Is there any overpowered Killer perk atm?
I don't think so. I really can't think of any perk I would like to see nerfed atm for Killers.
me neither tbh i think they're in a fine spot now
i hope for more fun perk changes tho like the ones to trail of torment, crowd control and claustrophobia.
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knock out, franklin, noed, sloppy butcher, STBFL.. not all overpowered but game would be fine without it
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I don't think any perk on the killer side is overpowered in a vacuum, but some perks are definitely stronger on some killers then others
Lethal Pursuer for instance, on most of the killers it's not much a issue, but on killers like Blight and Nurse who can be on you in less then 10 seconds into a game it's unquestionably kinda stupid
Honestly the killer perk balance has been impressively good given how few people I see complaining about perks as of late
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forgot third seal vs solo Q, dumb perk
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Not overpowered. But there are a few perks that I think aren't particularly healthy.
Deadlock activates even when the killer is afk and has a great effect. Pain Res is a fantastic camping perk (even more so than before). These could use some small tweaks to make them not weaker but more healthy.
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Nothing overpowered but it gets very tiring to see Pain res, Jolt, Deadlock, and Corrupt nearly every game. It also destroys solo queue.
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Knock Out. Just promotes unfun gameplay. It should reveal the survivor's aura after maybe 15 seconds. The point of the perk is to not show where did the survivor get down. Maybe for balancing purposes just remove the aura reading for the 15 seconds altogether, regardless if teammates are in close range
Save the best for last. Too strong when the killer is camping. I have just 2 very simple nerfs: Lose tokes if the obsession loses a health state by any means, and completely deactivate when the obsession is dead.
Pain Resonance: Not really the perk's fault, but the new hook screams just shadowed buff the perk. It's way too strong for solo queue. They should just revert the hook screams to what it was before and the perk should go back to fine.
Nowhere to hide: Again, too strong on some killers. Instead of revealing the aura from the killer's position, it should be from the generator's. Maybe increase the range a little bit for balancing purposes. Or maybe decrease the range if it stays on the killer.
Ultimate Weapon: 30 seconds is way too long considering the cooldown is also 30 seconds. Either decrease the time the perk is activated or increase the cooldown. Just like Knock Out, this perk promotes unfun gameplay (slugging for 4k for example)
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I don't think anyone can fairly say there are any overpowered killer perks at the moment. Maybe a few that could be argued to be unhealthy even if they aren't overpowered, but there's currently nothing really on that level of strength that I can think of right now.
The overpowered killer stuff tends to be in basekits and addons, anyway, or in specific perk combinations. Not always, but usually.
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The first one that comes to mind is Deadlock. It's still too early to tell, but I'm preemptively calling UW too. It provides 2 very strong effects, one of which hard counters WOO with an easy activation condition to fulfill.
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Nowhere to hide is, in my opinion, the best perk on killer-side, because it has 0 cooldown
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It has a cooldown. You can't kick the same gen many times in row unless Survivors allow it. You have to kick gen and then go to different gen to use it that needs to have progression as well and isn't not being regressed atm. It has a condition, you can't just spam it.
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Self Care?
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I wouldn't say overpowered, and technically not a perk, but the hemorrhage effect is overkill now. It was buffed in 6.1 to combat healing, but it doesn't need to be as strong anymore now that circle is dead and medkits are heavily nerfed.
It would be nice if perks like resurgence or reactive healing weren't dead in the water simply because of hemorrhage.
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The new Alien perk where survivors scream after you check a locker is absurdly busted. It lasts so long and there's no way for survivors to counter it besides run Calm Spirit. On most killers its the best information perk by a long way but on killers like Oni it's crazy.
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"ultimate weapon" from alien. killers should not be given this kind of free information without cooldown and consequence.
30 seconds is too much, + giving blindness effect, the perk is OP alone.
even "nowhere to hide" is short for same effect.
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TBF when it comes to killer perks it usably combos that are op, a new killer came out so maybe there will be one soon
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Ultimate Weapon
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Sloppy Butcher.
Save the best for last.
Coup de Grace.
Pop Goes the Weasel.
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I mean... none are OP in a vacuum (IMO)
But there might be a few that Synergize either with other perks or Killer's
Like Surveillance and Oppression (low tier but it's there)
Or Lethal Pursuer on Nurse, Blight, Hillbilly... ETC
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Coup?… seriously? Lmao
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Lmao, a perk that gives you nearly half the hook stages on it's own, yeah, it's quite strong.
