End game chat for consoles

Will end game chat ever be implemented for consoles? Just seems kinda odd to have cross-platform play but no way to talk to one another.
No we are the lucky ones who don't have to deal with that. I still get messages from time to time because I tunneled someone out at1-2 or called a camper because the whole team showed up to the hook and looped around it and refused to leave.
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No. Us console players are not allowed to speak after a match, we should just be grateful we get an end game lobby at all.
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Let's not.
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Wait you get an end game lobby?
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Not a chance, behaviour does not do a good enough job of policing their endgame chat for microsoft and sony to allow it into the game.
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This is likely very true.
Also they've been asked several times in past Q&A's about this, and the answer is always they have no plans to add it.
Besides, few are going to wait around 14 minutes while I painfully type out a sentence with my controller. Ain't got no keyboard tech over here!
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It would take me 10 years to write anything on controller
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Let's leave it off permanently
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No you don't want it. If the cross play users wanna text they will simply text thru the Microsoft app and tell you you're trash. I usually cracked up when this happens.
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Absolutely right. On Steam it's always the ones with the private profiles or don't allow public comments that talk about not being so sensitive. For them, being as racist/sexist/homophobic/etc as they want to be is the pinnacle of their existence.
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I hope not. I thoroughly enjoy being oblivious to end game chat.
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Sorry i cant tell if your being hyperbolic and disagreeing with me, or agreeing with me.
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I truly don't understand why console players want this so bad, I always turn it off so I don't have to deal with the salt
Not to mention by the time someone types a message with a controller everyone has already left
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If you have Xbox you can turn messages off so you don't have to deal with any messages at all. Don't know about PS.
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I'm agreeing with. I was adding the people who want the chat to be wide open are the ones who would be the biggest jerks about it.
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Jesus, I hope not!!! What a toxic affair that seems to be. Glad to not be a part of it.
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Yep! I have my messages turned off on PlayStation. 👍🏼
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Nice! It would be best for everyones health to have this, and disabled chat on PC. Just play, have fun and not have to worry about what teammates or opponents think about your performance.
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Why not?
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You can turn it off as well on ps but I don't have it off anymore. When I first started in 2018 if it wasn't off I got some kind of message no matter what.
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Why on earth would you want it?
I see not having it on console as a perk.
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People forget that keyboard and mouse Console players exist, DbD doesnt have KBM support, but you can still type into word boxes with them since it pulls up the Console text boxes to type in, so it does work in that regard... I typically use KBM to type in DbD Codes in the shop.
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I'm quite happy without a bunch of 10 year olds crying at the end, souring the taste.
There's very little that chatbox offers. Console feels better without it.
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Why would you want that? It's just toxic comments in the post-game chat. From time to time you get a "ggwp" but that's all.
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Personally, I wouldn't want this. Is that enough of a reason for others not to have it? Of course not (especially if there was a way to opt out of it). However, typing messages on console would take forever. When I can send "GG" to someone on my platform, I do. If they're not on my platform, I settle for a thumbs-up vote. If the purpose of adding post-game chat for console is strictly to say GG, then I think giving a thumbs up is the way to go. Ideally, BHVR will in time have a mechanic that lets you know that "so and so" gave you a thumbs up.
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I wish we had one for PS4 honestly..
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I'd love to chat to some of the players I encounter. But overall it's not worth it.
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Dude you console players are lucky to not have ingame chat.
Most of PC players just close the chat because we don't want to deal with 99% of toxicity.
Sometimes you miss the "well played" "gg" or nice game" but those are very rare.
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I come from Overwatch and there is a chat, awful stuff are being said but who cares it's just pixels. I want to be able to talk to my pc friends and say gg or say I brb
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You're truly better off without. Trust.
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As long as chat is off by default (as if you clicked the box) then there should be no problems. You can gauge the decision to open chat or ignore it.
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or just remove it from pc. its only used for toxic and just dm reasons. else its just dead. thats my expiriance with it.
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Funny how most of those pooping on the idea are coming from our PC cousins, who already have this chat. 😅🤣
Says a lot about the community!
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Don't forget Nintendo... They don't even allow you to message people on your friends list
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Stop this ba.
if you dont want it, dont use it.
theres tons of people who want it.
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We don't need more ways to be toxic.
We should remove EGC on PC as well.
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No we dont.
besides that, if we add egc for everyone, masbe people would stop private messaging people so it would actually reduce toxicity again and would stop forcing other to put everything to private.
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That....literally doesn't reduce toxicity at all, it just gives ANOTHER avenue to express it.
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They could always just give you guys pre-written prompts for GG, WP, etc. Then it avoids toxicity but still lets you express yourselves. It's weird that PC gamers are allowed to chat when we're clearly the most toxic :P
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sometime in the next 5 years
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Everyone that doesnt want text chat on console and the one who turns off messages are the most toxic players and its been proven
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a game where you literally kill people and you have grown adults crying about toxicity