Two times reported survivor teaming with killer - no one was ever banned

This is the second time that I have reported players who worked together. Every time one survivor working with the killer. Each time it was clearly visible in the video how the respective survivors worked together with the killers and were allowed to escape as a reward.
In both cases, neither the survivor nor the killer was banned. All four people involved in this cases continued to collect reps or playtime on their Steam profiles after the ticket was processed by support. Also no player repord feedback was showen up.
So now my serious question. Is the collaboration between survivors (showing the location of the other survivors, body blocking them for the killer etc. for an save exit) even bannable? I ask because neither the EULA nor the TOS list this as a reason for a ban. Only the one support document lists this behavior as bannable but this is not part of the EULA or TOS. Can someone clarify?
I'm guessing you opened a ticket with a video proof?
I did a report a while ago, with a video. Their only reply was that they checked my report but couldn't tell me if the players would get a ban or not. Honestly, I don't think they care.
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'Working with the killer' is such a nebulous accusation.
I've been allegedly reported for 'working with the killer' before, but when survivors want to 'boop the snoot' or farm or run a slug race, and one of the four decides to have a tantrum instead, who's in the wrong? Then there's accidental sandbagging. No one in those situations deserves to be banned.
Even with 'video evidence' it can be difficult to determine malicious intent.
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My first thought is, were they farming not teaming?
I remember a game where the first thing that happened was the killer came up to me and nodded, I tbagged back, and we went around dropping pallets and smashing them, then another survivor came over and joined in, and then another. We worked together to get bloodpoints.
The last survivor spent the game hiding and doing gens. He didn't understand what was going on.
At one point, after the three of us had been hooked twice each, one survivor pointed at the survivor who thought it was a 'real' game. He got hooked, hooked gain, let go and escaped.
In the post-game chat he called us all cheaters and teamers and reported us.
My point being, sometimes games are not actual competetive games, the killer is playing or farming.
Only once or twice in all the years I have been playing have I seen a survivor actually work with the killer, and I confirmed it by seeing Twitch chat of them talking about it.
There won't be a ban without concrete proof.
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in the first match the questionable survivor jumped into the locker right to nearby survivors, waited for the killer to come and bodyblocked the other survivors. unhooked right in front of the killer and bodyblocked the survivors so the killer can down them again. the questionable survivor was accompanied to the gate by the killer and not hit once in the match. in steam the killer commented on the questionable survivor "+rep helpfully <ingame name>"
the second match the questionable survivor set down an item in front of the killer when only two survivors are left. the killer downed the questionable survivor and let him wiggle free. the survivor ran to the last known location of the other survivor. this repeated over several attempts since the other survivor was good at hidding in lockers. at the end the questionable survivor was given the hatch.
Both incidents were recorded in specatior mode, since I was already dead at the time and therefore from the perspective of the others and from that of the questionable survivor. I think both incidents are consistent with "Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage"
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My question is general. Is there even a penalty for "Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage" since it is neither against the EULA nor the TOS.
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There would be a penalty for genuine working with the killer to get other survivors killed yes.
It gives that as an example of reportable behaviour under 'unsportsmanlike conduct' when you go to report somebody.
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These examples sound pretty clear cut and there's not really any way to misinterpret them as anything but survivor and killer working together to get other survivors killed.
All I would add is, was there no farming going on throughout the game that you hadn't noticed? In my example in an earlier post three of us were farming and one person wasn't, he got hooked and accused us all of cheating, we were just farming.
Wait to see if you hear back about it, if not, tweet the devs and offer your video evidence. The game is better for everybody if these players aren't in the games.
Would love to see the video, why don't you upload it to YouTube and link us.
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Both were dealt with by support with the usual final sentence. "We'll take a look at this and take additional action if it is needed, but please note that we will not be able to inform you of the outcome of this report."
I don't care about these players being banned. I just want to know if I can save myself the time for pointless reports in the future. Uploading the video and describing the situation takes longer than the game itself. I can't post the videos themselves because you can see the players' steam profiles in them.
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I imagine for a game that has 30k peak simultaneous players on steam alone they need to triage their report tickets and allegedly teaming isn't as high priority as hackers
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There is the possibility they were banned with a time limit. Something like this is probably more of a warning or 24 hours the first time.
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The rules section on the bhvr support page lists "working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates" as a temp-ban worthy offense. A following post of yours of your mentions that your report was looked at, possibly with additional action taken.
To me that suggests that reporting such infractions makes dbd a more pleasant place.
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I was reported for allegedly working with the killer multiple times. I remember a game against a Knight who hit me half way through shack. He looked at me in shock, started shaking his head and left without picking me up. After that the game continued like normal. Later on I was lucky to be the last remaining survivor and after the killer downed me they gave me hatch. The other survivors were not happy about this.
I also had a game as killer against a 3 people SWF, who did 10 minutes of non stop macros. It got so bad that I had to turn off the sound completely because I was getting a headache and felt nauseous (sensory overload is not fun). After that I got a lucky down in a good spot and camped that guy to death. The other 2 followed suit. The last survivor had nothing to do with this, so I gave them hatch. Guess what. We were both reported for "teaming up".
So I'm happy they don't go around banning people left and right over this kind of stuff.
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if it’s so arbitrary why even make it a rule violation?
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someone knows how long this time based bans are? If the time is really only 24 hours or less, then it is entirely possible that the players were punished.
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I doubt players are going to get insta banned on the first report.
It's a hard one to prove and I think it's a common accusation. I've had a few salty players threaten me with this after a game when I've done nothing of the sort.
One where I released 2 survs after killing them and one the other day where I was apparently working with killer when I played surv. Because yeah, i was clearly working with that blight who face camped me and was hitting me on hook 🤣 some people are unhinged.
I'd rather bhvr waited to see a pattern of behaviour rather than knee jerk ban people everytime they get reported
I'm pretty sure it is against the rules though, it is specifically mentioned in the report tab under griefing.
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Forcing that 4th player to farm by pointing him out to the Killer is against BHVR's rules.
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I'm not sure how long they might range from but I got a ban once for 24 hours. If I remember right, it was for unsportsmanlike conduct . I was still some what new to the game at the time and never knew what I actually did.
I do know several streamers have also received 24 hours bans over the years. That might mean it's kind of the normal time for them.
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having obviously sandbagging survivors especially for absolutely no reason sucks, but ugh i'm so glad that rule isn't strictly enforced. i can't imagine the pressure i'd feel playing on either side since so many actions have potential to violate it.