Is it me or a huge amount of killer players are running with increasing movement speed tools?

Rapteriurz Member Posts: 10
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

I know, some killers have base 4.6 movement speed, a survivor has base 4.0 movement speed.

But how exactly do they actually catch you, when they don't have any special addons/perks which increase their movement speed or slow survivor's movement speed when I, as survivor, sprinted away as soon as killer approached and hit me, and killer didn't use his power but he is still able to catch you 10 seconds after you sprinted as survivor.

I've been playing killer for fun so many times and it's sometimes basically difficult to catch a survivor when you hit him and they sprinted away, but in most cases from my survivor point of view it feels like killers have MORE than base 4,6 movement speed.

It's like I faced one killer who had 4.6 MS and he was fine looking, the next match exactly same killer character and suddenly it feels like the killer is running faster than he should.

But there is no way to prove that, it's either them actually increasing MS or me being paranoid.


  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618

    Survivor is base 4.0 m/s.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
  • Rapteriurz
    Rapteriurz Member Posts: 10

    Yeah, I know, made a mistake while typing. Still doesn't answer my concerns.

  • xerox8521
    xerox8521 Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2023

    To expand upon what was already said be racon. Survivors run at 100% aka 4.0m/s where as most killers run at 115% aka 4.6m/s.

    Some outlines are Huntress, Trickster, Deathslinger, Spirit which run at 110% aka 4.4m/s and then there are special cases like nurse which runs at 96.25% aka 3.85m/s. Tier 1 Myers also being a special case at 105% which is 4,2m/s

    These numbers are without any speed modifiers such as NOED (which gives 4%), Play with your food (5% per stack for a total of 15%) or bloodlust which also gives 5% per stack for a total of 15% and without any abilities. Wraith in cloak lets him run at 150% which is 6.0m/s

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,238

    An important thing to keep in mind is Bloodlust. It only takes a mere 15s to get T1, which is an additive .2m/s (up to 4.8 from 4.6, or 4.6 from 4.4), and T2 and 3 are an additional additive .2 each at 25s total and 35s total. More Killers are realizing that you 'need' to Bloodlust against MfT. Then they realize the strength of Bloodlust in and of itself, and start to use it against everyone. Most times you reach Bloodlust 1 by reaching a pallet and looping it once or twice, so it hardly is something Killers need to go out of their way for.

  • Rapteriurz
    Rapteriurz Member Posts: 10

    Once again, it doesn't explain why a trapper some matches ago was playing fine and he didn't catch me 7 seconds right after hitting me while I also sprinted and a trapper whom I faced some matches ago too but after hitting me and when I sprinted he still caught up to me right 7 seconds after. Bloodlust doesn't work that immediately.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556


    otherwise... I'll just assume you're like freeza and can count time properly.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    I guess that your timing is off. 7 seconds or 10 seconds does not sound realistic, it was probably more time for the Killer to catch up to you.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Not uncommon? I haven’t had a cheater in FOREVER. It’s pretty brazen to say you’re facing cheaters COMMONLY. I highly highly doubt that. I would bet that all those scenarios you’re describing have an explanation.

  • Rapteriurz
    Rapteriurz Member Posts: 10

    And I should waste my free SSD space recording all games trying to catch those questionable situations and killers who, sometimes, have addons/perks, so it's kinda a positive outcome and still trying to catch someone who is obviously acting suspecious? I don't have that good PC to "record" gameplay and I am not being paid for that, it's not my job to work like a human anti-cheat with the whole recording process.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    then... I'll just assume you can tell time properly.

    which is pretty common unless you are really trying to count it. specially if you are focused on other things, like where to run.

  • Maybe stuff like STBFL was ran and then they were able to catch up faster?

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    Pwyf and any other haste related perk for killer are quickly becoming meta alongside exhaustion perks , because cough cough MFT.

  • Alinpazz
    Alinpazz Member Posts: 11

    I've noticed a difference from about 2 updates ago. Killers are gaining faster than they were and it's throwing my looping out of wack. Myers, and trapper have the biggest difference from before the update. For those two at least its night and day. I dont have a problem with the change, but being told about it would have been nice.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    They would have informed (most likely) however there was no change. Read your opponents perks in end game chances are the answer to your question is there. Counting during a chase if often not accurate either. There are hundreds of perks in the game and more than a few can effect how quickly a killer can be back in your ass.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,238

    Yeah the problem without more clear information like replays or tooltips is that people conflate their ignorance with the opponent cheating.

