The display of prestige levels in the lobby is disabled?
Finally? Thank you!
Real? Wasn't like that yesterday.
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it was normal to me yesterday.
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I don't think so? I can still see everything. But I'm waiting for this day to come!
Edit: OMG it's like this for me too! So excited.
Post edited by Venusa on0 -
I can see everyones prestige in my games
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I changed the screenshot to the last game i played
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No, teammates Prestige levels were still visible to me as of an hour ago.
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I am seeing other players posting about this on Twitter and everyone is so excited LOL.
I hope this becomes a reality and it isn't unintentional!
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Another thread with this phenomenon:
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They're gone for me too
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Incredible. It only took like a year.
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i really hope not
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Must be one of those features only a couple accounts get like the perk and prestige icons before you queue
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Would be nice to get a notification about the change. Sorry to all the lobbies I dodged because I thought I got matched with newbies.. Like 5 times in a row
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Seems like it’s not platform specific btw. My friend and I are both on Steam, but they are still visible on their end but they’re not visible for me anymore.
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Oh good, so soon it might be safe to put my points into my mains again. Better late than never.
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I can see prestiges on PS5 but they hidden on Steam. Seems like a bug.
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If this is an intentional change - finally. Now they just need to hide Survivor Names and Profiles in the Lobby.
I really dont want to see any more Killers dodging because they want to cherrypick the easy games. I played against a P0-Trapper a few days ago who did not even have Tier 3-Perks (I dont know their hours, because they were not on Steam). The Survivor-Team consisted of a few high prestiges and 20k hours total... And because the appropiate Killer dodged, some poor Newbie-Killer got matched against us.
They did not get bullied or anything, but they probably did not have a good match.
So the more reasons are removed to avoid dodging, the better. This is one of them. (Especially because Prestige was so pointless... Someone could be in the game with a P2-character while having multiple P100s and the Killer would not know this anyway...)
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If this is not a bug, great change. If it is a bug, make it a feature.
Lets hope it's the former, and it's the first step to eliminating all information besides item and survivor choice in the lobby!
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Hopefully intentional and not a bug
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I just realized this… I don’t like it.
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Mandy said that it's not a bug, it's currently being tested on various player accounts
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My escape rate declined but i cant blame my teammates for that. i noticed there is hardly any lobby dodging anymore.
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You'd need to test it for longer than one day. A couple months ago I had a week where my escape rate was 10%. Over a longer period of time though it had settled on 27% (last I checked anyway). You could just be having a bad day.
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I really hope this change is implemented, though it wasn't the case when I was playing yesterday. I think it will be very healthy for the game. I've had entire lobbies dodge me more than once for being low prestige, even though if I'd spent all my BP on one character, I'd have at least one P50+ survivor by now. Maybe it was having anonymous mode on that made the players dodge, I don't know...
In any case, the match making system is obviously going to struggle to work well if players keep dodging lobbies the way that they do.
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I noticed this as well and got pretty excited. Then a team mate called out my p69 so I went to investigate since they obviously could see my prestige lvl.
So let it be known that I wholeheartedly approve of this change. There is no need to see the prestiges before the game starts.
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They just need to implement a SWF indicator now for both killer and survivor side to let you know that some of the survivors are likely going to only try to troll/show off the whole match and leave you on a hook to die.
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Queue times went so bad they needed to force this for new players to go against prestige 100 teams. Because that's the real problem, lobby dodge is a thing because matchmaking is really bad. They hide who is in a SWF because only tryhards would want to play them.
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Ah yes, remove one thing to reduce lobbydodging just to introduce another thing that makes Killers lobbydodge until they have a Lobby of 4 Solos.
Good idea, you should be the president of BHVR. Or at least the Junior Vice president...
On a more serious note, bad idea. I could get behind doing that after the match, simply because it would open the eyes of some Killers that they indeed did not lose to a 4 man-SWF. However, it would probably just lead to toxicity.
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New players go against P100 teams because a Killer who would have been on the level of those P100-teams dodged and some poor Newbie-Killer gets backfilled into this Lobby. So they either put a penalty on Lobbydodging, remove it completely and count it as DC if someone closes the game or they reduce the information for the Killer so that they are less likely to cherrypick and dodge Lobbies.