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What? How does coup give you half the hook stages on its own? Sure, coup can be strongish, but to say it’s OP is ludicrous.
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There are 12 hook stages in a game. If you land a hit with each stack of Coup, that's 5 hooks. If you are playing a killer like Myer's who can take advantage of 1 shots with it, you will get even more out of it. The perk was weak with only 5 tokens, but 10 is a bit much. I think it should grant 1 for each gen like before, but give 2 more once all the gens are powered, getting you a total of 7.
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I think Lethal Pursuer and Sloppy Butcher are borderline unfair perks to face in Solo Q, but I guess they're probably fine against a SWF on comms (I say "probably" because I only play Solo Q).
Sloppy because getting healed is super unreliable for Solo Q players. Just interrupt every heal with Nurse's Calling and you're basically playing an instadown killer for the rest of the game. Easy wins all day long.
Lethal because it makes tunnelling an even easier and brainless strat than it already is.
Hex: Devour Hope is a perk that I never like to face either. I don't know if it's overpowered as such, it just feels like the opposite of fun to me, especially when it stays up all game.
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Ok but it’s one of those perks that is easily adjusted to. Like enduring / spirit fury, once I know you have it, you aren’t going to get anymore value from it because I adjust how I loop. If I see you have coup, I will just predrop. Not to mention it makes DH exceptionally easy to time.
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Bro, no one except cheaters run DH anymore. You can still predrop at 80% of the loops and the killer can just hit you around the loop. I think the only adjustment you make knowing the killer has coup, is that your chase will be very short. The only reason people don't know Coup is busted right now, is because almost no one runs it.
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How does Lethal improve tunnelling? I'm really curious what you mean by that.
I disagree with Sloppy too, to be clear, but I see what you mean by that one at least.
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There's perks i really hate playing against but i really don't think any perk is really op by themselves atm.
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Lethal Presuer
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It helps you find survivors right from the start of the game. So zero time is wasted looking for survivors and the killer can get straight into tunnelling someone out of the game as quickly and efficiently as possible (preferably before a single gen's been popped). That's been my experience, anyway. Most hard tunnelling killers seem to run it.
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I think aura reading in general has gotten out of control.
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I don't know if I'd say there are any OP in general.
In certain scenarios, or on certain Killers, I'd say there are a couple.
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I'd say that's a pretty extreme stretch, personally. You might as well argue that any info perk is overpowered because it'd help a killer chase a recently unhooked survivor, or that something like Enduring/Spirit Fury would be too.
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I'm kinda TBD on Ultimate Weapon atm, it's VERY strong but hard to tell if it's overtuned or not atm.
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i don't think there are any op perks on either side except for mft atm, and ftp buckle up combo but that can be easily fixed by adding an injury condition to buckle up.
pop and nowhere to hide imo are the strongest killer perks right now, maybe along with pain res.
not because it's op but i also would love knock out get reworked.
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Maybe alien instinct, but over then certain combos of perks and killers nothings OP.
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Sometimes perks have unintended purposes. Killer powers too, for that matter (hence why Bubba is such a camping machine). I know I'd run it if I were a tunneler. It's very effective for that killer playstyle.
Obviously I'm not going to change your mind.
I think a lot of the enjoyment to be had playing DBD relies heavily on players being good sports to each other. If every killer played like the killers I faced today, I'd simply stop playing the game. But I know they don't, so I'll keep playing (but maybe not at the weekend).
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Don't get me wrong, you're not going to catch me arguing that hard tunnelling is totally fine. I just think you're putting too much weight on Lethal Pursuer when it's just one of a lot of tools that can help with tunnelling despite not actually being designed for it or really directly enabling it.
The perk is not the problem here, it's not even making the problem worse. It's just kind of... also there in the games where hard tunnelling happens.
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What?😂 I still run DH every game and I see it every single game on 1-2 survivors when I’m playing killer.
I have no issues dealing with coup… and you’re the first person I’ve seen make these comments. That’s your opinion lol, you’re entitled to it.
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DH is still a popular perk since it pairs really well with MFT.
Unless I’m playing against memers, there’s usually one DH each game.
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Franklin is the only thing killers have to counter some powerful survivor items.
STBFL and Sloppy only work on M1-killers, who are usually weak to begin with.
NOED is a weak perk. If you lose to the killer running it, that's purely a skill issue.
