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Xenomorph Hook Exploit

When Xenomorph hooks someone, they have the ability to crawl under the survivor and make it so the survivor cannot be unhooked. This is a very serious issue that needs to be immediately addressed. You cannot expect normal gameplay from survivors if Xenomorph is the killer, and this exploit is going to cause a lot of grief to survivors very quickly if it isn't addressed.
Well... yes that would be a problem... but I couldn't help but think this 🤣
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Are you not receiving an unhook prompt?
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This is the best option I have to post the clip
It's toward the end of the clip, last 10 seconds at least. I have an edited one I can't post unfortunately
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You can upload it to YouTube as unlisted, and link that with your ticket
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@Jocelynbee That is correct, there is no unhook prompt. I have video of it, but it wouldn't allow me to do link or direct download for some reason. Just gives me a red triangle indicating it isn't attached.
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Alien can also just outright block ramps and stairways by standing sideways in them.
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Huh, wasn't this issue addressed with the omni-directional unhook prompt years ago? I wonder how the crawler mode is breaking that prompt registration. You should post this to bugs if you haven't already.
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If this is true, this is something which deserves the Killswitch. Which will not happen since it is a new character. Yay (:
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Okay cool will do. Really wasn't sure where to format the issue, I'll post it there too
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Oh I assure you, it's not only true it's absolutely a game breaker, especially for a new killer. Might only be an issue with the Queen skin, but can't be sure until I see it again, and I'd rather not experience that 😅
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👍️ Thanks!
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How often do you see it happen?
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Frequency of the past events doesn't overshadow the fact that this literally makes the game unplayable. If it's the only solution, they will have to arm the trigger.
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When twins literally became unplayable, did they get killswitched?
I played them during the bug.
Camera got stuck mid switching from Victor. If I got stunned when my camera got stuck, I lost the ability to walk for the rest of the game and was completly stuck. Didn't get killswitched.
Dont get me wrong, this is an issue that should be fixed as soon as possible. However, I wouldn't get my hopes up that the Xenomorph is gonna get killswitched.
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I do get what you mean, but it's different because without switching the bug wouldn't be active, and basic attacks still worked fine. In this instance, a killer can see survivors with their base perks and anything else they add on, and it's a guaranteed 4K. I'm not saying I want Alien removed, it would be devastating the community, but if they can't hotfix it and people exploit it like crazy it's going to be chaos and could really harm the player base.
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For reference, I updated the main link too, but this TikTok is enough evidence that there is a serious issue
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I was literally stuck in place. What do you mean that was fine. I shouldn't have used twins power at all? I should have predicted that they got bugged? Sorry that's no excuse. The killer should have been killswitched. They where literally unplayable.
I haven't seen a Xeno that bodyblocked a hook until now. I would say that talking and discussing it here actually spreads the news and makes things even worse than they are.
I think a post in the bug report section would have done the trick.
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I wasn't sure where to post initially and have since posted in the bugs forum. It was discussed above. As for being stuck in place, what I meant is if you didn't switch from Charlotte to Victor the bug wouldn't engage. I'm not giving excuses for them, I wasn't even playing then. I'm simply stating that there was a work around for that particular bug, even if it was unfair. Everyone could technically still function as long as the ability wasn't used. There is not a work around for not reaching a hook because a killer can full block it. As for the awareness issues, the more people it reaches the faster it gets fixed. How is this harmful?
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It's harmful because more people will use it.
Was the same with other exploits. Why do you think the bloodpakt + object of obsession combo was so popular?
Because people play the perks that often?
I haven't seen bloodpakt in months.
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This happens on pretty much every Killer release, so I'm not super surprised.
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Listen, I'm going to end this conversation here. We are talking about apples and oranges and I want to keep the subject on point.
I will not remove this post or interact further with you unless you address the issue at hand, not past experiences to dwell on.
Your issues have since been fixed and this one is on-going. This forum is monitored by individuals who can remove it if it's improperly posted. I will leave this in their capable hands
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Again. Nothing against fixing a problem. Just saying that I wouldn't keep my hopes high.
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Does a turret knock the xeno out of power if they are hook blocking and make unhooking possible?
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It doesn't, I did try that tactic. Alien just sat there screaming as I repaired turrets
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We have two patch Tuesdays to go. They won't killswitch for this.
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IF they patch it on Tuesday. Otherwise it really deserves to be killswitched.
But as I said, they wont do it because it is a new character.
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Can you do the survivors on this server who are crying about xeno a favor and record this I'm sure they would love seeing xeno screaming and stop complaining for a moment
Also I hope this bug gets patched asap
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Didn't this same thing happen with Singularity?