Taking a break until devs fix fast vaulting

It was great that they added the new vaults to the game as it felt like hey! I can actually vault and the killers don't get a stupid hit on me now when I actually exit the window fully
But now there are not even fast vaults anymore just medium vaults it isn't even fun I wish they would fix everything completely instead of breaking vaulting and hey you got out this window? too bad your fast vault is the same speed as a medium vault now and the killer can easily hit you now haha
I think for now I'm going to switch to another game until it seems like things are fixed and come back when things get a bit better
Sorry for the rant but I hope you guys have a good day
I don't like how they keep messing it up like this. First they made them too good, now they're too bad. It messes with the balance too much either way and has been the main reason I haven't been playing. I'm not gonna get much better by playing in these messed up patches, it gunks up my muscle memory and intuition. I hope they fix it soon or, at the very least, make a final decision with these changes so that we can all properly adapt.
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Thanks, I was gonna try Chainsaw Massacre for the first time as it seems a lot of people are enjoying it!
and I'm probably gonna come back as soon as things get fixed as I really love dbd since it has a lot of my favorite killers in-game
but it sucks that they're releasing heavy survivor nerfs as I know I'm not the best player because I struggle in doing big brain gameplay or loops but I guess when they released the fix for fast vault it felt proper and good because before I sucked at doing fast vaults at windows because killers hit me even after I exited the window fully but having that window fix made it easier for me to actually do better loops but now I can't even attempt to jump out of a window without getting hit or downed
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TCM is a excellent game, about everyone I played dbd with are on there now i highly recommend it, I'm the only one in my group still bouncing back and forth between games and I only play killer on dbd now because solo is annoying as to where TCM you can just laugh at them for dying early and still end up clutching a escape even if you're all alone because there are so many different ways to escape and not only that but partying up in a 3 man killer group is also fun
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yeah, i've already stopped playing in the last few days fast vaulting needs to be fixed, female survivor vault fix is more important though. Atleast MK1 is coming out really soon. Between that and TCM I'm good.
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You do know that this game has two roles right?
If survivor isn't your thing right now: try killer. The new Xenomorph is very fun to play. Especially using the tunnels.
Otherwise, enjoy other games. There are a lot out there. Dbd will still be here for you if you want to play again.
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Welcome to the club.
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Oh I do know but I don't have much fun playing Killer I actually enjoy Survivor gameplay more and I will be coming back :)
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Yeah, I am also almost at this point. Yesterday I only played 3 games before I just quit for the night and today I already told my SWF-Mate that I wont be playing DBD today. I just cant. After I got hit after vaulting all the time in the first game and got tunneled by a Xeno in the third game, I just gave up. Let alone that this thing can miss every tail attack without real punishment, but tunneling with 5 Gens to go... yikes.
And that female vaults are bugged does not help when my Main is a female Survivor and I am currently leveling up Ellen...
So yeah, maybe I will play tomorrow, depending on the patch. Wednesday is the start of a new Battlepass in World of Tanks, maybe I get that started.
But as long as Xenomorph is unchanged and as long as the vaults are like they are, I probably wont play DBD as much as I used to. And I am playing it for 5 years for several hours each day...
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Same, I've played a bit to go against Xeno but a couple days were more than enough... I haven't played since but when I do I'll only be playing killer, and when I get tired of long queue times I'll probably just stop playing until the next event / chapter
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The fast vaults just straight up feel bugged. Sometimes I jump through a window and I am in the middle of the window for like 2 full seconds.
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Yeah, because the "New" vaults which gave iframes midjump was very fair.
TBH, the vaults were fine - most of the problem comes from latency - i don't think Behaviour was supposed to nerf or buff them. Hope they revert it back to they it was before Nicolas Cage patch and leave as it is.
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If you're looking at Texas chainsaw massacre for quicker seamless vaulting, look elsewhere. It is a slough and most pc killers already have their attack button on a macros so to survive in that game you must avoid at all costs unless you're Ana or Leland then it's help your teammates or die with them. Matches are half the fun in half the speed of DBD matches and if you lead a great chase without comms be prepared to get left to die more often than in DBD.
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I'm actually enjoying the game a lot even when I do die! something about getting scared while hiding is so fun
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I don't know what it is for me, perhaps it's a combination of things atm (including vaulting and questionable hits), but I'm struggling to play. Even watching streamers play doesn't appeal to me anymore, which it always did even when burned out. I was so excited about the Alien chapter but that lasted maybe a day or so. Maybe I just need a proper break/breather.
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Fast vaults prior to the Nic Cage patch were also bugged. They gave the same distance as medium vaults which was unintended. The reason fast vaults changed was because the devs were trying to fix a bug (an old bug but a bug nevertheless).
