Why play as Doctor when I have Ultimate Weapon?

🚨 ATTENZIONE PICKPOCKET 🚨 Doctor's power has been stolen!
Officially no reason left to play Doctor when I can just equip Ultimate Weapon on any high tier killer!
The funny part is it's actually better than his power! I can trigger it quicker with a locker + it has a lower cooldown than Doctor's power + the perk follows your radius around and keeps applying + also applies blindness + works even if survivor is hiding in a locker + cooldown is irrelevantly low!
...and no his side-power isn't worth it. Half of the killer roster has some sort of better anti-loop mechanic by now.
I can be a Nurse with Doctor's power! Why bother learning Doctor and challenge myself?! He's obsolete.
What a lovely design for a perk!
It doesn't incapacitate survivors or increase the difficulty of their skill checks.
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So still no reason if I'm not going against bots... LOL
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Thank God the Doctor is dead. The Skunk Merchandiser needed some company in the trash can. Now all I have to do is build an extension big enough to fit Hag and Larry in there too lmao
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It doesn't reveal people inside your Terror Radius, they specifically have to be farther than that as you move through them in order for them to be scream. If you activate it while someone is actually nearby then it does nothing, unlike Doctor's power which does exactly the opposite. Go through the effort to read a perk's description before going through the effort to make a whole post about it, please.
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Syntax doesn't matter it'll trigger on those survivors regardless since the activation window is so long.
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It doesn't activate upon leaving the Terror Radius either.
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doctor's power has been kidnapped by hex:blood favor and ultimate weapon.
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Doctor became obsolete when Made for This was released, because it turns Doctor into an M1 killer on many loops. If we really cared about Doctor, instead of just trying to use him as a "gotcha", then we would be demanding something to be changed so that Doctor isn't complete garbage against Made for This.
And Doctor has more survivor detection than just the static blast. The restraint addon means that Doctor has map-wide survivor detection on any survivors that are T2 or T3 madness.