Is this a bug or an early implemented feature?

Ever since I opened the game this morning I noticed I got what I thought was a lobby bug, but it kept happening even after restarting the game. I can't see the prestige level of the survivors (nor of my team mates as survivor, even pre-made lobby, nor as killer). I honestly love this and I hope it's an early implemented feature like that one to see your build on the right of the screen that some people got, and others didn't yet. I was still able to see the prestige of people during the scoreboard chat. Honestly, made me play the game more comfortably and it felt good. Props to the team if it's an early implemented feature that is being tested or something!
P.S.: Emojis to hide discord call and players names
My friends I was playing with didn't get it, so I was wondering. Then it definitely has to be a feature only some people got first! Thank God, because I've been asking for something like this months. Hope everybody gets it with a feature update + the feature to see the builds on the right.
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Finally! I'm so happy! I hope this is intentional!
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if it's implemented, I can uninstall the game. Hide prestige is the most important thing to do (no)
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Same! Thank God they understood lobby shopping and prestige targeting were becoming an issue.
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bye lol you are the reason they consider doing this because of your prejudice against other players with higher prestige than you
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Well bye then, honestly. This is such a good feature. Lobby shopping is such an issue on both sides, and this solves it directly.
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now less killers will play ahah. I hope you will wait for the match for hours
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Aww. Don't be scared. I believe you can win against a P100! Practice makes perfect. Now stop lobby-dodging and PLAY.
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It's weird some people have it but not others, maybe it's a platform thing ? In any case, I hope it becomes and stays like that for all players.
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Bless you and your heart. Bye! Have a lovely day and enjoy the game until this feature goes live for everybody. Best of luck xoxo
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I think it's either a test or an early release by mistake! Since around the anniversary there was a feature some people got and others still didn't (I didn't yet, for example). Your build is displayed on the right of the screen at all times in the lobby, and your own character name and prestige is displayed on top of the screen, not only when you have the bloodweb open. I think it's another case of the same kind of feature being not for everybody yet.
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I dislike how only a few people are getting these hidden updates. Not fair to the rest
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Agree! I want to think that it's either an error/mistake and only some people get it earlier than expected, or it's a test to see the reaction or if it affects the gameplay. Hope they say something soon!
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Can confirm that this is not a bug. We are conducting some ongoing tests with some players, and we're always looking to improve the player experience within the game. We will be monitoring the feedback closely on this.
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Thank you so much for this! It has been a blast not having to wait 4-5 killers lobby-dodge my P100 until one of them decides to play. I'm so happy you listen to the community!
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Honestly love it so much and it's something a lot of people have been waiting for ever since the new prestige system was implemented. It's sad that a lot of people use prestige as a tool for targeting and harass instead of the point of it: to show your love and dedication to a character harmlessly. Maybe some option to hide it for those who want and to show it for those who prefer to show it could be implemented maybe? Kinda like the anon mode option. Props to the team Mandy!
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This feature will reduce lobby shopping which will result in a better matchmaking. In the long run this will make the game better. I doubt it will make a lot of killer players leave.
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Right? Like it's so weird how people treat high prestiged characters like if they had some bonus or advantage in the game. My p100 Ada does gens as fast as my p9 Laurie, and both loop the same way. It's just dumb!
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The fun fact is someone did a reddit post that debunked the "prestige doesn't mean skill" and showed that the higer the prestige, the better the survivor was. Of course there were some cases where the survivor were not that good and that, but on most of the cases, the higher prestige players played much, much better than the lower ones.
But anyways there didnt really need to be anything to debunk. More prestige = more BP spent = more hours spent in the game.
Unless you say you are absolutely bad at the game and still have P100, which proves this point even further. If you are bad what do you mean? That you get pretty low BP on every game? Then the hours you have at the game are insanely high.
So yeah, even when people dont want to admit it, its just logic. More prestige = more skill.
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To be honest we're past that point of debate imo. It doesn't really matter. This is more to combat lobby-dodging and targeted harassment. Here are the reasons why it's bad for the game regardless of the "skill debate":
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There are people with little higher than 100 hours with at least 1 prestige 100 because we just went through a whole anniversary event. Everybody at this point has a p100 character if they play slightly consistently yet it's so easy to see these players being pre-judged just from the lobby, same as seeing a low prestige character like for example Meg, Feng or Leon (as example of characters people usually think that have "lower skilled" players or are more "babies"). Anything that stops lobby shopping should be pushed, it's so dull seeing people dodging lobbies left and right.
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well. Once I finished my P100 claudette, I started Ada - which is P20. So if u see me - do you consider me bad even if I have P100 that I don't play with?
And I relatively don't play that much. A friend of mine has P100 Nea, P100 Meg, P100 Adam, P100 Ace, P80 Laurie - yet he will take new survivor to the lobby with low prestige. Does that mean HE is noob?
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I know I am just a grain of sand amongst the masses but PLEASE KEEP THIS AS A FEATURE. kthx
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Sorry but is this in the beta testing tab? If not, why did you even implement it if not for these small tests to which people might want to participate in ?
