Is there any reason to play Solo Q now? (Matchmaking)

I think I lost today 20 games in a row mainly against Alien. And after the 10th loss I just gave up all my games after seeing the first surv being hooked after half a minute with no actual gen progress.
I've played DBD for 5 years, mostly killer but started recently to participate as survivor too. I don t want to play SWF-easy-mode because I like the unpredictable and thrilling solo games. But since the alien release most of the games are just terrible and I mean terrible (before it was around 50/50). Maybe new gamers joined, maybe old gamers who took a break for years too. I don t know and it doesn t matter. Fact is a lot of the solo players don't know how to deal with certain killers (and thats okay, they will learn). Especially when they have to do other stuff than repairing gens like placing turrets, removing condemed or just solving a simple cube. And even repairing gens is a big task. I get constantly matched with those kind of teammates and it is depressing to see how bad every game runs. And as the cherry on the cake these inexperienced gamers are thrown into matches with experienced killers. So whats the point in playing these matches anyways. There is no way to escape and hiding until the last got killed to get to the hatch is boring.
This is not a rant about killers being to strong (because they aren't) and no I don t want you to nerf killers.
Another example of the opposite. In my last game we really destroyed the killer (wesker) and I don t think it was even his fault. Gens were done in under 5 minutes (and I hadn t even a toolbox or a gen progress perk), I wasn t hit once, he got one hook and even that guy escaped at last. So why wasn t this killer matched with a groop of inexperienced players, like those I mentioned before? What's wrong with the entire matchmaking system and will you fix this? Or do u want me to wait until the inexperienced alien fans leave this game again, before I get some "balanced" games? Because there seems actually no point in playing solo. Or did i miss something?
"I think I lost today 20 games in a row mainly against" (put here any killer)
Yes, this is a life of survivor. I don't know about tournamnt-SWF types, but it seems game is being balanced around them vs. fresh new killers. Because I don't know how more frustrating survivor experience can be, but that side getting nerfed over and over.
So, answering your question: unless you like torturing yourself, extreme challenged and thousands-hours top-notch skills to just play, NO.
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So you lost 10 games in a row and instead of stop playing ruined 10 matches for other survivors.
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If you had died 20 games in a row, that Wesker match you had last would probably be fine with MMR, based on how it's based on wins vs losses (which is an issue in itself), but it would make sense after so many losses that you'll eventually face an equally unsuccessful killer.
It does sound like your 20 match claim is inflated, since you "gave up" so easily after match 10. Maybe you could have survived some of those other ones, but it would be nice to clarify what you mean by "gave up", because if that meant you just got killed quickly on purpose then that's quite weak, but if you mean you just became more laid back and tried, but didn't really have your heart in it then, well, others play relaxed too so that would be fine.
The best thing in those periods (I've experienced loss streaks too), focus on your game and make your own aims each trial. Try an complete tomes or make your own up. However, I found it best to just stop playing if a streak starts to frustrate me. Play another game and come back fresh.
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No! I just raised Killers-Kill-Rate because nowadays Devs only care about stats and if the Killers-Kill-Rate is to high they maybe do something about it. So I did it just For the People and risked my own life and injury for others ☝️🤓
Balanced around tournament-SWF? 😳
As a killer you have ZERO chance against these guys. I'm already struggling against "normal"-swfs who repair all gens in 5 minutes (and I m not even sure if they are all swf because of my last game, where we did the same in a solo match). I have no clue on what matches this game is balanced around, because as Killer I get constantly 4k/3k+hatch or 0k matches. Nothing in-between.
But maybe thats also an matchmaking/rng issue.
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I only play solo survivor and definitely understrand the frustration if you get terrible mates but i still make it out most of the time.
Its important to understand WHY you lose.
Many solo players instantly assume that the killer side must be op when in truth it msot of the time just their mates being extremly inefficent.
So many times the killer instantly starts chasing me and he goes after me for like a minute or two and my mates still havent even touched a gen for some stupid reason.
This is the reason solo q is so bad.
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It's getting kind of sad where i get excited in my games that don't have Xeno as a killer.
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MMR is certainly an issue as you'll have a pretty big skill gap at times or hours played gap.
The other thing I've noticed in solo cue that is specific to what you just said about people not touching gens. The killer comes and finds you and most of the time survivors are spawning somewhere close to each other. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I have certainly had times in solo cue where I start a gen and the Nic Cage in the group gets chased and runs the killer directly too the gen I'm working on to drop aggro.
My suggestion is if the killer is chasing you first, run across the map. Get far enough away (yes you will probably take a hit doing this) that your team doesn't hear the terror radius and they will feel safer coming out to work on a gen. That has worked for me in several matches. Let's the rest of the team know I'm not going to dump the killer on them.
