Why do Survivors still have flashlights?

They are supposed to be killswitched
Need to relaunch the game for killswitch to work. And you can get them in chests.
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If I recall correctly, you can still get them in chests from searching them. You simply don't have access to them in lobby via the perks that grant the item or the item itself.
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Survivors are holding them in the lobby before the game starts. I have them all killswitched on my platform, Nintendo Switch, but every match at least one Survivor brings one in.
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Maybe people who get there before the killswitch (so, the game don't have it yet kick of the game for a forced relaunch)
Or cheater
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Yea, as others have said, if you are in-game when the killswitch is implemented, you don't get kicked and can still use it until you quit the game. So like back when Wesker got killswitched, you could still face Weskers for a few hours until all the Wesker players actually quit the game. There was I am sure a non-zero number who just went to bed without closing the game so they could keep playing Wesker for days.
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Because instead of putting a complete stop to a gamebreaking exploit, they're just limiting it so it doesn't happen as often.
Very logical choice from BHVR as usual.
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Because the killswitch doesn't remove it from the game entirely, it removes it from being accessed in the menu. It would be near impossible to implement that.
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All they need to do is remove flashlights from the chest loot pool. If it's so easy to add firecrackers to them during events, surely it's just as easy to remove an item
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You do realize there's a patch before the event starts.
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I think there might be a case where survs get a flashlight out of a chest, escape with it or keep it after death via offering, and they appear to have one in the lobby.
I'm not sure tho, I stopped playing the game until the exploit is fixed and xeno gets some adjustments