Why don't Doctor have a infinite range terror radius?

I don't really understand his power. He's here to spread terror and hallucinations but you have to invest an entire build to at least increase his terror radius which sucks bad and you can only reach so far until I reach the limit. If they want to play stealth doctor then they could change his addons or use oblivious/undetectable perks?

My first thought playing against doctor as dwight was whenever I get close to doctor, my madness would passively increase but I soon came to realize that wasn't true. Another weird thing is his fake doctors never move. Why is that?

Anyway I hope someone could explain all this to me.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612

    tbf plague and legion exist. And on the map wide spread of power. i mean we got new sadako now who can actually kill you with her map wide increases. Doctor just stalls the team every 60 seconds if they go madness 3. But yeah honestly id just make his normal tr bigger to like 40 meters to not make the bigger tr such a mandatory thing using his addons. So you can use more of a spread.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    But that's the extent of their power. Legion in particular gets the first hit, but is then just an M1 killer if they don't get 5 chain-hits off.

    As for Plague, you can heal against her. That's included in her power. If you don't, she's also just an M1 with improved mid-chase tracking.

    Sadako is the best comparison, I guess, but even then she doesn't just know where you are when she teleports. And, once again, she's also just an M1 killer with some mindgame potential.

    The thing with this Doc hypothetical is that everything mentioned is happening at once. You have no idea how far he is, you are not healing, period if you don't bring Inner Healing. He gets map-wide pings every minute or less, AND can force a map-wide DMS at the literal tap of a button. AND that's not even mentioning Doc has anti-loop.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612
    edited September 2023

    i mean even with all doc has, he's not really good in the current gamestate. Probably because to make his antiloop actually comparable to other options available you need the purple and the green for making your shock stronger. They have been his go-tos to allow him to get better shocks for antiloop. The map wide ping is nice every 60 seconds but if ya can't get the downs your only stalling the inevitable ofc. But eitherway i was only up for making his default tr bigger and probably nerfing the calms so that he doesn't need a calm addon to play into his blast more by default. He could have say a 40 meter like wesker. Because having the 40 meters from calm makes your blast a good bit more consistent with the amount of extra ground it can cover.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    Because you actually should have to work for your abilities to have impact ... in a nutshell.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Because map wide terror radius is insane. Coulraphobia + sloppy butcher + unnerving presence would make it literally impossible to heal.

    Because hitting every surv with static blast everytime you fire it would be broken.

    Because it would make the terror radius useless for survivors and tbh hearing a heartbeat all match would just be irritating.

    Overwhelming presence would rinse all survivors items all game.

    Starstruck would expose everyone on the map when you pick up. Add bbq and you can just chain easy downs so quickly.

    Quite simply it would break so many TR based perks as well as messing hugely with a basic game mechanic. It would just make doctor so unfun to play against. Like way worse than nurse.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    Tbf on Starstruck, Doctor has no mobility so the getting exposed downs with Starstruck from further than 32m is not going to happen.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Sure but it'd certainly dissuade people from going for hook saves. Especially if you can't tell if he's proxy camping with the TR. Last thing we need is a build that helps hook campers.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    This question is self-explanatory.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    I mean, Doc can do that now with a dedicated build, sure. But it's only really effective on 2 maps (Gideon and Midwich), and takes up 1 perk slot at the very least to achieve.

    Imagine if he did all that by default, and then still gets to have a full build to go alongside it. On every map.

    why are we even arguing about this like its ever going to happen this is so silly

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Imagine if he did all that by default, and then still gets to have a full build to go alongside it. On every map.

    this is a problem why?

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    You really don’t think it’d be an issue that Doctor had the following basekit:

    Effectively no TR to signal his approach, because a map-wide TR becomes meaningless for indicating distance.

    Map-wide pings on a cooldown of a minute, for free. Increasing madness by 1 tier for every hit, allowing for even more tracking through add-ons. With the only counter being hiding in a locker immediately when you hear the very low and quiet wind-up.

    Effective incapacitation at tier 3, which admittedly doesn’t last too long but that’s besides the point. It happens every three minutes, too.

    The ability to force survivors to let go off gens across the map, regardless of where he is or what he’s doing, meaning guaranteed DMS value, only countered by a really contrived game of prediction on the survivors’ end.

