Ultimate Weapon shouldn't make you scream if you're inside a locker



  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 385

    You forget Infectious Fright, inside locker you did not scream when killer downed other survivor.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 385

    I just tried it on a custom match with Bot. No, Calm Spirit completely counters Ultimate Weapon. no screaming and no notification

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    Weird. I had a game where it DID counter it and had a friend say he experienced the same.

    Man, what is going on?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    The change happened today with today's patch, and it wasn't in the patch notes.

  • Real_RUBB3R
    Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98

    My point still stands. What about Ultimate Weapon would make you scream if actual logic is being used?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    It’s not a consistency issue. New perks are not required to work the same way as older perks.

    You can’t just find a pattern with perks, and conclude that it’s a mandatory law that future perks follow your pattern. “Correlation does not imply causation” is a basic science rule that you should learn.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    My point is that screaming while inside lockers is the norm. I was listing the exceptions.

    It does not need explaining if it is the norm; only if it's the exception.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    Just because a perk is "not required to work the same way as older perks" is not a good reason to make it different.

  • oniswan
    oniswan Member Posts: 4

    BHVR does not run their business according to scientific rules, they go by money. If the perk preforms well for bad killers that can't adapt to different play styles (like taking unhook debuff perks) and no one complains loud enough about it, this is how Ultimate Weapon will stay.

    Either get better at searching the right lockers or watch survivor behavior from a distance to know how they will likely heal their next unhook. You don't need a busted perk like this just because survivors have it easy. It just sounds like you're fed up with not winning enough as the harder role and want survivors to have a nigh unwinnable game <3 left standing. Hence, Entitled Killer Main.

    Why don't you take NOED while you're at it too?

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2023

    The do some gen patrol. THAT is how finding survivors was meant to be done. Not being given their location for free. You already have plenty of gen regression perks at your disposal plus OP killers to choose from. If you can't stop camping and do gen patrol, that's your problem. How the hell do you think killers played this game before any of these crutch perks were added? Why should perks like Distortion and Calm Spirit be needed because most johnny come lately players who play killer now are too lazy to do the legwork and actually search for survivors?

    I've played both sides of the game for years and refuse to use those killer perks because then it's not hunting anymore when info is being fed to you on where survivors are and where they aren't. Killers never deserved to know where survivors are just for kicking a stupid gen or for free at the start of the match. Those were horrendous perks for Knight & Nemesis and this one is along those lines. At least with BBQ & Chili you had to hook someone and survivors within a certain distance from the unhook were not revealed. So that was fair. If you don't want to do the legwork to find survivors, then what you want to play is not DBD but some unrecognizable thing that this game has become. Why should brainless tasks like kicking a stupid gen or opening a locker show where anyone is? By that logic, I want a perk where entering lockers or vaulting windows gives survivors a gen speed increase for like 60-120 seconds? Both these scenarios are ridiculous because they both reward one side for not interacting (going against) the other side. Except one of them is real and already implemented in the way with those 2 perks and now this one of the Alien and the survivor perk idea isn't and will never be implemented. And Sadako gets to condemn survivors for just teleporting to TVs. That's all BS and unearned.

    I literally don't recognize this game from what it was 3-4 years ago anymore and the fun factor is gone from both sides. Killer is too easy and survivor is almost impossible. No challenge on one side and a 90 degree mountain to climb on the other. And people on the easy side are STILL complaining. Play 1 match in solo queue survivor and then talk. Games are supposed to have a risk and reward and have highs and lows. You spend time looking for a survivor, and sometimes it's fruitless but when you find someone, your adrenaline levels go up. When you no longer have to look for them but their locations are fed to you, then there is no adrenaline factor and no fun or incentive to look or even play the game.

    Too many entitled people here who believe they're supposed to get 4Ks every game without earning it. This game was not like that when I started playing it. Back then the losses made the wins that much more appreciable and winning was nowhere near as easy. Now everyone playing killer expects to win every time. I don't think so, go earn it. For this same reason, the survivor side has become nothing but gen rushing and that sucks too. So no fun for anyone other than people who love just being fed wins and putting in the bare minimum effort. The same reason why so many things IRL are going to crap but that's another topic.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    Do you realize that half of the 3 gen problem revolves around survivors that are excessively hiding and are refusing to commit to generators? I had many games where I was just walking from generator to generator, and I was never finding anyone because they were all pre-leaving generators at the first sign of the visual terror radius.

