Stats? did someone say Stats?
Blight and Wesker no doubt, but Nurse? Across all platforms I think her pick rate is always low.
Depends on MMR of course.
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Nurse, probably not. But why wouldn’t wesker and blight be? They are some of the only fun chase oriented killers we have that have a skill ceiling that allow you to be strong.
Do you expect weak killers like trapper and Freddy to be a top pick?? Be real.
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I appreciete the stats, but those should be made in mothly basis tied to patches/chapters release dates :(
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Hi @Mandy,
I recently joined the forums so I know I'm late the the stats party here.
Firstly, thank you for sharing these stats with us.
As a stats nerd and programmer, I am hoping BHVR is working on public APIs for the fans to access these stats on a more frequent basis. Similar to how Riot Game opened APIs of their game data. Are there any plans to create public APIs in the future?
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There is no way you can put things like this into stats (this goes to Chaos_Brother and you). They probably only save the big data/ meta data, so things like pick rates, kill rates, perk/ add-on usage rates are easy to extract, but for things like those you mentioned you would have to watch the matches or analyze them in other ways, which is impossible since there are probably thousands of dbd matches each day.
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Can we get stats of how many people ay on each platform? All we can see for years is Steam only and nothing else.
No need to show numbers but at leats percentages
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They obviously know those numbers, but the privacy agreements with the consoles (UEA and the like) means they cannot release exact figures.
For PC those on Steam outnumber Windows and Epic, however altogether the consoles vastly are the largest playerbase. The PlayStations make up the bulk of that.
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I am aware but I just want to see actual numbers once in my lifetime
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Something like a forth or fifth of all players are on Steam and Epic and Windows together. Rest is console. If you can get those numbers together you can extrapolate.
Best I can do for ya. 🤪😃
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Who cares about stats, balance the game and make it playable for all killers at high mmr.
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I want see a stats by region❤
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Precious few players are at high MMR. They've always considered the middling group of players first with balancing, then look after the newbies, and then maybe y'all experts a lil.
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how about face camping rates or tunneling rates? that would be a good stat to show LOL
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I'd love to know how old the Killer perks are that the use compared to Survivor perks they use. I am willing to bet those top Survivor perks are newer in comparison. I may be wrong but those Killer top perks have been around for a long time.
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Very interesting.
Although, it pains me to see Self-Care still has such high usage. Horrible perk that fundamentally screws your team over.
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Id like to see stats about the duration of the matches.
I think the games goes faster and faster, because its Gen-Tunneling vs. Kill-Tunneling now (in my experience).
I also think games pre 6.1.0 were longer even with 80sec gens than current 7.2.2.
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i'd love to see stats not only on the percentage of people at/above the MMR cap, but the percentage of games played at the MMR cap. If MMR-capped players make up a majority of the games played that could change a whole lot about... a lot of things. one might want to look at raising the MMR cap and making it easier to lose MMR if that's the case - the reason being, if a majority of games are played in that MMR bracket there is more need to have greater distinction between skill levels for more consistently balanced matches.
if there is a more equal distribution of matches by MMR, however, moot point but still information worth having
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aura reading
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Most players do not have close to every perk available. Just the veterans mostly, and those are usually in the higher MMR area who make up a small portion of the playerbase in general.
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Where is the data on how well solo queue does versus SWF. Does anyone have it?
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I'm guessing BHVR has chosen to not release it?
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Many months back they said the escape rates for the majority of solos and SWF were only a few percent apart, something like 3-4% difference. In the high MMR area SWF teams escaped about 15% more often if I'm remembering correctly, however those players up there are a small part of the overall playerbase.
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true i just need to find people as a killer which is the hard part the chase is easy
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Thnx 4 the stats!
I'm a bit surprised borrowed time isn't there. I hardly ever look at what perks were used by mates because I always build around teamwork myself. Everyone should have fun right. So for me I almost feel obligated to add it in my build. Is this still a popular perk? Or am I just being to kind?
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Give us more. The Devs said regions have different Metas. Show us stats of different regions.