Xeno feels now like Nemesis but worse



  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    survivors complained and he got nerfed. I called it in my post the day he was released I believe. bhvr is too predictable with survivor crys. I can't try cool shots beacuase its like the xenomorph has a baby mid chase and gets so slow its comparable to standing still

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Yea, he feels very weak, he has no 1v4 game. A single turret to remove the power, which would be fine IF tail was any powerfull. The only ways to actually land a tail, is if a survivor stuck in animation.

  • Fuglylol
    Fuglylol Member Posts: 18

    You were able to hit almost every loop without any cd or punishment for missing.

    Hes still incredibly strong, has map presence, turrets are pretty useless, he can most of the times destroy them before they get him out of his power, theres no windup so its a lot harder to dodge than for example huntress. He has the antiloop of a huntress (probably stronger) and the mapcontrol of Demo (just much stronger). He also is a killer thats easy to tunnel/camp with, since he can leave hook and then come back through the tunnel the moment you unhook.

    If you think Xeno is weak, who is strong then?

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    he had a cooldown. he just wasnt slowed so much to the point youll have the same result by standing still lol