    Effective on every map. Not just the Game. Every map.

    Whilst still allowing him the luxury of having a full build without the need to dedicate anything to expanding his TR??

    AND the fact Doc still has his anti-loop M2 ability?

    Mind you, a Doc that has a map-wide terror radius by default does not need to run perks or add-ons to increase his TR. Hell, Distressing and M&A are then completely useless on him. So what’s a Doc gonna run? Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence, Unnerving Presence, DMS, Jolt, Starstruck, Ultimate Weapon, Infectious, etc.. Only players actively handicapping themselves would not run perks to abuse the fact that his TR is map-wide. Hell, he can forgo information perks entirely, because he gets map-wide pings every minute.

    You really don’t think that’s an issue?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    It's every 2 minutes really, because survivors only reset back to T1.

    T1 at start of match, T2 - 60 seconds later, T3 - 2 minutes later, reset to T1 (takes 12 seconds), T2 - 60 seconds later, T3 - 2 minutes later, repeat.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    You’re taking the piss right

    please explain how it would not be, at the very least, counterintuitive as hell to face.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Because it would be broken as all heck.

    He'd get infinite map pressure with Static Blast, terror radius perks would be absolutely busted, you'd have no way to tell how far/how close he really is. No killer should have an infinite terror radius.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    oh no. doctor can pressure the team with his ability/perk synergy. that is too crazy. doctor already does that on gideon's. global tr just allows him to pressure team on every map. pressuring team must be an instant win for the killer.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited September 2023

    I mean yeah that's how killers win. Having constant mapwide pressure is so stupid. Like imagine using DMS, you hook a surv then static blast a few secs after, everyone gets knocked off the gen, then locked out. You know exactly what gens are being worked and have incredible slowdown.

    Coulraphobia+sloppy makes healing virtually impossible, add unnerving presence and it becomes literally impossible.

    Doctor is a very mid killer but infinite TR on him would be broken and make for some absolute awful games. Idk why you're defending the idea.

    Like I run the no healing build on gideons with bbq or spies or some other perk to find survs. and it's ridiculous, 1/2 gens get finished at most, dread to think what it'd be like if you could run that build on every map with the same result.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    dms requires hooks. it also only lasts 30 seconds from hook. it is not like doctor is very mobile as a killer, so by the time he starts next chase, the gen-blocking is probably already over.

    Coulraphobia+sloppy makes healing virtually impossible, add unnerving presence and it becomes literally impossible.

    it is like playing vs tuft of hair myer's. your 1 hit for entire game after you use your first health-state. it is also not impossible to heal if you have autodidact or run we'll make it. it takes 20 second for we'll make it to heal you and autodidact takes like... maybe 8 seconds depending on skill-check RNG on autodidact 5.

    Like I run the no healing build on gideons with bbq or spies or some other perk to find survs. and it's ridiculous, 1/2 gens get finished at most, dread to think what it'd be like if you could run that build on every map with the same result.

    Doctor's shock therapy anti-loop is pretty strong in gideon's. I am not denying that the build is not strong but it is far from unbeatable. 1-2 gens is survivor skill issue with gen progression and ineffective looping of his power.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    You're missing the point. Dms slows down gens. I'm not saying it gives auto hits but it buys doctor a lot of time. And at least meyers needs to stalk for long periods of time to build up to permanent exposed.

    And you're arguing minutiae, sure you can run healing perks and there are other counters to the build. But survs don't know what killer they are getting. You can't have killers that are broken OP unless at least 2 survs bring very specific builds that are pretty useless in most matches. . Next to nobody runs autodidact or we'll make it. I'm not even sure how well autodidact would work, i haven't seen how the no heal skillcheck doctor build would work against it.

    A mapwide terror radius is insanely broken. It would be too mechanically strong for most teams to deal with. Bearing in mind that most of the surv players in the game aren't seal team 6 level swfs. It breaks a lot of perks and permanently messes with one of the most basic basekit things a survivor has for tracking the killer.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Can you imagine Impossible Skillchecks Doc being effective on every map instead of only The Game and School maps?

    The killer main in me loves the idea, but the empath who wants everybody to enjoy the game is like this: ":o"