    This is the only perk that feel like I actually have a decent chance to find survivors that are excessively hiding. I find aura reading perks to often be useless against survivors that are excessively hiding. I’ve had games where I tried to use Nowhere to Hide, and when the survivors figured out I had the perk, they started hiding in lockers, or running super far away from generators at the first sign of a visual terror radius, to avoid the aura reading.

    And half the camping problem revolves around survivors that are excessively hiding, which makes it a waste of time to leave a hooked survivor. This is the only perk where I feel like it’s worth it to leave a hooked survivor, because I actually have a decent chance to find someone else if I leave a hooked survivor to patrol the map.

    Survivors excessively hiding is the biggest problem with this game. If killers are supposed to leave a hooked survivor to find a different target, then killers need a reliable way to find someone else to chase.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    So how is that a problem? If they're not working on generators, find them, chase them, down them & hook them. What, are you supposed to kill everyone within 5 minutes? It doesn't work like that. Matches are supposed to be drawn out or else why play this game on either end? That's how points are obtained. What is someone supposed to do if they're working on a generator in a crap spot on a map where there are no decent loops? Just stay there until you show up and get hooked? There are already perks like Whispers that exist to find them and Iron Maiden which punishes & reveals them for hiding in lockers. Infectious Fright makes them scream already too. I don't have or use Nowhere to Hide or Ultimate Weapon and I've been playing this game since long before these stupid perks got added and had actual fun hunting them down. It seems like you just want to be fed the info of where they are, hook them and finish your match as soon as possible. Why the hell would someone play survivor if the game was meant to end that fast for them? That's just stupid and completely contradicts one of the big parts of the game since its inception. You clearly don't want the survivors to have or use stealth.

    If survivors had weapons to use to fight back and could kill the killer (like in Friday the 13th) or stun them long enough and if the killers' speeds were just barely faster than survivors, then you'd have a point. But when I play survivor most of the gens are in crap spots so when you get a terror radius if you don't run, you're getting hooked one way or another so long as the killer doesn't suck. Nobody is entitled to find and hook someone without a struggle and effort on their part. Once that effort/struggle is removed, this game is well on its way to its death since there is already so little that can be done on the survivor side to stay alive. Meanwhile there are tons of advantages killers have now that they never had before and people are still crying and wanting more while the solo queue has never been more miserable (was actually decent enough to be fun 3-4 years ago). Plus vaults have even been nerfed (which sucks even more for those of us with lag issues) so if you can't down survivors, that's a you problem. There are no damn excuses at this point. As a killer player WHO DOESN'T USE THOSE PERKS I have more than enough tools and experience to get at least a 3k for 75% of killer matches I play. One of the best killers I played against as a survuivor was a perkless Hillbilly (YES HILLBILLY) who destroyed all 4 of us without camping or tunneling anyone on one of the Crotus Penn maps.

    I never heard of such complaints before these perks got added. People are just getting more & more entitled. Like the old saying goes, give someone an inch, they'll request a mile next. Why not start the game where 2 of the 4 survivors are downed from the start and the killer just has to use Deerstalker to find them then? That would make it faster. Or start the game with everyone already dead. Despite always having problems, this game was fine for years before stupid perks like these were added. In fact it was much healthier with a much bigger playerbase back then than there is now, given how many players have left.

    To BHVR: you want players to play more like a team (given the reasons behind the medkit nerfs) yet you are only forcing them to use perks like Calm Spirit so that ultimately the solo queue will devolve into every one for themselves where builds involving only perks that personally serve survivors and don't have any team benefit get used (Self care, Left Behind, Calm Spirit, Distortion), so beware the type of changes you are making and the direction you are sending our game (yes ours because we as the players paid for it & many of us have invested 5000+ hours into it already). Don't be surprised when there is a mass exodus once players have had enough. Especially players who make up the majority of the game (4 to 1 ratio). And this is also pissing off old school killer players like myself who seek a challenge and are no longer getting one. I miss getting new killers who are fun to play and not for skill-less players. Killers who require mastery of controls and/or strategy to unleash their true strength.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    It should also have double the cool down. The perk is insane.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    The problem is that half of the camping problem and half of the 3 gen problem, is caused by survivors excessively hiding. Fixing those problems with 100% punishments for the killer side, will just reward survivors that want to excessively hide.

