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Another Day, Another Great SM Match!

Nothing like a nice Jolt + Overcharge + bs add ons inside of a 3 gen and a top tier killer player who will stand next to a gen to make sure it regresses.

So fun when solo queuing! Keep up the good work BHVR!

Maybe buff SM w/ an add on that boots survivors into a new lobby, that would be efficient for both sides.

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  • Member Posts: 4,655

    You actually encountered a chess master?

    She's pretty rare to face according to nightlight - stats.

    I cant say I envy you.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    I prefer my haste/hindred addons with some nice haste/chase perks for my SM. It's been a long while since I saw someone giving up againts my SM 😎.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Anyone been on Reddit these days? People complained about Alien, some even said that they would prefer to face Skull Merchant over Alien all the time. So some killers responded with "ok, then i´ll just play Skull Merchant instead". Seems like thats exactly what they did.

    This community always makes me chuckle.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    I'd rather play against 4 Xenomorphs at once, all nodding me while I bleed out than 1 Caitlyn 3Genner.

  • Member Posts: 463

    Deja Vu will change your life

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    No, you aren't breaking a Skull Merchant 3 gen because 1 survivor has Deja Vu. It does help to highlight which 3 gen the killer isn't going to leave under any circumstance though.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Both are problems that should be addressed as 3-genning has been a deviant playstyle for basically the entire lifespan of the game, but most killers lacked access to the perks that make it so strong now and most powers aren't suited to defending.

    Doctor literally exposed this flaw basically the moment he was added to the game and folks proceeded to use his power to grind games to the exact same type of stalemate. As the game has progressed and more killers and perks have been added the problem grew worse in the background. It wasn't really that big of an issue because AoE and summoning type powers we're extremely rare or didn't exist.

    The flaw was then brought back to the forefront with Knight until he got a balance pass which didn't really prevent him from doing it at all it just became less worthwhile to do considering how his power functions. Skull Merchant is despite the devs likely intent and hopes basically purpose built to function best by dominating an area which regardless of her power shouldn't be possible. That's a gen spawn and map design issue that needs to be sorted out on top of Merchant getting the necessary changes to her power that prevent her from being able to use this playstyle to such a degree. She needs to actually have ways to get meaningful full value from her power without basically sitting in the same spot.

    The devs have said they are working on both of these issues already.

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2023

    HAHAHAHAHA I didn't know deja vu disabled skull merchant drones and this is coming from someone who uses it in their survivor build

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    I really only encounter SM when killers have challenges to do. You can tell who they are based on how miserable they look.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Who are these people staying in game for ages and ages?

    Try breaking the 3 gen, if you die then move on to the next game. Hiding in the other side of the map while the game drags out then complaining about how the game dragged out is just silly. Go for the goal and go out in a blaze of glory if need be.

    Old cat saying “It’s better to live one hour as a tiger than an entire lifetime as a worm.”

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