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General Discussions

browsing the web while I spend 3 minutes bleeding out in a corner is my idea of thrilling gameplay

quality Facebook time.

10/10. Totally no need to get rid of the disconnect penalty.

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  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Was it against a clown by any chance?👀

  • Member Posts: 1,235
    edited September 2023

    Nemesis this time. But it happens fairly often.

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    did you typo and mean to type "make solo queue PLAYABLE by removing DC penalties"? Because bots are 100% better than any of the survivors I've seen in solo queue. Including me. 😀

    I've said something similar before on these forums, but if I mess up at the beginning of a match, I'm gonna hook suicide. If I could just DC and let a bot take over, that would be a lot more fair to my teammates.

  • Member Posts: 5,955

    Bots are good around the safest structures in the game. As long as the killer doesn't use their power. Or perks to help them. Or a pallet is pre dropped. And don't get me started on gen efficiency, healing, unhooking and other decisions. If you can't play better than a bot, then you have different issues other than dc penalties.

    You mess up and instead of playing the game like normal and doing better you make it everyone else's problem. This is the equivalent of saying: "I only play as long as my match is easy mode and everything works in my favor." Don't play the game, if you don't like it. Don't even queue up. Play something that's genuinely fun for you. Preferrably a single player game, so you don't ruin anyone else's match.

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    indeed. sometimes I do wanna just play my way. Especially if I'm working on a tome challenge, which is the only time I play survivor. And if things don't work out I probably hook suicide, because 90% of the time in solo queue I never get rescued anyway.

    And it's OK that I'm worse than a bot; I'm awful at survivor, and I'm not really motivated to get better, because playing survivor in solo queue is terrible and like I said I only do it when I've run out of killer tome challenges and want to do some survivor ones.

  • Member Posts: 291

    Last time I got bled out (over the weekend), I literally crawled to a hook. Killer never came back to where I was, just stayed with the other two that he downed after me.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    You didn’t try an crawl around to known hatch spawns in the event you might get to hatch out. That’s what I try and do.

    Also you are using being bled out as a reason to remove dc penalties which is basically asking for a whole game altering effect to be implemented so to avoid a very minor in game effect.

    DC penalties are there penalise people throwing games and quitting, it has nothing to do with facilitating your lack of patience.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Faster bleedout button would be nice

  • Member Posts: 696

    We don't get the same bot

    Mine only vault windows slowly all the game, or try to do gen and miss all the skillcheck

  • Member Posts: 3,937

    Not that I'm hating on the bots... but they are bots....

    Mine stand over the top of me dying on the floor and keep picking up/putting down their medkit... or they stand in front of me waiting to be healed... and I can't heal them for some reason.

    They rarely unhook as they constantly ditch actions as soon as the Killer TR touches them, and that if spills over into gens and Healing actions as well.

    They are decent in chase though with their wall hacks... I've seen them loop killers for a solid 30secs to a minute at times XD

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Get better.

    But not at playing, at just not quitting.

    That was the most entitled ######### I heard in a long time to justify not getting punished for a dc. And that says a lot...

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I can show you two full videos where all survivors were bleeding out and killer just stand near until last second. And that's only ones I did record. And it not abusing game mechanic, nope, not punishable. Devs replied me in two mails.

    Flashlight clicking - very offensive, removed. Locker saves - very offensive, removed. Probably next step would be remove crouching.

    Deliberate bleedouts, nope, that's on you. Loser with fragile ego definetely not guilty.

  • Member Posts: 409

    Maybe the killer would pick u up if you didnt went into that corner?

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    I mean you're not wrong that people who frequently rage quit should play something else, but they were pretty unambiguously making a comparison between having a bot teammate and having a teammate that committed 96% into missed skill checks. If you think "a living bot is better than a dead human" is somehow an own on the human, uh, why?

  • Member Posts: 40

    please stick to single player games ... teamplay doesn´t seem to be your cup of tea

  • Member Posts: 249

    While this method of gameplay is really unfun and annoying on the killers part, you can't ask for DC penalties to be removed just for that reason. The amount of issues that would be caused from removing DC penalties would go well beyond games where killers slug (I'm also going to assume this was petty slugging, as in they just let you bleed out as the last survivor for no other reason other than to be toxic, not the slugging someone while chasing a teammate less than a ft away) and make the game pretty annoying on all sides be it SWF, solo q, or playing killer

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    This is majority of my bleed outs. I'll be under a hook with crows but killer wants to waste my time slugging me until bleed out. If I don't bleed out the killer waits until I have a sliver of bleed out left before picking me up to hook me if they're going to hook me at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    DC penalties will always be a thing. BHVR has said this multiple times.

    Unfortunate that they don't seem to give a ######### about useless bleedouts, though.

  • Member Posts: 5,955

    I did not say that. Read again. I said that a living human is better than a living bot.

  • Member Posts: 1,724

    You were responding to someone who said they intentionally die on first hook as a way of avoiding the DC penalty. the scenario they presented was one where they were offering either themselves (dead) or a bot (alive) as the two options, and that the bot is the better of those two choices.

    With your first post I thought you were making an ill-advised attempt at a dunk. With this response I'm genuinely concerned at the disconnect between the content of the original post and your response

  • Member Posts: 5,955

    What I meant was, that they should suck it up and stay in the game, if they are going to queue up. If that wasn't obvious, then I apologise for the poor phrasing on my part.

    I called op out on their BS. Call it me dunking on them all you will but I stand with what I said. Bots aren't as good as real players and allowing people to dc on a whim will only lead to way more people doing that and ruin most matches in the process. How often has it happened to you, that you failed at something in this game and were upset that it didn't work out? Now imagine, if you were to disconnect every time that happens. This would go as far as people disconnecting because it's not the 1 killer they felt like playing against or their preferred map.

    I don't need every single game I play ruined because someone disconnects. Bots do not change that. Have you played against a bot before? Because this isn't particularly fun either. And playing with them is barely better than nothing.

    The disconnect penalty has to stay in place. You can do something about survivors being left to bleed out without removing it. And it is clear that op used this as a strawman for what they really want. Permission to leave every match as soon as something doesn't go their way.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    remove dc penalty? hell nah. but they can add a feature where you can suicide after you are half way through your bleeding bar.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    The dc penalty is there for good reasons.

    Being slugged for long periods is just bad team altruism. If its to frequent then the best option is to devote a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 222

    cant believe devs still didnt adress bleeding out on the ground for bming

  • Member Posts: 696

    If you look the bot in custom, there's are more more "powerfull" than in ranked

    never miss a skillcheck, make gen more faster even without perks for that

    Like, it's night and day

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