Knock Out is garbage, it needs a buff if anything.
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You counter it by repositioning.
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Nothing that I'd say is straight-up OP on it's own, though I would argue that Lethal and Ultimate are problematic. Both remove the concept of the killer putting in effort to hunt for survivors.
Lethal, by being map-wide, on immediately so even slower killers can take a straight line to you (fast ones can be on you in the first few seconds), can eat 1/3 of the Distortion tokens on everyone running it (and if vs a stealth killer it's difficult to get tokens back for that), and also makes it easier for tunnelers/campers to get an early start. Lethal is easily one main reasons I've seen survivors suicide/DC out of trials, as getting hit or downed/hooked just a few seconds in before you've had a chance to do anything doesn't inspire someone to want to stay for longer.
Ultimate, as there's a very simple pre-requisite for it, lasts as long as it's cooldown so you can have it up almost indefinitely, lasts a good while even outside of the cooldown/need to reactivate it, causes not only screaming but blindness in anyone hit by it, is terror-radius wide, and is countered by only one survivor perk that's not that great to begin with. On killers like Oni, Blight, Nurse, and Wesker, it's kinda busted.
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They already nerfed pain res hard and made it so you only get value if you hook all 4 people on a scourge hook once while it triggered on every hook stage before + we could see where the survivors where working. Deadlock i dont know why it would be unhealthy but after i saw the Hens Squad vs spookyloopz experiment. They actually used Deadlock to lockdown a gen at 99% the whole game and the killer could not kick it so they basicly used a killer perk as a survivor perk. Now it is prolly one of the best surv squads out there but watching that movie made me realise that the perk is actually not good for killers against really good Swfs because they turn the perk against you.
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I'm a survivor main but its kinda funny seeing survivor say killer aura reading perk is OP.
One distortion can counter almost all killer aura reading perk or addon.
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It didn't trigger on every hook stage before. It triggered on every hook. That is a difference.
What do you think is going to happen when you camp someone with Pain Res? Someone will come for the exchange. And then it's another 25% regression. This is my main problem with Pain Res. You don't need to get many hooks to make it work but just camp one person at the right time and get another Pain Res, once somebody comes for the rescue.
Deadlock is just not a well designed perk. If the killer actually had to something for it I would be completely fine with it. But they don't. It will activate regardless. So it would slow the game when the killer is afk. That is just stupid.
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Idk about overpowered, but Dead Man’s Switch is annoying as hell to vs and is probably unhealthy for the game. It’s okay when killers actually chase you off the gens after hooking another survivor, which is what the devs intended. But usually, it’s utilized in a build that gives killers way too much slowdown for the effort put in. How many times have you gone against facecamping Doctors/Artists that run DMS? And especially now with Ultimate Weapon and other screaming perks, this perk needs to be reassessed for its healthiness in the game.
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No OP perks for killers but a ton that are really boring to play against :
- Pop
- Jolt
- Eruption
- Petimento
- Sloppy
Those perks are just boring, removing the progress you have made threw the trials is just an awful game design choice. Sloppy transforming healing into a pain in the ass.
Same for survivors, all the perks that increase artificially the chases duration are terrible design choices :
- DH
- SB
- Lithe
In fact, everything impacting gen speed, healing speed, running speed is a result of trash game design.
Devs should have balanced the game around maps' layouts, number of pallets/windows, killers' power etc...
They should have never created perks that are changing the action/interactions speed at all. There is nothing more frustrating than repairing a gen to 90% to see it goes down back to 65% or to see that you need ages to heal one health state.
As a killer, there is nothing more frustrating than facing 20 pallets on a game or heavily survivor sided maps' layouts or being forced to deal with MFT/Lithe/Hope/SB.
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I can understand the frustration, but at least one good drawback of the stronger Survivor perks is being gated behind Exhaustion. That means you can only bring 1 (or 2 in specific scenarios) at a time. At the same time a Killer can bring Pop/Eruption/PR all together. Now in a sense it does kind of balance itself, because the Killer's lack of intel and lethality will bite them mid match, but if 1 Survivor doesn't play against 4 slowdown correctly the map will be devoid of pallets and the Killer will win through attrition alone.
As Ghosty, no other Endurance perk makes me happier than MfT, because that means they can't have Sprint Burst instead, and stealth skips chase when done correctly (healthy or injured). That mutually exclusive nature makes Killer fun in a rock paper scissors kind of way.