Post edited by Melinko on5 -
Making it thru 20 matches is impressive. Guess not many people have the will to do that, that's why they added the XP bonus for consecutive played games.
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Killers are actually strong just only agains't soloQ. There is no reason to play soloQ if you have chance to play swf and if you don't just play killer then your own skill matters much more. And only play soloQ few games between some killer games if you want to relax just don't care about result and it will be fine.
SoloQ could be improved if med kits were buffed but only for solo players and matchmaking improved. I have also same problem getting insane skilled prestige 100 killers while playing soloQ with noobs... Kindred basekit should also be added. Then soloQ would be bearable. Weaker killers could get bit of buff if kill rates would go down because of these changes.
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To answer the question from the title: you help keeping kill rates up and get no thanks for it from BHVR.
As for your "example of the opposite", I am getting these games as well, and I have the scary feeling that these are the games where the matchmaking system is proud that it was able to come up with a "perfectly balanced" match. Which is why I'd love to see some kind of indicator of matchmaking balance after the match.
I lose the vast majority of matches in solo queue, so I think I should be bottom MMR and really face those bad killers - indeed I do (mostly, I can't believe there are too many killers out there at this low MMR), the problem is simply that often, my teammates are even worse than the killer (actually one bad player who is out of the game before the first gen is done because nobody except me is working on one is enough).
Now I can't believe I'm the only one in this position. If the game matches four experienced solo players who have been undeservedly pushed to the MMR bottom with a bottom MMR killer, the matchmaking thinks it is working perfectly for once, but it results in an extremely one-sided game. That's obviously speculation since there's no way of telling how balanced a match was by the info the matchmaking algorithm has.
The dumb thing is, the "survivors stomp the killer so hard the poor guy gets at most one hook all game" matches must continue exist as long as solo queue issues are ignored by BHVR – they're the only satisfying experience left for me in DbD to make up for long loss streaks. I feel sorry for that killer, but I've gone through lots of frustrating games just to get this fun one. And the killer is probably 4k-ing the next game again while I'm losing my next ten.
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It was fine for my loss streak but not fine for the killer because the whole team was way too strong for him (so the MMR failed). In the end it was even a bad game for me because allthough I escaped there was no tension between the two teams. Killers should be able to pressure survivors and survivors she be able to pressure the killer. A match thats only one-sided is boring.
Giving up doesn t mean that i quit, but I didn't do much either. Maybe sitting on a gen until the killer came back and then put the controller aside and do something else instead of wiggle or doing skill checks on second hook.
My way to deal with bad surv-solo games is to play kiler.😆
Post edited by MvHoeller on2 -
TLTR i w ill answer title: RIFT challenges
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Was there ever a reason to play Solo Q besides the extra challenge or the complete lack of will to find gaming buddies?
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“lack of will finding gaming buddies”
Dude, some people enjoy playing solo survivor.. please....
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DbD has garbage matchmaking.
Now i am checking player's profiles before i match them. I don't wanna go against new players and i don't wanna be team with new players as well. I can't check killer's profile, so i hoping we won't get baby killer.
Devs just don't care about how their game is misarable for solo players. They are keep adding killers which needs coordination. But they are not giving any coordination - information buff to solo survivors.
Making killers toy for SWF teams but making them monster for solo survivors. Such a good gameplay.
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damn! wHy u don't wAnna tEAm with prestige 0 default cosmetic meg?
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I think a big problem is the popularity of the MFT, Hope, Resi + whatever meta has made it so everyone is taking selfish perks and also generally playing very selfishly. The number of times I see 3 people screwing around the killer trying to make sick plays, or hiding on the edge of the map instead of trying to complete gens is baffling to me. Yes hiding makes no sense here, but it's almost like they hide and keep this perk list as a fallback if caught xD
I myself have started taking perks like Deja Vu, Fast Track + Stake Out, Autodidact (to combat sloppy butcher), anything that helps me complete actions faster so that I can get back to working on generators quicker or get them done faster. I even Blast Mine from time to time, because my generator tends to be the one that is quite far along in progress, so liekly to be kicked.
I don't win a lot, especially if it happens to be my backside the killer enjoys watching in chase.... but I do win a lot more, or at least get closer to powering the gates running things like this...
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Strange, the original post doesn't seem to radiate enjoyment. Maybe I just missed it.
But I'm happy for everyone who enjoys the games they play the way they decide to play it. It shows they are doing it right.
