On this day, another MFT hater was born

Balanced perk though y'all. I only use it because it's "fun" not because it's busted.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,067
    edited September 2023

    I don't think there's a single time where MfT mattered. Thats more Gideon being Gideon and the killer refusing to let go which is probably the worst thing you can do

    EDIT: Upon rewatching it MfT did make a difference a few times, how ever this mainly just showcases overcommitting is one of the worst things you can do as killer, MfT just exaggerates it.

    Post edited by Shroompy on
  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Did you miss the fact I was able to run for a mile and a half after every pallet drop, and how many times I got narrowly bailed out?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    yea... i really don't get mft defenders. be a man and just take it, say you enjoy using a broken perk it's fine. it's not like a gimmicky perk like blast mine, pebble or whatever. it's simple, flat movement speed how tf can that be "fun"? obviously it's fun because it's free and omega strong.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    That baby Legion was P85 and sent himself confidently to Gideon (mistake #1). Then he hard overcommitted to me without pressuring gens (mistake #2) when I had MFT equipped (mistake #3). Where did I almost spin him by running in a straight line? The clip evidently isn't meant to showcase the Legion's skill or lack thereof, it showcases how busted MFT is, especially when combined with a pallet-dense map like Gideon. I would have gone down 4 separate times in that chase if it wasn't for MFT.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    MfT or not , this Legion would lose this map no matter what. Gideon is problematic for m1 killers.

    And it's really hard to tell if survivor has MfT or not. Other exhaustion perks are giving you clear information, so you know it. But you just can assume if survivor has it or not, you can't be sure 100%. So mistake 3 is actually not mistake.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    BP does not equate to skill level, only playtime. While there is a soft correlation, that isn't hard evidence. Especially since the Legion didn't know such basic facets of their Killer like using power for speed/distance loses you distance if they are already injured.

    You almost spun him by running straight when you fell down the hole in the Bathroom achievement gen at ~25s.

    Now to be fair, if he sent you to Gideons with Iri Button, he might have simply had a pallet break tome, and you gave him all the tome progress he needed. I do the same myself with Bubba/Nemmy/Blight.

    If this was meant to showcase MfT being busted, you would specifically include the timestamps of every loop that required the 3% to dodge the Legion. I did see 1 or 2 pallets/vaults that were MfT exclusive from my memory, but that Legion was certainly not playing as though they were playing to win (again unless their wincon was pallet break tome).

    Like I said originally, if that Legion wanted to win, they would corral and down people in the deadzones you created for them, or Deep Wound injure you in the first place.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    You def where going to get face camped

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    The Killer was either completely new or was on a pallet break challenge. Since the Killer wouldn't hit you when repeat vaulting a pallet, would swing at air when you passed a pallet without dropping, looked like they were baiting pallet drops and hit you at the exit gates in such a way that you fell forward into the gate even though there was the opportunity to hit you so you would fall away from the gate I'm betting on pallet break challenge.

    I play Gideon quite often as well when I have a pallet break challenge (I usually use Billy with Lo Pro though). It's a great map for doing that challenge quickly.

  • Avo
    Avo Member Posts: 190

    I love how killer mains are whining everything about survivor perks while they are playing with most op perk and addons. Imagine saying MfT is broken while getting bloodlust free.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Gunna have to disagree here. Managing a Killer's Bloodlust is a Survivor skill as well as a Killer skill. Stuns drop 1 level, and a pallet kick drops all levels. Putting the Killer into a position that forces them to kick the pallet ensures you can carry on the chase to the next loop. If you fail at the stun, then they can simply Bloodlust you at the weaker filler pallets. To an extent that is what makes Xeno so oppressive, as they can respect the pallet and change this formula to a Killer only win instead.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    ask them if they know what shift teching is 🤭

    and yes surely mft is justified because bloodlust exists, like the sole reason for its existence isn't the poorly designed maps... i really wonder how they feel about new rancid and cowshed, where killers actually don't need bloodlust.

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  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    He wasn't hitting me when I was vaulting because I was denying the iri button value, and hitting me would give me more distance. He also tried pretty hard to deny me the gate, considering he had free downs on both and chose to keep going after me.

    I didn't run straight, I specifically made an effort to run behind him to confuse him and possibly get the pallet, which didn't work.

    I would say considering our chase literally starts with him slugging someone to greed for a down on me, and going out of his way to get me specifically from getting gate, I'd say he was at least trying a little bit.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Calling what he did as 'trying' would be like saying a blinkless add-onless Nurse is 'trying'. He had to intentionally hinder his efforts to down you in so many facets everyone has already described, that it was implausible for me to believe he was doing anything other than a pallet tome.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,941
    edited September 2023

    There is a reason why broken Survivor perks are more problematic, all survivors are the same (or should be outside of vault bugs)... whereas all killers are not the same.

    Sure, there are certain killer perks, certain add-ons, certain killer powers that are problematic, however it only affects games with that killer, not every single game, unless the killer perk is REALLY busted. If survivors on the otherhand have a consistent best choice, then everyone runs the same build, which is exactly what is happening right now, and has happened in the past with similar broken perks.

    MFT being overtuned is overtuned for every survivor that runs it, but Bloodlust does not affect every single killer, as a lot of killers will use their power or break a pallet, and disable bloodlust often.

    Killers who you will typically see with bloodlust are, Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Shape, Legion and Ghost Face to name few... conveniently the ones who hate MFT.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Like what, for example? He had the right general idea for most of the trial; he used Iri Button to get rid of pallets and the subsequent power to catch up quicker, he tried to mindgame any pallet he could, he used power to catch up when I had lots of distance on him. He lost because 1) he overcommitted 2) the map is too safe 3) MFT made me impossible to catch in a map this safe. I would have died maybe a minute or two into that chase without MFT.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    "That baby Legion was P85 and sent himself confidently to Gideon (mistake #1). Then he hard overcommitted to me without pressuring gens (mistake #2)" You already stated 2 very clear reasons that had nothing to do with MfT.

    I also already said "Like I said originally, if that Legion wanted to win, they would corral and down people in the deadzones you created for them, or Deep Wound injure you in the first place." so that's 2 more flaws with his strategy. As well as a third flaw I already stated "Especially since the Legion didn't know such basic facets of their Killer like using power for speed/distance loses you distance if they are already injured."

    So just between the two of us, we came up with 5 flaws in his strategy that had nothing to do with MfT, and I didn't even check what other people had to say. Using Iri button is good when they are healthy, or currently Deep Wounded, but not when they are injured spamming vaults while waiting out the power.

    Even then, when you don't overcommit, Gideons isn't that safe. You burn the god pallets closest to gens, then you get free hits at those gens for the rest of the match. This is even worse for Survs if you are a Killer like Ghosty who can threaten the 99'd mark to force the pallet toss, then use it immediately after to still get value. Gideons is different from most maps, in that it requires predominantly macro strategy (map resources and gen/hook pressure), and minimal micro strategy (chase mindgames). The Legion not recognizing that is another reason why I consider them a baby Killer (again assuming they weren't just there for the pallet tome).