What if you could suggest a change to the game ?

rafajsp Member Posts: 475

Pick one, maybe it can help with ideas.

What if you could suggest a change to the game ? 36 votes

Change Gen mechanic (Nobody like sitting there 1 hours anyways)
GibberishDhurl421GuiltiiFITZ2808DepressedlegionnemimainCvol4rDreekerKhylwchcuteaggression 10 votes
Change Hook mechanic (IMO this is the source of most problems ingame)
BlueberryF60_31Archol123TheMetalOneCatnipLove09SHARKBOSS 6 votes
Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)
ExerlinrafajspMarc_go_solosizzlingmario4rvzrvzrvz[Deleted User]lilysrealm 7 votes
Change Slug mechanic (A simple give up Button could do the trick)
DimekScary_Punk_GhostMrSheep51EEPSkillfulstoneYusoka 6 votes
More Chase options (loops, mechanics etc)
Viktor1853SmoeAoltremegafox69FanOfDBD101SexArcanaFelgoose 7 votes


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Change Hook mechanic (IMO this is the source of most problems ingame)

    The source of unfun games is making the win condition kills instead of hooks.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)

    Well said.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Who's to say everyone would follow the win condition anyway?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Change Hook mechanic (IMO this is the source of most problems ingame)

    "Everyone" would never follow anything. However with rank incentives and rewards I think most would.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Truthfully the only thing I'd really like to see is an early game mechanic that would help weaker killers that isn't Corrupt.

    I don't know how they'd incorporate this without having it make playing against Nurse or Blight even more difficult, though.

    We could just buff the weakest killers to give them more of a fighting chance, but we don't have time for rational solutions!

  • lilysrealm
    lilysrealm Member Posts: 5
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)

    please give me basekit shadowborn.

    its all i want bhvr.

    i cant play without it.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
    Change Hook mechanic (IMO this is the source of most problems ingame)

    buff billy tho

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)

    Agreed 100%

  • lilysrealm
    lilysrealm Member Posts: 5
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)


  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)


    I'm not here to flame but seem that a new game in the town give us all we asked for and dreamed for DBD.

    Even slug is not possible ...

    I always asked myself WHY the hell we have to be hooked 3 times like "how much lives do we have in real life ? i know it's a game but does not make sense".

    Finally fun and objectives. God so satisfying.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Do you think a BP reward would be enough or would it be meaningless? For example, you could get a "first hook" score event for each survivor that gives you like 5k?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023
    Change Hook mechanic (IMO this is the source of most problems ingame)

    It might help a tiny bit but I'd lean toward more meaningless. Needs to be part of the pipping and MMR ranking to fully affect it.

  • SexArcana
    SexArcana Member Posts: 8
    More Chase options (loops, mechanics etc)

    I personally don't really like looping, I prefer being able to make high investment plays where I can immediately disappear, and that's what I make my build around most of the time. I'd like to see a new way to throw off the killer in a chase other than blinding/stunning, which is part of why I really like Chemical Trap in the PTB. Chase escapes are far more enjoyable when you have more going into them than just running away for 20 minutes.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)

    They need to re-adjust overpowered extras first to make the game more balanced so everyone has a chance, rather than people slapping on one thing and becoming too overpowered. Then new stuff like chase options and variety can be built on that.

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)

    I agree with this.

    Honeslty, at this point of 1000000 perks and addons i would kinda remake the game:

    • Remove killer perks make Base only.
    • Remove all survivor items make Base only.
    • Restrict perks to 3 for each survivor because i think 4 is toooo much.
    • Rework Bloodlust (This is when problems started in the game imo.)
    • Rework Hooks ( This is old and noone has 3 lives ...)

    Then work on maps/gens. Maybe reduce gens to 4, make another escape condition or even remove this mechanic.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Change/Remove OP addons (BPN, Purples, Killers addons, Surv Addons etc ...)

    Not sure if I'd go that drastic, although I do see what you are trying to do. Items and killer perks still have a role to play, they just need to be toned down a fair bit. Make minor changes, rather than hugely powerful ones.

    I would say that killer add-ons should be a mixture between buffing the power, but also reworking it in a way for different tactics. The Wraith definitely is the model killer, as even his meme perk "the beast" offers other alternatives, such as more of a sinister approach or allowing terror radius perks to work alongside.

    Survivor items I would (perhaps controversely) revert to not being kept after a trial, unless they have an add-on which allows it. Bloodwebs are easy to grab stuff and replenish, as are gather from chests. Instead, both survivors and killers could gather resources during the trial to craft items.

    Overall, restructuring the game would perhaps offer some healthy changes. Perhaps this may be where the team are considering to go with different game modes? Who knows.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163
    More Chase options (loops, mechanics etc)

    The biggest change the game needs is mkb support for console. More console players would play killer, and fewer crap survivors will have inflated MMR from 360ing.