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Actually I like Solo much more than SWF. I tried SWF with two groups but was so bored, that I havn't touched Survivor Games for years and only played Killer (except for some trophy challenges). After the 6.1.0 update I've given survivor another try because since then it made sense to level them up to get all perks and maybe try some new builds. So I m now in the middle of leveling up all my survivors and started to enjoy survivor games again. But as I said in my first post with the start of the new DLC I get constantly bad games (and I mean really bad and unballanced games). Before it was around 50% which I was OK with. I'm definitly in the lowest tier and get constantly matched together with other low tier survivors (allthough a lot of them have a really high surv lvl, but play like new players) against (so it seems) high tier killers with iri addons, mori and strong builds. And its very depressing being first place Survivor with around 8.000 points who dies on the first hook because no one is doing anything except the killer.
I have no problems to play with noob teammates or players who don't take this game serious, but then I want to play against a noob killer too or against some meme builds. So for me thats a big Matchmaking issue and not a player issue. And it seems to me that Matchmaking gotten so much worse since the last DLC.
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I'm feeling more miserable in solo queue now than I've felt in a long time. There's just so much more that can go wrong for a survivor than the killer. Might have to face Nurse or Xeno so you have zero way to avoid going down, killer might camp or tunnel, teammates might ignore gens, people will kill themselves on hook. It feels rare at this point to have an enjoyable game as survivor...
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i tried it for ages, but bhvr dosent lissen to experience players (not me alone...i have 10k hrs)
trust me, play SWF, Killer or find another Game, my favourit is cs2, a great Game! you need real skill, you has a well matchmaking, old one was ok but they make it better and its realy Fun
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There hasn't been a reason to play SoloQ for quite some time now.
Sure, they did the HUD update, but if we are actually being honest with ourselves how much did that achieve balance wise? Killer mains complained that every SoloQ lobby turned into sweaty SWFs until the next current thing dropped, but actual SoloQ enjoyers know that those portrays only serve to show you that nobody touched a gen while the Wesker tunneled out the last second flashlight switching Feng and that yet another game is over without even a chance to win.
SoloQ is dead and buried, the dev team decided that it is an unsupported legacy game mode and that's that. I've been working on my gaming backlog now that DBD is not my main game anymore and I can only encourage others to do the same. It's a pity because the game CAN be fun. It's just isn't for the overwhelming majority of times.
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Hm I m not so sure if the killer state is so much better. Killer is more enjoyable for me but I got constantly screwed over by maps and the worst RNG I've ever seen in a game. I had a game right now as pig with hooks so terrible placed that I had two huge deadzones in it (allthough no oak offering was used). Other game with 2 oak offerings and no problems with hooks...Pretty good job... But yeah survivor games were still bad today and I have now the feeling if you downgrade enough in low MMR tier you get placed in the highest MMR tier... maybe its a circle. 🤦♂️
It would be nice to have the time to repair 3-4 gens but teammates really won t let me. Sometimes they Bond+Bring the killer to me, or like to join into repairing a nearly finished gen to mess up 2 skill checks in a row or just want to play the hook farming game (high lvl survs aswell).
The most important improvments would be maps, matchmaking and RNG. Nerfing Perks to the ground and looking at stupid statistics is definitely the wrong way to do... but it seems its BHVRs way...
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TLDR and no.
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There has been multiple threads on this very subject lately and the Devs silence on the issue is disappointing and telling. Either they don't know how to fix it or just don't care. Or both.
The direction the game is headed is not good for solo queue players or casuals sadly.
BHVR seems to feel that people will continue to pay and support their game but everyone has a breaking point, and I am almost at mine.
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Solo queue is the kill-rate fodder. We are supposed to lose a lot. I suspect that's why matchmaking is so bad, I think that's intentional.
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Sounds reasonable! 👍️
I guess thats how they get their stats right! 100% Escape-Rate with SWF and 100% Kill-Rate with SoloQ means 50:50 so the game is balanced!
@Dogma_loki Maybe they have no time to fix trivial stuff like that, when they need time for important things like fix or create new cosmetics or rework unbalanced maps to become even more unbalanced. Since the undoing of the fast vaults, I've encountered many hits meters behind windows I vaulted. I don t know how this is bugged, but sometimes my characters refuses to do fast vaults, allthough running in a straight line to the window or even when clearly doing a fast vault he can still hit me far behind the window. That happend before the patch too and I think I already opened a thread about this topic. Well I guess spaghetti code only gives u a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea.
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Not really. For whatever reason the developers have decided to balance the game around SWFs. Probably because the people most active and loudest on the forums are the killer mains. I come on here to give feedback and statistics from the solo survivor side and they instantly come in to tell me I am wrong. Even though you can always tell they never play survivor so they have zero experience with the other side to dismiss what I say.