    BOTH sides of the game should be pushed into interacting with each other.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    My experience for the majority of matches I get are killers who decide to camp or tunnel from the start without even bothering looking for other survivors. And I'm not the only one. The problem on the survivor side is they have no way of dealing with interacting with the killer other than running. The game has to be changed if you want more interaction of the survivors with the killer since in most cases survivors are not good loopers other than in high skill matches and those are not what make the majority of DBD. It's gotten harder even for good loopers with nerfed fast vaulting and when lag/latency is an issue. The survivors need to be able to attack the killer with weapons or else what you're saying can't happen especially with running now being even harder.

  • Real_RUBB3R
    Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98

    How exactly is screaming inside lockers "the norm" when literally only 2 things outside of Ultimate Weapon do that? The two things being Anxious Grasp for Nurse, and Oni's Iridescent Family Crest?

  • Real_RUBB3R
    Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98

    I have to be honest with you, I don't think Nowhere To Hide or Lethal Pursuer are nearly as bad as Ultimate weapon, because both are only active for a few seconds, and Lethal activates only once, while Nowhere To Hide requires that survivors are hiding next to a gen and have been working on said gen. Currently though I think Nowhere To Hide uses your current location for the aura reading and not the generator's position, meaning you could walk away and find someone hiding elsewhere, which I think is stupid. But the concept of the perk itself is fine in my eyes, because it requires input from the survivors to work, and Lethal is only active at the start of the game, and merely extends aura reading of other things by a few seconds if they are timed. Ultimate Weapon is bad because it doesn't require input from survivors to be effective, and it literally has no counterplay to it other than the use of Calm Spirit, a mediocre perk that you have to bring ahead of time. Nowhere To Hide can be countered by bringing Distortion, a more common and useful perk, or by hiding in a locker nearby, or simply just leaving the area. And Lethal's effect isn't even all too strong either, it reveals the aura of survivors at the start of the game, which isn't really all too strong if you spawn in the corner of the map, because 99% of the time the survivors are going to spawn as far as possible from you, so if you're smart you can use that knowledge to your advantage.

  • Real_RUBB3R
    Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98

    Honestly, there's no reason that a perk this strong needs to have such a short cooldown of 30 seconds, meanwhile a perk like Dragon's Grip has a cooldown of 80.

  • Real_RUBB3R
    Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2023

    Honestly, I think if we ever get to a point where solo queue survivors are starting to run Left Behind, we've lost hope in the game. Its range is a short distance of 32m, and becomes pointless if the killer closes the hatch and you didn't bring a key. A perk like Sole Survivor would be more useful in that scenario, 50% increased gate opening speed is nothing to laugh at.

    And even if you do want to find the hatch rather than open gates, Clairvoyance has double the range, the only caveats being that you need to cleanse a totem first, has a limited use of 10 seconds, and requires you're not holding an item, since it acts as if you were holding a map/key

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2023

    My problem with Lethal is that it sets the pace of the game once the killer is able to find someone (or multiple survivors) a lot earlier than they otherwise might have. I've had so many bad games even though I run Distortion and team mates get caught early due to Lethal and a lot of times the killer gets 2 downs because of the way survivors start together and the killers aren't happy enough downing one once they injured more than 1 to start with. So it snowballs from there very quickly and I have to put myself at risk to unhook those teammates instead of working on gens like I wanted. All for a perk that shouldn't exist, at least not in it's current form.

    If you ask me, I think Lethal Pursuer should reveal the locations of other survivors once a killer gets Bloodlust in a chase. And for every 10 seconds the chase continues, it reveals more auras until the chase is over. That to me would actually live up to the name Lethal Pursuer and would give the killer truly earned auras as a result of chasing a survivor. It would even give them incentive to not tunnel but leave the chase to get those other survivor(s) revealed. And they could keep the 2ndary function of extending aura times. That would be what Lethal imo should be changed into. I main Myers and Lethal makes tombstone Myers ridiculously easier to get 3-4Ks with. I remember what it took me to get Evil Incarnate back before Lethal existed and how easy it is to pull it off now.