    When I was new and playing in soloq, if I died and saw the Killer had no perks, I thought they were a cheater, like when cheaters used to bring all the perks by bringing none of them. What I didn't know (until later told only by word of mouth) was that the Killers build is hidden (even in soloq for some bizarre reason) until the match is over for everyone. It was even worse because when I'd play with friends, I'd never see these 'cheaters' (due to spectating my friends till the end of the match), and I wouldn't lose against a no-perk Killer 'cheater' (because I escaped which was essentially the end of the match). There is absolutely nothing in game the explains why the Killer's build is hidden until the end of the match, as the fellow Survivor perks are shown, so why wouldn't the Killer's?

    Every time I see people thinking players are cheating, it just reminds me of how poor the new player experience is, and the obfuscated mechanics make people's lack of understanding the real culprit.

  • NAVIks
    NAVIks Member Posts: 32

    The Alien just now got released with a perk that gives killers haste after a successful basic attack for a few seconds. This with STBF would make it seem like you get literally no distance from the killer. My guess is that you haven't seen the perk, maybe you've just glanced over it without taking a second look and so you haven't noticed it yet? This is the only explanation I can truly offer, also don't forget about the Skull Merchant perk that gives you haste after breaking a pallet when chasing the obsession.

  • Perrin3088
    Perrin3088 Member Posts: 6

    it seems glaringly obvious to me why the killer perks would be hidden.. namely.. there are ways to communicate outside of game, and you could cheat by telling your 'team' his perks so they could plan against it, instead of having to figure it out.

    And I know you said soloQ.. but remember, before SwF was standard, it was very very Very common for people to time their queues to soloQ together, so it's an irrelevant argument, esp with so many TTV players, you could easily communicate to them via their twitch what perks the killer has.

    It's a simple anti-cheat device for a known problem going back 5+ years. if you are truly invested in why the killer was moving so fast.. spectate and see if it happens to others he's hunting? and after more research you'll find the match is over and the perks are revealed..

    realistically, I wish this game had a history button that would save the last 5-10 matches, so you could look back and see the perks without having to wait, esp if you get a troll killer that tunnel/camps you down because s/he's idea of fun is spoiling another persons fun, while sabotaging their own success in the hopes of others altruism to give him a chance instead of winning.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,238

    People would only time their queues back before SWF was a feature, so wouldn't it track that once SWF was a fully implemented feature that only SWF would have perks hidden in postgame? I mean heck, who today will take the time to queue at the same time as their friends to hope you get in the same lobby? I play with a variety of skill level of friends, so due to MMR we could never play together without the SWF feature. The most current stats are that 60% of Survivors are soloq, which means 0 outside communication in the current environment. It has been at least 4 years (patch 3.2/Sep 2019 for modern SWF, or 1.03/July 2016 for the original SWF) since SWF was added as a feature, which means we are at least 4 years(, or 3 years at the minimum, given a year delay to add the feature) late to show soloq postgame info.

    The TTV argument is a joke. The Killer can easily streamsnipe on their phone, even if they don't have a second screen/monitor, so why would only after a Survivor dying matter if the TTV got to know the perks? The Killer can have perma wallhacks, and we are worried about the 1 Survivor out of 4 having perk knowledge (that they already likely saw used mid match). That is not even remotely close to the same information level given. I mean heck, even if everyone in the lobby is streamsniping the TTV, that means its still a 3v1 with wallhacks for Killer. Like 'oh darn they know I have NWO, but I know where they are at all times'.

    Just spectate I can understand has good intentions, but most times it can only lead to greater frustrations and wasted time than the alternative. When you intend on spectating to find out the perks, and you see the Feng Self-Caring into sloppy for the 12th time, or the Mikaela who trolled the team and got them killed being given hatch, that is going to destroy what little sanity you have remaining, especially when you could have just seen the perks and add-ons, said 'huh ok', and moved on. Simple solution, no real downsides, and NOT implementing it makes the new player experience leagues worse... I don't have any clue why perks and add-ons are still hidden for soloq. Also you can't progress tomes/rifts without playing, so that incentivizes actually moving on to the next match ASAP.

    Match history is the only alternative other than revealing the perks that I can agree with, and honestly I have no clue why this isn't a thing. When you had a blatant cheater match and instinctively click continue, you can't go back and report them. This would solve both problems quite easily, and it would also provide some nice QoL to know whether or not you actually lost or won the last 10 matches.