So yeah the game is balanced around the idea that just about any killer will get a 2k against a very strong 4 man group. So you as a solo survivor team have very little chance to win against a killer who is trying. That's the kicker, some killers don't try, but most do. That's why people DC games, they are looking for the killers who aren't sweating.
What is considered trying? Running meta builds namely regression right now. Some aura builds are very strong on certain killers. Spirit fury enduring builds are also very hard to do anything against. Those are basically the 3 killer metas that exist right now. You either double/triple the game length with regression. Constantly be in chase with aura builds, or decimate people in chase with spirit fury. A rare build that is equally devastating is killers who proxy camp with STBFL. I don't consider it meta because I only get it every once in awhile.
If they aren't running a variation of those 3, they don't care about winning. Congrats you might actually escape a game today.
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Please stop playing so I don't have you in my games, thanks.
Nobody wants a teammate who gives up at the beginning of the match.
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Well we have some trololololo-guys here too, because they need a place to drop their one-liners, because outside of the www no one listens to them. But I can only encourage you to stay to your opinion and keep reporting things that feel wrong. Balancing the game around SWF will not work, because there are many kinds of SWFs out there and I played against many. With that huge amount of perks in that game and proper communication its impossible for many killers to get even 1k. I saw a game with Otz as a clown where he got zero chances against that team, because they had so many endurence and second chance perks in their builds thats u needed 5 hits to get one of them down. On the other hand there r SWFs who don t play much better than SoloQ-Players. The only way to "balance" that issues is a good Matchmaking-System where hard-bitten survivors play against their killer counterparts. This would maybe fix SoloQ problems too. But its just a joke that you only lvl up in MMR when u escape the match, allthough u do most of the work by yourself. There should also be two seperated MMR for Solo and SWF like every killer has his own MMR. I ve seen many high ranked players who achieve absolutely nothing in a Solo game. And then you have lobby dodgers who dodge a lobbies to find easy looking teams and voila then u get a high rank killer game against baby survivors.
Also many games are decided by Maps and RNG. So how u wanna balance a match anyways when the result is predestinated by luck?
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You can't just admit defeat and let the kilers run wild for 90% of the player base though. The game is mostly solo survivors and should be balanced with that in mind.
I think rewarding the killers with more blood points and pips for playing against SWFs is enough to make those games okay. I think most people wouldn't mind losing to a SWF if they were compensated for it and didn't de-rank for doing so. But leaving the game in the state that it is right now, where most survivors aren't escaping 3 out of 4 games, should embarrass BHVR.
I do not understand why they appear to be pretending there is no issue. Most survivors are moving over to TCM, and I don't blame them.
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Of course there is!
You're supposed to have a terrible match, die and make the killer feel good about themselves!
Silly pain-pig. /s
The fact that EVERYONE only cares about killer winrates should tell you something about what the priority is.
I dunno if the matchmaking system is completely broken, but I too face completely lopsided matches: I either get someone who doesn't know how to play (that) killer or is super rusty and the survivors roll over them or I get grueling matches where the killer kills everyone by 4 gens. No in-between.
This is made worse by how ridiculously strong Xeno is and everyone playing it.
Post edited by jmts16 on2 -
True! 👍️
Just telling people to stop playing solo and switch to SWF is an embarrassment for BHVR and definitely the worst solution they can have.
I wouldn t say no for getting more BP but I guess there are some killers out there who have already enough BP and just looking for balanced games. Stop de-ranking is good idea, because sometimes it feels very ridicules how the Ranking System works.
But the same could be done for SoloQ. If you play solo you get more BP, so losing some games, because of bad Matchmaking doesn t feel so unrewarding anymore.
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It's honestly ridiculous how playing Solo Survivor is the single worst way to gain BPs despite being by far the most frustrating way to play the game.
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Maybe they should give BP incentives 200%.
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This game is just a bullshit tunneling fest
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Something with BP is absolutly fishy.
It's not just the Matchmaking that screws SoloQ over and over again, but also the BP System. In my last game I did 4 gens (alone), 2 unhooks, healed 2 other survs, escaped the killer 4 times, stunned him once and was hooked only once as last survivor and got 5k BP less than a guy who did only hookfarming and 1 gen.
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At this point not really; unless you're just trying to feed sweaty killer mains MMR/ego.
BHVR has decided that solo queue is fodder for killers through their own actions and deafening silence.
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Didn't they recently say:
"We're totally aware of the balancing and matchmaking problems with SoloQ. So we decided to killswitch flashlights..."