counterplay, I'm criticizing a problematic perk that disrupts core mechanics in the game. Their is a reason movement speed is typically not touched very often, or if it is, there are several steps to getting it. MFT is entirely too beneficial for the low effort it takes to activate it. If your argument is "what about NOED" I'm answering with "please get rid of both." Seems like a decent trade.

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    While that may hold some traction, we know at this point its not going to happen. NOED has been an issue for years now and it's still running free so I don't see why mft can't. It may be an issue but if one side gets issues then so does the other. The devs hardly see it that way and enjoy taking things from one side and then working on the other after gutting the opposing side and adding 2 new chapters. The game itself is problematic in a few different ways and most of it has to do with the spaghetti coding and the constant pumping of new content without really looking into the actual state of the game

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 422

    TBH, any perks that gives survivors a looping advantage is stronger than a single one in killer side, as you must consider that every second that a survivor wons against a killer is 4sec on killers time. Then multiply that by 4 (every survivor could use that one perk) and we have a problem. I don't think we never had S tier chase perk for killers - at least as far as i remember - but if we had, it would only be strong as survivor chase perks, like SB, Lithe or Overcome; remember that killer also need info perk and gen regression perks, as without them, even making fast chases you still can get all gens done and take 3 to 2 escapes.

    My point was: the game is made around 4.6 killers (and some 4.4 with projectiles or strong chase powers) trying to catch 4.0 survivors that can drop pallets (expendable resource) or vaults windows. You can say killers have powers to help them in chases - at least, part of them - but you need to remember that most powers change the killers speed to 4.0 or below while they are using it.

    Giving killers an easy way to move 0.2m/s faster or survivors to move 0.12m/s is kinda game breaking, as all of game balance made in 7 years was made thinking that most of the time killers will move 4.6/4.4 and survivors will move 4.0.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,069
    edited August 2023

    Its almost like the perk is devastating to killers like, trapper, legion, doctor, pig, myers etc. And completely useless against, nurse, blight, spirit. You know, so the top tier killers don't care, and the bottom tier ones are destroyed by it. So nerfing it isn't going to change the dynamic.

    Dead hard for distance was OP, plain and simple. It basically guaranteed a chase to be extended for a 3rd health state when we are talking about good survivors.

    Same with dead hard with endurance, it created the same problem the old dead hard did, we you end up in a situation where, you have no option at a pallet, you either swing and eat the dead hard, or don't swing and eat the pallet. Also the counter to old dead hard, was just to hard tunnel, so not really a fun dynamic.

    Also similar to buckle up +FTP which i suspect will get changed soon as well.

    The 20% number of MFT is in fact accurate because what matters is not the absolute 3% movement speed, but the difference in movement speeds between the killer and the survivor. yeah, moving from 4.0 m/s to 4.12 m/s doesn't sound like a lot, it means that over the course of 60 seconds, you moved a whole 7.2 meters further. Hardly anything to write home about (for context a killer lunge is about 6.21 meters).

    But what matters is the differences in movement speeds between a survivor and a killer.

    Without MFT, a 4.6 killer and a 4.0 survivor is a 0.6 m/s difference. Meaning to hit a survivor who is just 10 meters away, it takes a killer about 11 seconds to hit that survivor.

    Now when you look at MFT it makes a 4.6 killer and a 4.12 survivor is a 0.48 m/s difference. Meaning to hit a survivor who is just 10 meters away it takes the killer 13.5 seconds to hit that survivor.

    0.48 vs 0.6 is a 20% difference. It is very significant.

    Obviously killer powers exist, and things like nurse and blight exist. But MFT isn't a problem against those killers. The ones that are hurting the most are the ones that are already hurting.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,047

    It's always been a bit of a pet peeve of mine when people use that "killer time is four times as valuable as survivor time" thing as though it's broadly applicable to the entirety of the trial and not just the very start of it. That number doesn't apply if even one survivor is accounted for, be it in chase, slugged, hooked, or dead.

    Moving on to the broader point, there's been ways of messing with your movement speed for ages, especially on the killer side. If there's a problem with Made For This giving you Haste, it's actually that it's a low number that isn't extremely obvious what it's impacting, because that makes it subtle enough that you may not realise you need to correct your play for it. It isn't itself unbalanced, though it is strong, the problem with it comes from Endurance, Haste stacking (because it's a small number that is consistently available, making it a fantastic base for temporary increases to benefit from), and potentially the killer not knowing when it's in effect.

    Regardless, my real point up there is that you can't do a direct one to one comparison to Made For This on the killer side, even as a hypothetical new perk. There's no direct counterpart to the two conditions that perk has, and even its base speed value would be comparatively more powerful for the role that already moves faster and has powers to help further.

