Can we stop with saying gg

It's never a good game except for the person who won.
People will leave gg and immediately run. It's just a forced comment.
I disagree, it's just good sportsmanship.
It's entirely, easily possible to have a good game that you lost, too. Saying GG before moving on is just being polite and respecting your opponent in a lot of cases.
51 -
So... what is shaking the hand of your opponent after a win?
Forced gesture or something?
Also... that's a very limited view of what a good game is
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I say 'gg' after every game.
I can get tunneled/camped/teabagged/whatever.
You show up to play without cheating or exploiting, you get a 'gg.'
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I agree that people are not being sincere a lot of the time when they say GG -- but it is possible to have fun in a match you lost and respect how everyone played.
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Totally agree with op, especially since the vast majority of times a GG only came after getting your teeth kicked in.
There might be some rare snowflakes Like the people in this and other threads claiming to always give a GG, no matter if lost or won, but the amount of GG's I got after winning a game was neglectable rare. And I played intentionally friendly aka going for 12 hooks, no camping and tunneling.
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If seeing GG bothers you, just mute chat.
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most of time people say it after winning in my experience and rarely after losing. Nothing wrong with it tho
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No. It's just a polite way to end the game. I say it after every game, even if I lose
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If I die but my teammates survive it, was a good game.
If a killer goofs off for a couple of seconds cos I threw a pebble at them, and then I die, it was a good game.
If I boop a snoot, it's an amazing game and I get clips to share with the We Love Pig Fan Club.
If you can't have a good time without winning then there's something wrong on your end. Fortunately most players don't feel the same way that you do.
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
Turn off chat
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Hasn't this Sportsman thing been beaten to death already? It's a matter of respect and acknowledging that it's just a game. Disable chat or just ignore it, move on, and let it go if makes you salty.
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If the short version of good game bothers you. Then just say the short version of git gud.
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It depends. If I played against a real unfun killer that camps and tunnels from the start, bonus points for bming, and then says gg, I'll most likely take it as taunting, not sportmanship, and give them contra.
If I get destroyed by a survivor team, and also did not have the slightest fun, I'll not respond to their gg, maybe with a snappy comment.
But otherwise, if the game was decently fun, I'll usually say gg, even if lost.
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This is a very common ASD train of thought. Forced artificial social gestures feel empty at best, and a bald-faced lie at worst. That is all 'gg' is. The artificial social gesture to more accurately say "the match is over and I didn't hate every moment". I hate all of these forms of artificial shorthand social gestures, and I'd much prefer stuff like "best of luck futures". That at least comes from a desire for the other people to have a good time. An exchange of "gg"s is more like an Oblivion NPC dialogue, but you do it because you were socially programmed to do so.
The annoying problem is having to continuously deal with those lies and falsehoods day in and day out. "How are you doing" isn't an invitation to tell your life story or the why as to the current state, just requesting a "good, you?" Keeping up the 'translator' for gibberish into concepts is draining, and it makes sense to not want to be drained further when engaging in what is meant to be a fun hobby.
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The loser saying GG first is being a good sport.
The winner saying GG first is just rubbing it in.
Luckily I'm on console and there is no game chat. I would be sending people death threats in this frustrating game.
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I miss old gaming etiquette when it was a rule that the loser writes gg first
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I stop saying GG for like 3 years until now.
Yep, i see a lot of player only type "GG" when they win the match.
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thank you
*although small note, the whole “how are you” thing being meaningless is very American. American English is positively bloated with all kinds of meaningless fluff in spoken language, which inadvertently makes not using it make you come across as blunt.
Us Dutchies are about as direct as they come. We don’t even say each other’s names sometimes. Obviously there’s the hello-hi’s upon encounter, but that’s all.
To answer the thread, though. I only ever say gg if the losing side says it first. If not, I just don’t say anything, unless there’s something else.
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I'll always respect those who say 'gg', and I'll never fully respect those who don't.
It's that simple.
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that’s a rather big pool of players you’ll “never fully respect”
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Welcome to dbd, where even the ages old customs of sportsmanship are considered toxic by some bloodflakes.
Console players and those who left are exempt of course, I mean those who say stuff without the 'gg'.
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It is just being good mannered, nothing more and nothing less. Here it is just about fun in a game, but for example in pro (e)-sports they also have this gestures and I think it is a sign of respect to gg. Take Starcraft for example in pro matches everyone ggs before leaving it's just the etiquette and you can like it or not but that does not change what it is.
And for the point itself I could not care less about winning or loosing in this game, I care about good chases and fun parts. If I make a wesker vault a window on accident that's a good game. If I could apply a certain trick or tech I tried to learn, that's a good game and so on. If you only focus on winning then that's pretty dire, especially if you are still learning things and are not a comp player with 10 k hours.
Imagine games like starcraft where people even at the top have a roughly 50% percent winrate, you really think they hate their life the other 50% they loose? You should enjoy the game itself and not just winning, otherwise you waste your time.
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Yes, clearly what this community needs is to remove the last bit of politeness it has.
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The thing is, there are good games, but not all of them are.
A lot of time, gg in dbd means "i won, you didn´t".
I personaly think a game is a gg if it was a close call (like 8+x hooks, all gens done) with noone excluded early (via tunneling/camping). I enjoy those matches, no matter if i win or lose, and they are gg for me.