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Killer is a lot of fun. Try it. Dbd is much more fun when you see it from both sides.
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I have played killer couple of times but it just isn't for me
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You do you.
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You and your friend should try Overwatch 2 or Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the time being. It's fun to play for a change and easy to get into.
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It was confirmed that "fix" will come next ptb so we have month or even more time to play other games
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where is the confirmation of this, ive been searching the forum for a hit minute now and cant find anything, the last thing for "major news" was the trail of torment update, and patch notes say nothing about vaults at all no previous bug fixes or current patching of vaults. would appreciate a link to it if u have 1
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They said it during the Reddit AMA I believe
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I don't know what the fuss is all about. I've fast vaulted in a chase multiple times today and not been hit by the attack that followed me through the window.
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Its from the reddit ama
Next ptb is maybe 2 weeks away and from then it takes another 3 weeks to gets into live servers. So we have 5 weeks of medium vaults and thats just assuming they will actually fix them for real during that ptb, not like last 3 times
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This is nothing like my experience as a survivor main who tends to stick to Julie - so none of the 'tank' characters. No chases are not as prolonged as DBD, but they arent supposed to be. TCM is a stealth game at heart but even so it's much easier to lose the killer even in plain sight. It makes for enjoyably tense gameplay. Yes, You can die within seconds of a match starting from some beastly Bubba loadouts but you're out and into a new match so quickly it's never an issue. Compare that to the attocity of being camped, tunelled and slugged and its night and day. Overall TCM is a way more chill and fun experience than DBD right now
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But you can’t fast vault. They’re functionally medium vaults. That’s the issue. Lol.
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Are fast vaults now medium vaults with a fast vault animation? WTH
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With how horrible survivor gameplay has become with consistent neglect from the devs and non-stop nerfs, I really have no idea how anyone can play survivor. It is nothing but constant slugging, killer Bming, overpowered killers. It would be like killer being unable to chase and everyone going on vacation like everything is OK. I really feel bad for anyone subjected to having to suffer playing survivor. I have tried playing survivor and it really is insufferable.
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took only 1 post and people started talking about TCM LOL
you guys design is so obvious
1º "let me trash something about DBD and pretend I'm not doing it cause of TCM, I'm not gonna mention it in the first post so they don't notice it. I'm going to another game which I'm not gonna mention the name of, but you know what game I'm talking about."
2º "I was gonna go to TCM, yeah, I'm probably going to TCM, have you guys heard about TCM? All my friends play TCM and they love it, I'm leaving to, have you guys heard I'm leaving to play TCM?"
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My experience normally has nothing to do with the killer at all. It's my teammates doing nothing. Well, I shouldn't say nothing because I don't do the tomes. So they may be doing those. Half the time on the survivor HUD I see one person doing something and the other 2 images are empty. No gens, no totems, no healing, just blank lol. It's oke when I see them blank for a moment but sometimes it's the entire match.
There are games when the killer is making it not fun for me also. Most of the time though, it's my teammates that make me want to let go or dc and stop playing.
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Balancing for the sweaty 4 man SWF has really killed the game. It is disgustingly unbalanced now.
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It's not really fixable until they start banning people for getting caught using outside sources like discord to circumvent the info perks and using voice chat instead, but they will never do it because the bad players that think Solo Q is impossible will cry too much.
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The worst teammates I've found are the ones who start playing for Hatch the moment the first person is hooked, a fast down can be a bit disheartening but it doesn't mean the match is entirely decided then and there (despite what high MMR players and their followers will tell you). You can do everything right as a survivor and still end up not escaping because the killer makes big brain plays in the end game and vice versa, with survivors getting creamed until they get some big brain plays.
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Well, I've tried it and I just moved on to other games instead like Oblivion and Apex Legends
The only reason why I was playing it was because of the big hype and it was free on game pass xbox It's a good game but not for me
Just because I was "Trash talking" the game doesn't mean Dead by daylight can't be criticized for mistakes they make aka making fast vaults same speed as medium vaults
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Yessss! MK1 preorder early access in 19.5hrs🥳
Letssss Go!!!
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yes! I can't wait nitara and reptile look like so much fun.
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Yep, stoked for Nitara’s return (Finally!!!), Li Mei too🥳 n for sure Reptile’s lookin’ arguably the best he has. Ermac’s a fav (his release cosmetic face design looks a bit wonky again, ngl😄) so def excited to see how he is. I main Scorp n Meelina since forevvs, but I’ll be throwing Sindel n Nitara in the rotation heavily, as well!
15.5hrs to go! Elated☺️
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Ofc the people here prefer the game with literal infinites and 2 minute escape xD