Btw, all you have to do to fix the embeds on mobile is change the beginning of the link to “twitter” instead of “x”.
Flashlights Killswitched

Good news!
This includes Residual Manifest, Dramaturgy and Appraisal.
Btw, all you have to do to fix the embeds on mobile is change the beginning of the link to “twitter” instead of “x”.
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That’s great to know, thank you.
Also really funny that it works like that
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Mandy confirmed in another topic that survivors can still get flashlights from chests. Hopefully with the removal of perks to get items and bringing flashlights to trial, this will not be as widespread issue as it was over the weekend.
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The cut coin brigade:"our time has come"
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it IS a reason to actually use those...
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Good choice. To be fair, while i had seen the exploit being used several times (against me as killer and by a teammate as survivor), i like to mention that usually the exploiters teammates weren´t happy with that, and helped reporting or sometimes killing the exploit user. Even though the community is often toxic, there seems to be less tolerance with exploit users.
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The bug is still possible to do unfortunately. Had a ttv do it against a killer.
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The Wiretap/Blast Mine bug is apparently fine though.
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Who is saying it's fine?
The flashlight bug was being massively exploited causing many games to be held hostage by the exploiters. Thus the killswitch. If the blast mine bug is also a huge problem, it'll get killswitched too.
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This bug is more random chance and not something you can actually do by design. I'm sure they will get to fixing it at some point, but there isn't a certain situation where you can make this happen. It just happens once in a great while by chance.
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I've got bad news for you. Players who were already in the game when the killswitch was activated aren't affected by it. I've been running into quite a few survivors who can still use flashlights.
Although, if you're playing survivor and see someone else use the locker bug, you can jump into the locker to force them out.
Artist and Pyramid Head can also both hit survivors using the exploit.
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That's great!
Although I am kinda sad Appraisal is disabled because it's a major part of my main builds. I can understand why though.
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I feel you. I use Residual Manifest for its' synergy with Blast Mine, but I am fine with not having it for awhile as I play both Killer and Survivor.
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How is disabling Dramaturgy a good news? That perk was only thing left for me to have fun in this game