Because the players who have the biggest disadvantage because of Lobbydodging are those who get backfilled into a Lobby where they just should not be.
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yeah. afterwards would be perfect. just put some icon on the ones that were a swf. (and obviously use 2 different ones in the case of two 2 man swf
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Although this new one doesnt fix the problem with how the matchmaker works ofc. The previous killer could leave because say they have a emergency or something. You get that newbie killer. Then the newbie killer gets absolutely decimated for a game to see what they truly were facing at the end. Then they just hate this game for throwing them through the ringer. I was introducing a friend to killer and he had this happen. 2nd game on huntress. He loads in to 100,100, 58, 86. All pc. Hes on console. I just tell him "yeah bail on that. You backfilled" so he goes again to a actually comparable team. Fair game. 2 kills 2 escapes 6 hooks.
(But i do like this change i just feel like its a step not the end)
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For some people, yes! Over the past few months, we have been running a few different tests for small changes like this. Some randomly selected people will get one of these tests, but others will not. This way, we can compare results and see how it affects things.
Feedback is also welcomed whether or not you've received this!
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I mean what happened to the beta tab thing? Couldnt this just be a beta thing like when you guys were testing wiggle? Betas has been around for a while now but hasnt been used for anything else since the wiggle im pretty sure.
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I don't noticed a drop in quality of my teammates. Also the prestige levels after the game looked like the normal mix.
You can still access the steam profiles and look for hours or rep. But that's up to the person himself if he likes to show his hours and allow comments
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I am all for this change.
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I received it. Almost didn't notice because I rarely look at it to beginn with. Seems like a welcome change. Players can still show off their prestige in the end game screen.
Showing prestige made some killers dodge lobbies which is a bad thing, causing matchmaking to go off the walls.
I think this is fine for everyone.
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I want my prestige to be hidden too!
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Hiding prestige favours survivors. Show who is in a SWF and crucially lock the lobby. No last second switches anymore and no lobby dodging from killers either.
I have no issue playing a harder match as killer- I just want to know about it.
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Not true. If matchmaking was a thing they would keep getting senior players, no matter how many times they dodge a lobby, since there are more senior players than new players. What's more, they should be re-matched with the same lobby, since it would be free for them. But since matchmaking is a complete joke, where a 5000 hour player can queu with a friend with 10 hours, they keep getting a lobby full of skill gaps.
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Not true. If matchmaking was a thing they would keep getting senior players, no matter how many times they dodge a lobby, since there are more senior players than new players. What's more, they should be re-matched with the same lobby, since it would be free for them. But since matchmaking is a complete joke, where a 5000 hour player can queu with a friend with 10 hours, they keep getting a lobby full of skill gaps.
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The matchmaking broadens its range of acceptable matches if the queue takes too long or in the case of lobby dodging, because accuracy is only one of the two priorities when it comes to this kind of thing; the other is speed. Some people say they'd be okay with waiting a long time for fairer matches, but even if they're all 100% right, they're not a majority.
Lobby dodging harms matchmaking even though the matchmaking isn't a complete joke. Hiding Prestige in the lobby is perfectly reasonable and I'm all for it, myself.
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Can't check squat on console
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This is a bad change. If I'm looking to play Wraith casually, no... I'm not gonna waste my time with 4 p100 with tool boxes.
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you can check the profile if they are also on ps4/5. I think... granted, ps4 doesn't show the playtime. but I think the ps5 does.
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And I'm on Xbox.
In most games pretty much everyone appears as a globe to me.
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I like how TCM shows the player level, character level, what platform they're on, and who is in premade group together in every lobby for all 7 players. Taking away info and features is annoying.
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You cannot compare the two. It’s a team vs team in TCM. DBD is not. If you show SWF in lobby, they will be dodged to no end.
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A B testing to find out dodging and tunneling is the same between the two.
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The newbie-killer got matched with you because BHVR can't figure out how to properly backfill.
This is a band-aid fix that doesn't address the real problem.
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idc about seeing other survivors prestiges. just dont let killers see survivors prestige, it would reduce tunneling & griefing.