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If they implement it the whole concept of 'prestiging' would lose its meaning and appeal. Why would anyone P100 any character then? Considering the fact that you're not getting anything skins/charm-related out of P100-ing anyway.
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You can still see it at the end of the game, so the point remains there.
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For me its fine if they want to hide it, just give me a slider of something that goes from my level to lv 100, so i can chose to not play vs people higher than my level.
Then yeah i will be fine if they hide prestige levels.
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What are you saying with that? Like it literally makes no sense, sorry. Prestige doesn't equal skill. Period. Just play the game and you will realize how much you slow yourself from enjoying it because you have a lot pre-judging mindset. Try to have fun, you will surprise yourself a lot!
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First of all, great change.
Second, is more planned in this direction? The plan is most likely to reduce Lobbydodging so that Backfill-Lobbies are not as frequently as they currently are.
Like removing the profiles and names from Survivors in the Lobby? Sure, they can be made private, but not everybody wants that and I think it is neat to see in Postgame Lobby who you played against. But in pregame-Lobby it leads to dodging and gameplay-wise there is 0 reason why the Killer should get this information (e.g. hours played).
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My feedback is that even though the change itself is a good idea, it’s very frustrating this is YET ANOTHER player experience buff that’s created primarily for survivors, but we still have absolutely nothing announced for player experience buffs that’s created primarily for killers, besides an FoV thing that’s still not in the game.
So we have a survivor HUD, visual terror radius, anti camping (removed hook grabs), an additional anti camping idea that will be implemented in the future, an anti 3 gen idea that will be implemented in the future, and now hidden prestige in lobbies? So we have 6 player experience buffs for survivors, and just the 1 player experience buff for killers?
Can the FoV thing please be added soon, since it’s literally the one and only announced player experience buff that’s primarily for killers?
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Why do you think that's the case? The feature should be only about hiding that number to fellow teammates/killer before the match starts. You can even show it after the match if all you care about that. It's just about reducing lobby dodging by both killers (survivors have high prestige) and survivors (teammates have low prestige). It's not about charms or skins or anything else
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I agree with this! There are killers that go out of their way to even check if the people from the lobby have each other added on Steam as friends to know if they're swfing, etc. (legit have even seen certain streamers doing this, and it's really obsessive from my point of view.) Any tool to prevent lobby dodging and having a mindset for the match just by seeing the lobby should be implemented. It needs to stop!
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Everybody has a different reason for their commitment to a character. I just love my main's character design, lore, fashion and collecting items on her. I couldn't care less to have a P100 as a "show-off".
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Prestige does mean skill, as i told earlier, and is just pure logic. More prestige = more hours spent playing = more skill, i don't know why people keep denying that.
Also the people who went into lv 100 because anniversary event, are just a minority. Probably not even a 3% of the P100 population are because of the event.
Edit: IF you are curious, here is the post i did talk about earlier:
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I didn't see the line about being able to see it after the match, was scan-reading it. P100-ing still makes no sense to me regardless of ######### it does. Though it doesn't correlate with the skills of survivors.
kay? good for you?
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I have more than 3k hours in this game and only have 1 character P100. My friend who was more efficient with their bloodpoints has about 900 hours and 3 characters P100 so far. Which one of us is more skillful?
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If your friend does not have 3 P100 because of anniversary event, he doesnt have 900 hours, he has much, much more.
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You are so wrong I am so sorry. If I play my p100 Ada I am still the same player when I play my p3 Jeff. Not better, not worse. That’d mean now all Ellens are babies because everybody has her low prestige. It’s such an awful and naive take and I hope you drop that mindset that is most likely holding you back from enjoying the game more! Best of luck.
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That actually doesn't make any sense. If you have a P100 character it does mean you have tons of hours with him, no matter if you play another low character, you are already really skilled at the game.
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My friend's Steam profile is lying?😭 Mystery solved.
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So new players get stunned by p100... That's ridiculous..
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Please keep the prestiges hidden, this was long overdue. I’m glad to finally see this in the game.
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Bless you and all that follow your banner ❤️🎋
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But experienced players lobby dodging and shopping is not stupid to you? This happens on both sides, and now if this goes live it will stop it. Pre-game targeting needed to stop, and seeing this new feature is amazing.
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It's not. The solution is quite simple with an fair MMR. I have somewhere 70+ hours and every match with an SWF or at least 2 p50+ is an definitely lose. How should this be motivating a new player if 70% of the player base is far beyond our experience and skill.
And yes i dodge those lobbies bcs every single time these people are flashlighters/body blocker's/hacker/bully squads.
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I surely believe you mate, I’m so sure. Have a nice day!
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And toxicity like this even worse...
Sad how the community is ruining the game for new players..
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I noticed this too and I hope this is implemented
But I would like to see prestiges of my friends who joins my lobby
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Are we ever going to have the function to see each others ranks back? Or ANY ranked changes, improvements at all?