    (Also you don't need regression or info, and whether your chases are fast isn't as important as if you're applying macro pressure.)

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    No offense, but this whole post reads like you only ever play against literal bot survivors. The survivors I'm talking about using MFT aren't the ones you can "just injure all 4" as an afterthought, nor do they congregate (especially when injured), nor do they give free hits, nor do they hang around a gen when they hear TR nearby. As an M1 killer, you have to hold W for 15-20s to even begin chase when they prerun after hearing your TR (even more if they decide to prerun very early).

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    Have you played this game before? 90% of matches are filled with at a minimum of what you'd consider 1 bot Survivor, and 1 bot Survivor makes the whole house of cards fall down. The next 9% don't have bot Survivors, but are still soloq or an uncoordinated SWF. The final 1% (or probably much less) are actual sweat SWFs. I have to assume you wouldn't be complaining this hard about less than 1% 'impossible', or rather annoying but winnable in actuality, (or 10% minor inconvenience) matches. I have too much faith in humanity for that to be the case.

    Yes they don't hang around giving free hits, thats what previously broken pallets are for. However they do give greed hits. People get greedy, they take the hit to juice 2 more seconds on the gen, and because they think (if they brought it) MfT will save them after the first hit. Most gens are close to the edge of a map and that forces them into a loop. Also if people are leaving gens on TR like you claim, I would never lose a gen when I'm not playing Ghostface, and all Weskers that bring a single slowdown perk would always win at 5 gens. We both know that isn't the case, so don't pretend otherwise.

    Now to be fair, I missed a lot of the nitty gritty details. You would be fair in claiming this could be a 'draw the rest of the owl' post, but I tried to include as many broad strokes as possible for people who might need it. It is difficult to sum thousands of hours of knowledge and experimentation into a few paragraphs, but I tried to balance being concise and comprehensive, which doesn't quite gel together.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,072

    And as a drawback you have to 99 or otherwise manage your exhaustion as not to waste it.

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    Because two wrongs dont make a right. "This problematic perk exists so more problematic perks should exist" is the stupidest argument ive ever heard. Jesus. Do better.

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    Dbd also has a huge emphasis on perks and builds. Notice how if everyone was to play the game without perks it would have died off years ago. This was a good idea to keep the game running but in practice it's become a bit problematic as there is simply too much content and not enough though behind it. The devs also can't really get a grip on it either as the game is way too large now and there is too much happening that it's impossible to make this game balanced or fair under any circumstances

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,072

    Okay killer without chase effective power (and with chase I mean my example, just running, not even looping):

    trapper, Micheal, hag, doc, Freddy, pig, plague (without red bile), ghost face, oni (before first rage), Nemesis (until he comes into tentacle range), knight (afaik his ghosts can catch-up to a survivor but I might be wrong on this one), skull merchant. None of them can slow the survivor during a straight chase.

    And yes stealth killer will get the first hit but either have to abandoned chase and hope the survivor isn't healed until the next encounter or have to simply continue chasing. Same with legion, for their second hit they have to chase a survivor normally.

    Clown can influence survivor in front of them/at a distance so he falls under killer with chase effective power.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    That is a very strange definition of chase effective power, when you basically limit it to mobility only. While it is true many of those characters lack a chase power by your standards, they are supposed to use their power to win in other ways. They mostly all shorten chases by using different methods. (With the exception of Pig who wins through attrition largely.)

    Trapper either forces a loop swap, or ends a chase early because they didn't see the trap. Hag sets traps and teleports for the hit. Ghostface's power is to 1-hit down people and sneak up on them with a small profile, while also setting up 99's to punish healthy rescues and greed. Each of those I would consider a 'set-up' Killer. They win by choosing their engagements and forcing Survivors into losing positions, be it a heavily bear trapped area, the web of hag traps, and 99's saved for rainy days.

    Plague is like a better version of Legion, where everyone is perpetually injured due to being sick, which means when the Killer forces objectives like hook rescues, they die on route and the Killer can snowball easily. This is reliant on knowing where the Survivors are, so the Killer can cut them off. This makes Legion's Killer Instinct intel and Plague vomit aura add-on very powerful when used correctly, but can still be used with perks instead.

    I'm very confused why Nemesis out of Tentacle range is considered, when he is nearly always in tentacle range. Oni against soloq is basically a permanent blood fountain. So while both are correct in an extreme sense, that's almost like saying Huntress doesn't have a power when she misses all of her hatchets and is out of ammo. Both Nemmy and Oni have near constant access to their power.

