And the STRONGEST killer in this meta is ...

Alright ... read down please

So, it's my tier list of killer, scaled by addons, power base kit and against good survivors, or if every survivor know the " counter play " of those. It's the PC version 7.2.1 of dead by daylight

So, you guys probably screaming of seeing, Artist that low, or Skull Merchant that high, or other killer.

It's in french btw so, it say :

S = Powerful strengths

A = strengths better than weakness

B = strengths same as weakness

C = Weakness too big for the strengths

D = terrible design

First, only the C tier is not ordered.

I placed the Skull Merchant that high because, it's the ONLY killer, who is benefit the most in this 3 gen slowy meta, if the killer manage to have an 3 gen (aka the strongest situation for the killer, for the mid / endgame), then it's an automatic won, and as you know, if the game last for One Hour, the killer won by default, The Skull Merchant, can't really loop, chase, no mobility, this killer only big strength is the stall and gen control, this killer DESTROY the survivors goal, not the gameplay or chase mecanic, but yes, the GOAL and in an 3 gen situation, if the killer is patient, like really patient, there is just no counterplay except, the dc. I placed this killer here, not because the skull merchant is strong, but because she abuse at the top efficient way to the game mecanics limits.

for the other parts of the tier list, let me know your suggests.

PS = if it was possible, I would put the Skull Merchant one tier above all of the other killer like an S+
