And the STRONGEST killer in this meta is ...

Alright ... read down please
So, it's my tier list of killer, scaled by addons, power base kit and against good survivors, or if every survivor know the " counter play " of those. It's the PC version 7.2.1 of dead by daylight
So, you guys probably screaming of seeing, Artist that low, or Skull Merchant that high, or other killer.
It's in french btw so, it say :
S = Powerful strengths
A = strengths better than weakness
B = strengths same as weakness
C = Weakness too big for the strengths
D = terrible design
First, only the C tier is not ordered.
I placed the Skull Merchant that high because, it's the ONLY killer, who is benefit the most in this 3 gen slowy meta, if the killer manage to have an 3 gen (aka the strongest situation for the killer, for the mid / endgame), then it's an automatic won, and as you know, if the game last for One Hour, the killer won by default, The Skull Merchant, can't really loop, chase, no mobility, this killer only big strength is the stall and gen control, this killer DESTROY the survivors goal, not the gameplay or chase mecanic, but yes, the GOAL and in an 3 gen situation, if the killer is patient, like really patient, there is just no counterplay except, the dc. I placed this killer here, not because the skull merchant is strong, but because she abuse at the top efficient way to the game mecanics limits.
for the other parts of the tier list, let me know your suggests.
PS = if it was possible, I would put the Skull Merchant one tier above all of the other killer like an S+
This is the only list in existence where my boy Trickster gets to be in the same tier as Pyramid Head and Artist.
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pleasure to be the first one :3
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Dont forget Artist and Larry sharing that tier as well
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This list is....questionable.
Artist A-tier, Singularity high B-tier and PH low A or high B
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Why is Freddy so high?
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Didn't know Twins were A tier...noted
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lemme be goofy tier list
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Pero si Freddy es peor que Myers, es fácilmente el 2 peor killer del juego
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please explain the placement of artist to me
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My opinions :
Artist in A tier, same with Pyramid head.
Demo in lower B tier.
Clown under Pig.
Freddy in D tier with Trapper and Myers.
Other placements are wanky but these are the outliers for me.
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If played really well, they are pretty strong yes.
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Uff that list have quite a lot of questionable positions.
I love Demo but its not top A almost S in any ways. Solid B.
Pyramyd head and Artist bottom? No way less than A.
Freddy over Pinhead? Not even in his dreams.(Ba dum tsss)
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I mean, Billy is not the strongest killer in the world and right now he has some different issues with the meta but placing him below Freddy and Clown is a bit of a stretch.
Freddy is arguable the second to worst killer in the game.
I also don't understand how Demogorgon would be that high. He is a decent killer but that's about it. He doesn't excell at anything and he has a terrible early game. Low to mid B-tier would be more accurate.
Pyramid Head and Artist in C-tier is a hot take for sure. I would love to hear your reasoning because I would place both of them in A-tier. Artist is potentially the third strongest killer in the game.
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Those are really good comment, thanks.
But .. I'm really surprise for the lack of comment about the Skull Merchant tbh, am I ... right ?
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They probably have never met a good Artist.
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Honestly, you aren't. She should be switched with Spirit. It's basically impossible to lose as SM if you know what you're doing.
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phew, I thought I had a disastrous opinion
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Actually, S would translate to "Overwhelming strength".
That being said I don't agree with the tier list on too many point to even start discussing it.
I agree Trapper & Myers are at the bottom though.