  • Damn bro, a part of me wants MFT to remain unchanged or even be buffed slightly just to piss you off for being so angry at its existence that you bring it up in a conversation no one asked for.

  • Real_RUBB3R
    Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2023

    Gonna be honest, if Lethal Pursuer is what's making the difference with your Tombstone Myers games, I don't think you're that great at the game, or at least Myers specifically, to begin with. It's incredibly easy to find survivors early on even without Lethal Pursuer, 9/10 games if I simply just patrol past gens and go to the furthest one from me, I'll find a survivor immediately, either because they were out in the open or I heard there was progress on a gen and so I knew a survivor was nearby.

    I get that Lethal is strong, but it isn't nearly as strong as you're making it out to be. If the killer wants to get several downs at the start, they could just slug and find someone else, or use Infectious Fright, which has more use than Lethal Pursuer because it has use throughout the match rather than just at the beginning, or as a bonus to other perks. Lethal isn't going to be the difference in getting several downs if that's what the killer is aiming to do at the start of the game

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948

    Excessive hiding? Both should be pushed into interacting with each other?

    You do know DBD was designed for survivors to hide/remain undetected, and the looping thing was a happy accident created by the fact survivors have a smaller hitbox than killers? Survivors aren't meant to interact with the killer, they are meant to avoid the killer at all costs, whether that is hiding, looping or whatever.

    You can't attribute camping and 3 genning to hiding. Camping is a low effort strategy employed in any objective based game. 3 genning is a logical strategy for the killer to use and survivors to prevent that makes sense whether hiding or not.

    We've debated before, so I won't beat a dead horse, but all I'll say is you like the chase gameplay, that's great, but not everyone should be forced to play this way by a perk that is overtuned as a detection perk.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286
    edited September 2023

    I don't think you know what you are talking about.

    Best build for tpiece meyers contains lethal (corrupt, deadlock, play with your food) - and the reason is, that you want to farm PWYF stacks ASAP. Because once you have them, it's basically impossible to chase such meyers and it's impossible to LoS block from meyers (in order to prevent stalking). Also - you need to farm those stacks just once. With 130% speed, you can always grab everyone (from lockers/gens/totems if they are good, killing them otherwise) - so you are never even loosing stacks if played correctly.

    Without Lethal, you are opening up yourself for being countered by insane survivors that chase just too good for you to stalk them (because it's HUGE difference, if you start your "chase" with obsession, or literally anybody else).

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    BHVR recently implemented an anti camping mechanic (removed hook grabs), and plan on releasing another anti camping mechanic, as well as planning on releasing an anti 3 gen mechanic? BHVR is absolutely planning on punishing killers for not interacting with the survivors.

    Half of the camping and 3 gen problems are absolutely the fault of survivors excessively hiding. Why should a killer leave a hooked survivor to look for another target to chase, if all the survivors are hiding? Why should a killer leave a 3 gen, if the survivors are pre-leaving generators when their visual terror radius shows something? Why is camping a “low effort strategy”, but excessively hiding isn’t low effort?

    The maps have way more line of sight blockers than they used to have. Expecting killers to search every object on the map, for survivors that are randomly hiding in random places, is unrealistic, when the survivors are allowed to dodge tracking perks. If survivors want to hide, then fine, but they shouldn’t be able to dodge the tracking perks to get easy mode hiding.

    Survivors excessively hiding also causes a tunneling problem. If two people are excessively hiding, and two people aren’t excessively hiding, then guess what, I’m tunneling the two people I can find. It’s a bad solo q problem, where survivors are punished for actually trying to repair generators, because their teammates are excessively hiding.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855

    I have nothing to perks that helps baby killers perform some better. For now, lockers was considered a sefespots, with only very specific exceptions. Ultimate weapon is not this kind of exception. It should reveal survs in lockers only if it would reveal ONLY those, just like Iron maden works only for lockers, just like dredge teleport grab works only on lockers. But while its not its niche, then it should NOT work on survs in lockers.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited September 2023

    I've absolutely been on the receiving end of a survivor team hiding and not doing anything to complete gens where I'm the only one doing gens, so I understand your argument... but you're treating this like its a "I use UW to find the survivors who are hiding... if I can find the hiding survivors, I will ignore the ones on gens..."