However, a lot of times killers only give a gg after tunneling out the first 2 guys, which in my opinion, while a legit stategy, never leads to a gg.
Survivors, on the other hand, mostly give a gg if they escape, in cases of swf only if they all escaped.
Thus, gg in dbd has lost its meaning.
I see a lot of people in this forum claim that they are not responsible for the fun of other players. While true, those disregard of others has nothing to do with good sportmanship (where you usually value your opponent/trainingspartner). IF those people use gg, its not even good manners, but comes over as a taunting.
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Some of y'all are too sensitive...
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If it's been a totally one sided game, it never feels good to hear a gg from the winning side. So I don't tend to say it in those cases. But if it's been a fun, close fought game that could have gone either way or another player in the trial was nice or really impressed me, I think it's always worth leaving at least a gg wp in the chat. I hope that's always taken to be genuine respect.
Most of the time I keep the chat closed tho. Partly to prevent myself from saying something negative after a really annoying game (I can't say this always works) and partly to avoid any toxic chat from a gloating winner or salty loser.
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Just because it doesnt happen alot to you, doesnt mean this goes for everyone.
Besides that, the forum doesnt represent the community.
also not everyone can send a gg since console still doesnt have endgame chat.
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It's possible for a game to still be good if it was competitive.
I only don't say gg for stomps or if the survivors were BMing a lot but otherwise I don't see why not.
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Would you rather just hear "ez" and then have them run? I wouldnt but if I'm the minority here let me know
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As others have pointed out, many people use it to show good sportsmanship, even if they lost. Not everyone is so focused on the outcome. If we want to get technical, usually it should be the person who 'lost' to say it first so it can't be misinterpreted as taunting, but since there aren't exactly clear cut winners in this game, that's not always possible. It's just important to read the room before saying it. If the match was completely one sided, the winner(s) probably shouldn't say it first.
You are not obligated to say it if you don't want to. You can even choose to hide the chat if you don't want to see it from other people. That said, always assuming the worst of people is a very dangerous way of thinking that tends to sour your opinion of people that have done nothing wrong.
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If I have a game that sucks I usually just say "g".
game. that's it that's all you're getting out of me. one of the games of all time for sure.
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That's almost bm again, I mean in other games even if people use rather cheesy strategies it is expected to still gg since it is part of the game, same with those things in DBD, I'm not sure how they do it in comp but I would expect them to be at least good sports and gg every match?
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I don't say anything because I'm on console. But I would only say gg when I sincerely thought it was a good game for everyone. I don't think saying gg is required to be a good sport. In situations where somebody clearly got screwed (like the one guy who the killer managed to tunnel out) I think saying gg would be rude to them.
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Even if it wasn't, I say it to remind myself that there are real people behind the opponents I play against.
It can be so easy to forget that.
Post edited by Pulsar on6 -
It is part of the game though, same as cheesy strategys... Therefore I would stick by it unless they do bm you in some sense I don't think it changes anything.
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I didn't say it wasn't part of the game. Doesn't mean the person being tunneled had any fun or a good game.
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Yeah but that's not what is about is it? It is about being a good sport even if you get steamrolled?
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I've already said I disagree that being a good sports means you have to say gg. And I think having that expectation of others is self-centered.
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I don't expect anyone to say gg. I just know that good sports and good players do it when they are able.
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I say it because I feel it's good sportsmanship to say so after a match. Would you rather I just flame you OP?
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I disagree on both, for example in the starcraft 2 pro scene it is considered bm not to gg and many pro players get called out on not doing it for example Idra and apparently Innovation, you can think otherwise but you'd be in the minority. I guess the same goes for normals sports where it is expected of you and rude otherwise. It is nowhere near self centered to expect people to be polite when you yourself did not behave impolite.
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As long as I had fun in the match, then it was a good game for me. It doesn't matter, if I win or lose.
Not everything someone else does is meant to be toxic. Sometimes they just want to display good sportsmanship. I'll take a "gg" over an "ez noob killer / survivor" or worse any day.
Over the past days I had quite a few matches against... Let's call them less experienced players. I still wrote "gg" every time. And more often than not people see it as what it is: your opponent congratulating you on a good game and respond positively.
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just because I sited on a gen for the whole match whilst my teammates were looping the killer it doesnt mean it was a good game for me
I much rather have fun games with many things happening and die at the end
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I say gg whether I win or lose
That being said if I'm playing Survivor and die when the rest of my team is still alive with multiple gens remaining, I'm not gonna sit around and wait I'm just gonna go next.
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i often love giving a GG when i get sacrificed or get juiced as killer, so long as i had fun. sorry that's not your experience
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I'm not interested in continuing to debate about this. It's really a non-issue in my eyes.
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You know that, even if you lost, it can be a good game? Good chase, good pression, good "scare jump"
... Like? Why stopping saying that was a good match if you lost? If you got some fun at chase, at the "hide and seek" play, ...
If you only get fun when you win, it's not the game or people saying "gg" the problem you know?
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You're right, I'll just leave 'ez' and immediately run from now on
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If a football game goes back and forth and is entertaining and decided by a single scoring drive be it touchdown or field goal is it not a good game even by the side that lost?
It just means the game was well played and hard fought.
I'm definitely not a gg after every game type of person but if it was a close and thrilling or even frustrating match I put up a gg because it was clearly hard fought.