What have you done again.

Survivor fast vaults do not align with the expected animation resulting in different distance achieved between male and female Survivors.
oh no.
It just means the bug is still here and hasn't been fixed. Still sucks, but it's not worst.
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Yes they do result in different animations. But the hitbox for fast vault is still the same as a medium vault. This is the real issue that needs to be addressed. To hell with the animation. Why do we have fast vaults if it's just going to count as a medium.
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First off, male survivors do get more distance. It's not only a visual bug.
Second, fast vaults even on female survivors right now are different from medium vaults. For female survivors it is true to say that they get about the same amount of distance for fast vaults and medium vaults, however the fast vault is still considerably faster. A fast vault takes 0.5 seconds while a medium vault takes 0.9 seconds. So a fast vault is almost double the speed. This also means that the hitbox is in fact not the same because it moves at a much quicker pace.
Fast vaults on male survivors give you more distance as well. You can stand still behind a window and the killer should not be able to hit you (granted the game doesn't do a funny).
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Your HITBOX still takes the same amount of time to move as a MEDIUM vault and that's the underlying issue.
Fast vaults were originally fixed to correctly give distance when fast vaulting however that was rolled back.
Go back to some old trapper footage you'll notice traps at a distance from a window to account for this but now we're back to how it was. You fast vault a window and the trap still gets you if it's against the window and btw when I say old trapper footage I mean like pre 6.0
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Wrong. This is either a blatant lie or a misconception.
If that was true, that would lead to the survivor hitbox lacking behind considerably. With no chance of it fixing itself as long as the survivor doesn't stand still for a moment. That would even allow the survivor to glitch into objects momentarily. But that it is not the case.
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Go test it. See what happens.
See how many times you get hit when you're 3 steps from a window after a fast vault.
And yes any trapper pro will tell you the same thing. The traps were always placed a small distance from the windows to catch fast vaulting survivors as you could JUMP over them.
Go back yourself it's not hard to roll back to an older version of the game and test.
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There has been no change to the vault in the current hotfix, we're acknowledging that there is currently a bug with the vault animation. It's also something that we acknowledged in our recent Reddit AMA.
There will be a fix for this in an upcoming PTB. But we wanted to acknowledge that this was on our radar and is being worked on.
This is pretty specific to fast vaults and the distance gained as well as the difference between male and female survivors - just to be a bit more specific.
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That fix was rolled back because it wasn't giving the correct distance, it was going too far from the vault location.
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Have you been living under a rock for the past month?
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So being hit when 3 steps from a window after a fast vault or a killer being stunned on the the other side of a pallet and the survivor being wounded while running away ior dying on the floor s an intended game mechanic?
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there's an upcoming PTB? when? do we have an ETA?
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What should we be expecting when it comes to fixing this issue? After the fix, will all vaults be similar to the current male vaults (which are giving more distance than females/female vaults aren’t giving enough distance) or closer to the female vaults prior to the Alien release (when the male vaults were absurd)? Or something in between?
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God these vaults are horrible since Cage chapter. Cant wait for ptb ones to make them slightly better than now, still worse than they were before and call it a day forever