    No... you won't, don't pretend that's what you need the perk for. To give you the benefit of the doubt, even if it's what YOU would use the perk for, that isn't what most people will use it for. Given the choice, killers will pursue the ones on gens, not the ones that are hiding, because the ones on gens are actively pursuing your lose condition. Someone hiding, is not gonna win the game.

    If you want UW to be a genuine catch hiding survivors perk, you'd accept it ONLY working when survivors aren't doing a conspicuous action. I'm gonna guess, you don't want that.

    Even if we make that change, guess what? This perk is still good at camping and 3 genning... because you open a locker and anyone who tries to come for the unhook or enters the 3 gen area, screams, so you can find them coming in and go for them... Regarding tunneling, you get the notification of the unhook, you open a locker and walk that way, now you get to see which way to unhooked survivor is going and tunnel them even easier than you could before. I dunno what vision you have of this perk, but it's not solving the problems you're describing.

    UW gives you all the information you could ever want, whenever you want it, and you are free to do whatever you want with that information. Maybe you'll use it to find people who hide, maybe you'll use it to stop people getting your 3 gen, maybe you'll use it camp and push away any attempt to unhook, or maybe you'll use it to tunnel the player who was unhooked, maybe you'll use it to cover your devour hope totem. The perk doesn't "encourage" anything. It gives you a bubble for 30 seconds whenever you want it to reveal where survivors are in a particular area, and you can use that power to reveal them for whatever purpose you have in mind.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163
    edited September 2023

    Do you think BHVR should implement a future anti camping mechanic, and a future anti 3 gen mechanic, and not give killers any help with their problems? Do you think these future mechanics should just be 100% killer nerfs?

    So we should punish killers if they aren’t committing to chases with other survivors…. but survivors should be able to do whatever they want, and have zero expectations?

    Also, it’s not always the best idea to chase the survivors working on generators. Sometimes it’s clear that some survivors excessively hide because they’re terrible at chases, and they want to excessively hide so their teammates carry them to victory. And therefore it’s more time efficient to chase the hiding survivors, instead of the survivors that are confident enough in chases that they are fine with committing to generators.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited September 2023

    Not at all, I'm a killer leaning player myself.

    You may be right that with the appropriate anti-tunnel, anti-camp, and anti 3 gen changes, Killer may well need strong perks and abilities to compensate. However, this perk compared to other perks, is overtuned. Maybe other perks will need to be brought up to it's level, but right now, this perk outshines pretty much every other scream and tracking option Killer has, and without these features in place, is currently overpowered.

    EDIT: I also take issue with any feature of any game that is a clear "Best Choice" for me. I like finding those abilities and options in games that are slept on/off meta, that are actually perfectly viable and good... however when something is so blatantly strong compared to everything else that it makes all decision making pointless.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163
    edited September 2023

    Or it means that other tracking perks need to be buffed to be more useful. It’s a major game problem, that many of the aura tracking perks just get hard countered by distortion, every screaming perk is hard countered by calm spirit, and most of the tracking perks get hard countered by lockers.

    Also, Ultimate weapon isn’t even the “best choice for everyone”, as I’m still seeing a bunch of streamers that would rather use aura reading perks, since they reveal the survivor for a longer period of time, and they don’t alert the survivor that they’ve been revealed.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited September 2023

    Yes, but now we're arguing if the game is killer sided or survivor sided, and the general opinion is SoloQ < Killer < SWF. Although @dbdthegame recently posted a experiment that placed a hole in that theory, and myself having watched a lot of high skilled players hold the opinion, the game isn't really survivor or killer sided. If either side takes the strongest perks and uses every resource and advantage they have at their disposal, it's not particularly fun, but both sides have equal chances to win. At maximum sweat, both sides are pretty obnoxious.

