Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


Member Posts: 18
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have to say I hate this killer with a passion. I literally played for 7 hours and never once escaped. Even when I had a really strong team. I think if you're going to make such a strong killer, at least take the ability for them to travel across the map via the station where you pick up the flame. Throwers should be taken away. I have literally been two steps away from a fallen palate and she still hits me with her tail. Anymore. I hate to say it. If I load in with her I just kill myself. It's not worth the frustration of playing against her. And yeah I know I'll get a bunch of people who are excellent players and run circles around any killer telling me how they can get out all the time. I'm an average player. Most people are average players.

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  • Member Posts: 3,446
    edited September 2023

    I'd say a lot of people are in the same boat as you, this killer just forces lose lose situations for survivors unless they predrop pallets from like 20 metres away. For a killer who already has amazing map pressure due to having no cooldown period for using tunnels, I'm baffled as to why BHVR thought crawler mode needed to be quite as strong as they decided to make it.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited September 2023

    Just wait for someone come and tell you guess better.

    Fake the pallet drop and get m1 because this killer is chasing you with 4.6 and no needed charge the power. So he can easily hit you.

    Don't fake it and get tail hit behind pallet.

    Same goes for vaults.

    Wait for use suggestion about turrets. Use the turret brooooooo.

    Putting turret is takes a lot time from survivor. For what? He will just come and hit it. He won't even lose the power. That's how easy this game for Xeno.

    If you have team with good coordination, you probably can win against him. But as solo survivor, you will just pray they are not sweaty or just bad.

    But as unskilled toxic survivors, we should just get good. Because some people are already escapes against him every match. Buff the Xeno.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited September 2023

    He's the ultimate case of fun to play as and awful to play against. You haul those flamethrowers around only for him to use his tail attack and immediately destroy them regardless of where you placed them. The flamethrowers are just weak. I know from my own experience of playing 30+ games as Xeno at this point. The amount of time you have to react and destroy them even WITHOUT addons is absurd. Even if you lose your power then so what? It comes back so fast that it doesn't matter much in the big picture. Some say the turrets slow the killer down but they really don't. You have to take them out and set them up. If you spent 8-10 seconds setting up a flamethrower and it slows the alien down for 3 seconds then you are getting negative value out of it. The only killers i've seen struggle with flamethrowers are ones who are extremely bad. Any person with an ounce of situational awareness simply doesn't care.

    A couple of suggestions I have

    • Addons to make the flamethrowers weaker should NOT exist and should be repurposed into something else.
    • Flamthrowers should do more to drain Xeno's power when he isn't in crawler mode. There should be more consequences for walking through a flamethrower in chase.
    • Survivors should move faster when carrying a flamethrower
    • Going into a tunnel should not make your power charge faster. Not only can you traverse the map in seconds but you also get your oppressive chase power back by the time you come out.

    There's probably more that needs to be done but those are just some initial ideas. Right I just don't see the point of the flamethrowers when a decent player is just not bothered by them at all. How many games do we have to play against/as this guy and how high does the kill rate have to go before we admit he needs a few changes?

  • Member Posts: 18

    Yeah and to make matters worse. I keep coming across ones that camp hooked survivors. And I'm fine. Sacrificing a hook for somebody who needs to be off before their time is up in the exit the game. But they literally have such a fast recovery rate. You can't unhook the survivor even after taking the first hit. So there's absolutely no way to win against them if they're camping a survivor on a hook. Even with a coordinated attack you cannot get somebody off the hook.. The killer is just ridiculous and truthfully I'm just over them

  • Member Posts: 857

    I honestly don't have much against the Xenomorph. It's by far the best Killer in terms of design we've had since after Wesker and it's the first Killer that doesn't feel like a joke, or a chore, in a while for good Survivors, the first Killer in a while that can hold their own against decent teams without needing to play like a scumbag if they aren't cracked. Pretty much all she needs are a few tweaks to her missed attack speed debuff to punish missing a bit more and fix her cooldown bug where she straight up doesn't slow down after a successful tail hit (she's supposed to slow down but sometimes she doesn't, leading to some unfair combos, but it's a bug that will be likely fixed in the mid-chapter or earlier).

    She has counterplay, both in the turrets and in her power. People think that turrets should be a guaranteed power-loss but remember what happened to Singularity; a good and original power in theory but is in reality an M1 Killer for 80% of the game if Survivors are decent and proactive with EMPs, nobody plays him anymore for a reason. Survivors shouldn't have full control over the Killer's power.

    Nurse exists and the only "counterplay" she had was removed when flashlight interactions were removed. Now it's "hope the Killer is bad and the map rng smiled to you" and yet I don't hear as many complaints because Nurse was an exception, a Killer that even cracked Survivors feared instead of laughed at and needed thinking to face.

    Even when the Xeno gives up on a chase her map traversal makes the game never truly stops and Survivors can't stop being aware since she can quickly find someone else. Dynamic gameplay is good and keeps the game going.

    Xeno is a Killer that isn't a joke and that needs more than perks and a pallet to invalidate in chase but is far weaker than Nurse as she is still bound by the core rules of DBD and can be greatly hindered in chase.

    Let's think about similar attacks to her tail attacks.

    Nemesis tentacle (at tier 1 & 2) is 5 meters, and at tier 3 it is 6 meters and can destroy pallets with a minuscule cooldown. Infection slows it's potential but there's only 4 vaccines and a good Nemy will quickly exhaust them.

    Pyramid Head's trails are around 8 meters (without any range add-ons), can go through walls and hit multiple Survivors at once, the only downside is how much it's telegraphed and it can't go over holes but a bit of experience will mitigate that.

    Alien's tail has a range of 4.8 meters, cannot destroy pallets or go through solid obstacles, it is also horrid to use at point-blank range. It cannot hit several Survivors and the cooldown on missed attacks is a full 3 seconds (one of the longest cooldown for attacks of it's kind, it's just that the movement needs tweaking and bugs need fixing, Xeno is supposed to slow down more after attacks).

    Every other ranged attacks in the game (Slinger, Huntress, Demo, Trickster etc.) can either hit from huge distances or break pallets. Xeno has to chase and can be baited into an M2 at vaults/pallets just like Nemy can, it feels impossible to avoid because of the one advantage she has over the others: very little telegraph except for a tiny sound cue.

    Turrets aren't best used as gen-defense tools (although the radar function ignores any stealth and is a decent early warning to run), they excel at mid-chase tools. Put inside loops/hidden in tall grass, if a Survivor is getting chased and goes through the detection range, the Xeno will have to choose between losing distance and losing her power (the fire does slow her down a tad too).

    The major difference between Xeno and most of the other Killers is the need for cooperation and keeping turrets around the map, which takes a bit of time but can greatly enhance certain loops and even deadzones (since the turrets also have some verticality and can burn the Xeno from above if placed on the edge of small hills).

    It's true that super cracked Survivors don't need that, hell there's a Naymeti video literally called "looping the new Alien Killer with no perks" it's pretty funny and it shows that even turrets aren't mandatory to deal with Xeno but are a welcome aid.

    So yeah, I like the fact that we got a Killer that we have to actually focus and think to counterplay but isn't literally unbeatable if the player is good like Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Yeah but I haven't learned how to play against Xeno yet so it's basically Deathslinger + Huntress combined on steroids, literally the same Killer but better, no disadvantages compared to those Killers whatsoever, having a lower charge time and cooldown = basically Nurse level power. Please nerf it into the ground and make the flamethrowers uninstall the Killer's game, I can't be bothered to learn how to play better, it's taking too long

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