why is that new oni skin barefoot??

I like my characters having shoes and isnt that some kind of fighting gear why wouldnt he have shoes??
These are the real problems in this game lol
Feet 😳🫣
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It's hardly the only barefoot killer/skin. Famously most of the female killers are barefoot, Myers hospital gown skin is barefoot, Wraith is barefoot.
Oni is a demon after all, I don't think shoes are a huge concern. Maybe he just wants to chill.
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many fighting styles are done barefoot...
can you share an image? the one on dbd twitter doesn't focus on what is going on the feet... and the users posting in game images are focusing on...let's say cake.
also apparenty david got a new skin? neat
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that is a fair point... and onis are commonly depicted barefoot and mostly naked...
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His feet have long and sharp claws in that skin, no shoes to fit that imo
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For the same reason why only 3 female Killers (excluding Legion) have shoes and they are all mistreated by BHVR. They really have a massive foot fetish.
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yeah I probably look like some weirdo with this post but idk theres something that bothers me with characters being bare foot in this game, I in fact like giving all characters that usually dont have any shoes a cosmetic that gives them some, like wraith, artist and huntress, idk I know im weird
what my point with this post was is to say I like the oni cosmetic bc it even gives him a sheath but idk the no-shoes part makes me dislike it lol
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If anyone has a foot fetish, it's this community and bhvr knows this, if something sells then they're gonna do more of it.
Supply and Demand as they call it.