    I also don't buy the hard counter argument, because there are 4 survivors, and you will never, even in a SWF, get a whole Calm Mind team, or a whole Distortion team. Chances are 1 will have it at most... which lets be real, actually helps you, cause it means you can effectively hunt 3 players for the kill, instead of ending up chasing the 4th you havne't even hooked yet.

    My personal opinion on UW is it's pretty braindead. I'm not skilled enough to say for sure it's OP, but like MFT: it takes basically no effort activate, is very versatile and affects a lot of scenarios in your typical game, and has value all the way throughout the entire match. In the hands of a scrub, it won't suddenly make them god tier... but in the hands of a really good player e.g. your top level Blights, Nurses, and Weskers, it appears to be very oppresive... and I've stated before, this perk effectively shuts down whatever zone you want as a killer with virtually no counterplay than taking a hard counter... I'm hard pressed to think of a perk that is more effective at shutting down/guarding an area than this one.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    We’re not arguing if the game is killer sided or survivor sided. We’re arguing if it’s fair to create new mechanics to punish killers that aren’t finding new targets to chase, without helping killers actually find new targets to chase.

    I’ve many games where I patrol the generators and find zero people. Most of the tracking perks are garbage at finding new targets to chase. And if my aura perks find zero people, I don’t know if it’s because they have distortion, or if it’s because they are in a locker, or if it’s because they ran out of range… so it doesn’t matter whether or not all 4 survivors are using distortion, when most of the tracking perks can be dodged in other ways.

    There are many survivors that excessively pre leave generators when the visual terror radius lights up, and it’s a major problem. And one of the biggest reasons why voice comms are unbalanced, is because survivors can warn each other where the killer is, to make it easier for their teammates to pre leave generators.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    Considering current state of calm spirit - this advice goes in a same direction of "you can combat excessive slugging by using no mither". like yes. But realistically you are making yourself weaker by equipping the perk

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    It's always funny that survivor stealth perks can be "niche", "not very good", "makes you weaker", "is a 5th killer perk", and other bad things.... but people get upset if someone says they want those perks nerfed.

    If someone told me they wanted to nerf Monstrous shrine, I'd say "sure, whatever", because I think it's a weak perk, so I don't care if it gets nerfed. Just saying.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    I never use calm spirit. The perk was niche before it's supposed "buff". But I can consider the fact, that there actually are players that don't want to chase all the time and are actually hiding instead (it's the famous killer's saying about "playstyle").

    "makes you weaker"

    Show me 1 other aura/scream/sound/... perk that has such a negative like calm spirit. It's the only one of it's category, where the perk would make sense if killer could equip it (and force the effect on all survivors) - like the perk would be absolutely terrible, but it would still make some sense.

    If someone told me they wanted to nerf Monstrous shrine, I'd say "sure, whatever"

    See? And that's the difference between me and you. I would say to such a person that he must be out of his mind, because the perk is absolutely trash tier (also I would be saying it without ever being upset) - same as calm spirit.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    There were people on these forums, that were recently shaming someone for wanting calm spirit to be nerfed. So allegedly it's a weak perk, but it's a big deal if someone wants it to be nerfed? Just saying.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Yeah, we should make a perk specifically to reveal Survivors using lockers! It should also reverse the safety it grants by doing something like give them the Exposed condition! It's a shame we don't have a perk already like that...

    (For any readers who didn't get the joke, look up Iron Maiden DBD perk)

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited September 2023

    It's a principle of game design my guy.

    In an ideal world, there should never be a 'meta'. Every single perk, killer, add-on, item should viable and of equal value to each other. This gives us maximum build variety, which at least in theory, gives us the most interesting game possible.

    Ofc reality doesnt work that way, but its still something that should be encouraged and strived for. If you nerf a perk that is already weak, you reinforce the meta.

    That's why people shame others for asking for Calm Spirit to be nerfed, doing so is making an already niche perk even less viable, and reinforcing the same bland generic builds and gameplay that comes from having a set meta.

    EDIT: I think I'll stop here, as clearly we have a fundamental disagreement on core game design principles. I don't like UW, because I see it as a perk that is far stronger than most other perks I would take. I can easily see it becoming a meta perk, which I never want to encourage.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    But that's it. Lightborn is fine the way it is. There's no reason for it to have downside of say adding extra 1s cd after hitting survivor in any way.

