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The reaction to Alien proves some people don’t understand how a 4 v 1 game should be balanced.



  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,355

    why are you saying "the survivors think that the survivors and the killer should be equal" is like a bad thing? the only way I can interpret a statement like that is "oh no, the survivors want the game to be balanced and fair, how dare they! clearly the only fair thing would be for the game to be balanced disproportionately in favor of one player! we should definitely strive make sure the minority of players get an easy game at the expense of making it nigh-unwinnable for the majority of players, not any of that making-the-game-balanced-for-everyone nonsense." surely you can't mean that, but I can't figure out what you do mean; please try to clarify

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    This is an asymmetrical multiplayer game. 1 vs 4. In a 1 vs 4, the 1 has to be stronger individually than the 4 individually. So how do the 4 win? By using teamwork and all pulling their weight. That’s how you balance an asymmetrical game.

    Do you not think that in the 1 v 1 (meaning in the chase) the killer is and should be stronger than the survivor?

    Think of it this way. The killer can ultimately only chase one survivor at a time. Now imagine if that survivor moved as quickly as the killer. On top of having things like strong pallets and windows. No one would play killer lol.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,355

    When you said "the killer is as strong as the four survivors" I thought you meant "[the killer] is as strong as [the four survivors]"

    The way you describe it here is better described as "[the killer] is as strong as [any one survivor from the set of four]"

    And I don't think that any survivors think that all 5 players should individually be as strong as each other - that survivors should match evenly with killers in the 1v1. I think they think that the two sides should be balanced but they feel that killers, as they stand now, have far too many tools at their disposal and killers are advantaged to such a degree in the 1v1 that survivors don't stand a chance even in the 4v1. I disagree with survivors who assert that outside of a few notable exceptions, but I feel your characterization of survivors exact desire, even with that more reasonable clarification, is inaccurate

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    If people want a 1vs1vs1vs1vs1 game, splitting queues is the only solution, which will not happen, so it stays 1vs4.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 694

    Lots of survivors absolutely think any individual survivor should be as strong as the killer, which is absurd on its face.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Its asimetric game so 1 v 1 surv should lose, its a 4 ( team) vs 1 (killer)

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,195
    edited September 2023

    I think people need to move past the idea of the power role that the genre had at its inception. Some people talk about the concept of the power role like it's 2016, and they talk about DbD as if it's some sort of horror experience first and a PVP game second.

    DbD has found its success in large part because they moved towards more of a balanced PVP concept. You don't get to be powerful simply because you selected the power role. You earn that through gameplay. And we're at the point in DbD where, yes, barring a few killers, you are more powerful than the survivors if you're good enough.

    But you can't just flat out say one side is the power role and therefore shift all skill expression to the macro game for the other side. This is a PVP game, both sides are playing, and some players need to accept that both sides want to feel rewarded for skilled plays.

    So when you have a killer like Xenomorph whose tail attack can lack meaningful counterplay, people are going to complain. For the millionth, trillionth time, the vast majority of players are not complaining simply because a killer is strong. It's often a lack of interesting or meaningful counterplay that causes complaints.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    i understand what ur saying but i dont feel threatened when im in a chase with an alien, i feel annoyed that i have minimal agency in my part and its only a matter of time before i die. this is an even worse feeling than playing against nurse because if the nurse player is bad, you can still outplay her. with alien you literally just zigzag until he eventually lands the hit.

    with someone with clear gameplay from both perspectives (wesker for example) i feel threatened because i know i can last this chase for a long time as long as i dont make mistake. you said ppl are crying about alien because he's a strong killer since wesker. this is bad generalization because personally i am not against strong killers as long as they're fair e.g. huntress and wesker and im sure many others who play both sides feel the same.

    i would rather play against a blight than an alien knowing blight is stronger because at least it feels like i can do something that matters in a chase against an average blight. Alien is just a cringe hold w and pray gameplay. it reminds of the freddy rework when every noob picked him because he had everything a killer needed to be good and had brainless chase sequences. anyway thats just my two cents, i dont feel happy to be found and chased by any killer but at least some of them are fun to be in a chase with.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,122

    There’s too much conflict over the direction of the game. Some want it to be casual friendly so that people who aren’t good at the game can have fun.

    Some want it to be balanced as a 1v 4 aka competitive. Others want it balanced as a 1v1v1v1v1. This thread is already an example.

    The end result is everyone arguing for their point with different visions which will lead to conflicting arguments most of the time. BHVR takes one random aspect from each argument and tries to appeal to everyone. It might explain why it feels like BHVR is missing part of the plot at times.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Thats fair, instead of spend 3min to setup turrets, survivors can spend those time to complete 4 Gens.