    Also Freddy is like a purple bottle only at loops Clown with teleports. So you can maintain a map presence at the cost of Clown's yellow bottles basically. Even then, yellow bottles in chase are the superior way to win as Clown, so its fair to say Freddy is weak.

    Knight and Doc both kinda operate under the same paradigm of "I will eventually get a hit at this loop". But Doc's slowdown is just too outdated imo. As an honorable mention, Myers is also in the outdated department.

    By large those Killers are macro reliant (worrying about map wide gens/pallets/hook states) more than micro reliant (chasing after a Survivor like a dog after a stick). I think both micro and macro are important playstyles to encourage, as long as they don't reach Nurse (for micro) and Hostage Merchant (for macro) levels.

    Most of these lack of mobility complaints don't quite matter when the Killer can shorten chases with effective uses of power. I'd almost consider a Bloodlusted hit (aka powerless) the baseline speed. If the Killer player knows their character, they wouldn't use the power if it would take longer than the BL hit.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    And thats where the problem lies... survivors only classify perks as viable if they are busted beyond belief and allow survivors to turn their brain off.

    Even pebble is viable since it can cause the killer to search in the wrong direction and end up wasting time.

    But sadly since the perk doesn't speed up gens or affect action speeds its instantly classified as "bad"

    I still stand by my beliefs that no survivor perk should mess with the games core speeds as easy as they do now. "While injured" is not a valid requirement for such strong effects.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 294

    So let me summarize, even with your math which accounts for all kinds of arbitrarily conservative assumptions:

    • MFT extends the chase by +2.8 sec
    • Sprint Burst extends it by +7.5 sec

    Conclusion: Sprint Burst gives 2.8x more effect in chase than MFT

    You can twist the math as much as you want, 3% is so negligible in terms of distance gained that MFT will always look subpar compared to every other exhaustion perk. Note that it's the consensus across top killer streamers as well, the distance gained is fine. I know DBD forums love buffing killers but at least don't make it sound like math is in your favor please.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,099

    If a survivors could throw unlimited pebbles in quick succession, killers would complain. Because like bully squads, they are playing to annoy the killer.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Four people using pebble would be enough to piss someone off lol, no need for them to be infinite. also, it's kinda weird that (most) people agree survivors' fun is not the killer's responsibility and they can play how they want if it's fun to them but survivors who make their own fun are bullying the killer. I'm not saying it's probably related to the number of killers i've seen who genuinely believe swfs' goal is to make the killer miserable "otherwise they would play in KYF" but they certainly seem to think everything is about them.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,373
    edited September 2023

    130% speed? great! what do i need to do to get that? oh chase someone uninterrupted, without breaking pallets and using my killer's power for 35 whole seconds? oh shoot, not that tempting anymore. on paper you could run at 155% speed with pwyf and gf's purple add on. hell you could run at 300% speed as blight.

    Post edited by NerfDHalready on
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Give me Lethal Pursuer re-work/nerf and I’ll gladly hand over Made for This to the chopping block.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    After reading this thread: a lot of people should learn about percentages and what they mean before talking about it.

    A lot of this things are just wrong, because in their head the numbers seem to allign somehow, but its still wrong.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,570

    Both old second change and new mft+resi+hope meta are boring. The problem is, the mft meta is so strong that it single handly can totally cripple survivor perk build variety, there's just no other perk build that comes even close. And thats solely on Mft, bc it makes both resi and hope worth running. Thats my whole point.

    The perk overhaul really did shake the meta up, lobbies would have a really nice variety of builds. But with Mft released, step by step the variety disappears again. Thats my main concern about the perk. We are evolving into the same stale meta situation we had before the perk overhaul, just the perks are different now. Mft, Resi, Hope, DH, Windows, thats about it.

    And as a side effect, since Mft does allow you to have longer chases AND ignore healing altogether, games are even faster. Not even talking about mft + hope in end game, which is totally broken. So for killers, esp the weaker ones, the only option to not get stomped badly is to equip full slowdown. Thus creating a boring killer meta as well.

    I know how hopeless you can feel as a killer playing against full mft lobbies, without any gen defense perks (I usually play with random perks). Heck, even with slowdown, you may have to sweat hard to even get a tie. Sure, you are not meant to win every game, but we are not talking about tense matches here that you barely lose, but games that are pretty much unwinable from the start. Just bc you did not equip 4 gen defense perks.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,718

    At this point, they need to redesign every single map to make room for every survivor using mft and change distances of loops and suchs. It's ridiculous how overwhelmingly broken this has become and BHVR thinks it's fine.