    That's what calm spirit does right now - possibly nothing plus possibly nasty downside for no good reason at all.

    So my idea in your case is to keep flashlight/calm spirit, but remove that stupid downside on already niche perk that likely gives no value at all (u can at least see in lobby if lightborn makes sense, but you can't see killer's perks as survivor in lobby to take CS reactively).

    Sure. Exactly that. If u ask for nerfs to predator or hangman's I would "shame" you for that just the same. Perks become interesting when they bring about same value (that way you can mix and match them). However we have polar opposites of hangman's vs UW - why would you ever choose hangman's when UW is that much better?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286
    edited September 2023

    If you are good and use pain res/pop, you have no issue. I basically changed to killer (I am playing 70/29/1 killer/4-man/soloQ), because he's that much easier and you have that much less bugs to worry about.

    For me killer is the chill easy role, because you can't get tunneled, slugged, 3-genned(from the start), or any other boring unfun things. You just go and kick some survivor's ass. If you have some game sense, you are not worried from flashes, bully squads or hiding survivors (except when last 2 are alive and both are hiding - this one is still tilting).

    From what I saw when watching killer mains (Otz is best example). Survivor is fun and chill, because they don't really care if they escape so long as the game was fun. But god forbid they don't get 3k+ when playing killer - if that's the case the tilt-factor is thru the roof (especially when doing challenge) and it doesn't matter what were the conditions that made it happen - it's only survivors are too OP and need nerf (and it doesn't matter that literally last 5 games were 3-4k only and when same person played survivor he just didn't escape once. Because that's ok. Because survivors are supposed to die and are for chill only, but killer is never chill).

    For me I want to win (but mainly have fun = never skull merchant even if I would win that way) when playing both roles. That's why killer is much more acceptable for me (and even devs target more then 50% kill rate for some weird reason) and that's why soloQ is absolutely unplayable for me.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    And during that entire rant about wanting survivor perks that give free value did you forget that

    Deja vu



    Windows of opportunity


    Sprint Burst

    Balanced landing

    Lucky star


    Bottany knowledge

    Etc etc

    Exist and give you free unconditional value just by having them equipped.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    Why bring dark theory when made for this is that much better? According to your logic, is that proof that made for this should be nerfed?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    You are right. Either nerf MfT or buff dark theory. As dark theory is failed perk from the beginning of it's existence, it's clear that this perk absolutely SHOULD get buff. But I will give you one thing - considering usage rate - MfT probably needs nerf too (it's weird to me, because the perk felt bad to me when I used it so I am never using it - but alas, my view is clearly different then basically majority of players on this perk).

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    So when older survivor perks are less powerful than a newer survivor perk, we should buff the older survivor perk…

    …but when older killer perks are less powerful than a newer killer perk, we should nerf the newer killer perk?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    Please read my last message again. I basically said nerf MfT and buff dark theory (something u should not have problem with - there's a reason why u picked dark theory after all).

    Overall all perks should have about same level of strength to promote diversity (of course I don't mean to make killer perks equal to survivor perks - the current ratio of 4:1 is fine - like distortion helps single survivor and killer's aura perk is usable against all 4 survivors).

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,163

    Distortion lowers perk diversity, because it counters so many killer perks, that it’s not worth bringing many of those perks. And that is the problem with survivors having counter perks that have massive uptime.

    Distortion and Calm spirit shouldn’t have massive uptime. They should both be reworked to be similar to off the record, where their stealth effects are limited to a very specific timeframe.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    I am happy to hear it :)

    If I may be so bold, either change description of the perk to reflect that already being in a terror radius does not help (so being or entetring TR) - or change behavior of the perk. In this case changing the wording probably has more sense

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    OTR does 3 things so it needs to be more limiting then distortion. Otherwise what's the point of taking distortion over OTR?

    Personally I think distortion is fine - it's strong effect that can be totally useless if killer does not bring anything for auras or if killer has no TR or if killer takes multiple things for auras (draining the tokens too quickly).

    Calm spirit is still bad and that's the case even though it's the only counter to UW. It's about the same as shattered hope during boon-era.